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    Usa "magnetic attraction" in una frase

    magnetic attraction frasi di esempio

    magnetic attraction

    1. Our magnetic attraction always hummed in the air whenever we were alone together

    2. times weaker than the force of electromagnetic attraction

    3. “Magnetic attraction” of which is said much in the books of Alice Bailey, in particular, in "Esoteric Psychology", this is precisely the tendency of particles identified with someone Information, to re-unite with the source of this information

    4. "Magnetic attraction" of Alice Bailey – this is the aspiration to incarnation

    5. Even when the girls were not reading they nearly always ran into the ladders, which seemed to possess a magnetic attraction for perambulators and go-carts of all kinds, whether propelled by nurses or mothers

    6. Katherine let him guide her where he would, as completely under his spell as in the first days of his magnetic attraction

    7. Jenks, in a recent lecture on “The Protection of Electric Light Stations from Lightning,” treats the subject very exhaustively, and shows that where the ability to locate electrical or magnetic attraction is vested in an individual the results are absolutely reliable

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