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    Usa "nightingale" in una frase

    nightingale frasi di esempio


    1. nightingale, as a present for the empress Agrippina, at the price of six thousand sestertii, equal to about fifty pounds of our present money ; and that Asinius Celer {Lib

    2. Seius gave for the nightingale the command of a quantity of labour and subsistence, equal to what £ 66:13: 4d

    3. The Chilean nightingale Maria Martha Esther Aldunate del Campo, her real name, died in nineteen ninety-seven in Santiago, Chile, in extreme poverty

    4. At the moment I'm trying to finish my new Jack Nightingale supernatural thriller Nightmare so I'm writing 18 hours a day! I haven't shaved or showered for three days so it's pretty unpleasant!

    5. Piers then started the engine and I got in and off we went with Des O’Connor crooning ‘Speed bonny boat like a bird on the wing, onward the sailors cry, carry the lad that’s born to be king, over the sea to Skye’, and Roger whistling away like a demented nightingale

    6. Jill Nightingale received a phone call from the stage that the

    7. advantage of his secretary, Jill Nightingale, because of her

    8. Jill Nightingale returned to her room after she had left the

    9. Nightingale had told him Ross was in on the conspiracy

    10. Florence Nightingale was a singer who became involved with the American flag

    11. Check out some of the tapes produced by the Nightingale organization and start listening to them during your commutes

    12. I lay awake through long nights, hearing first the nightingale, and then the chorus of birds at dawn, looking out upon the sunrise and trying to find consolation in external beauty

    13. The humming of bees, the sweet notes of the nightingale, the seven tunes in music, and all sounds are emanating from OM only

    14. This is what Earl Nightingale meant when he said “Success is the progressive realisation of a worthwhile ideal”

    15. In always the nightingale elopes in this darker

    16. I sat next to her and sang a song about a girl who heard a nightingale singing with her dead mother’s voice

    17. Additionally, they will also try to secure against all possible emergencies that the implementation of their design might cause, but the brute force of the current money mating money economy is stronger than the disconnected and often disagreeing wisdom cultures of after-the-beast-has-had-its-fill Florence Nightingale charities of bandages for the bitten, Red X rations for the starved, and telethon hope for the perpetually tortured

    18. Randi came out of her bedroom dressed as Florence Nightingale, while Rafael sat Indian style mediating and breathing, clearing out his thoughts in preparation for warfare

    19. We are all familiar with Florence Nightingale

    20. The magic drifts up and away with the shrinking song of the nightingale

    21. Earl Nightingale said:

    22. He had proposed to her arrayed in a blue flannel nightingale, and Priscilla felt that headlong self-effacement could go no further

    23. Nightingale syndrome? I knew that she had been his nurse while he was recuperating, and then I thought about how he had watched us the night of Imbolc

    24. The day in Richmond Park was charming, for we had a regular English picnic, and I had more splendid oaks and groups of deer than I could copy, also heard a nightingale, and saw larks go up

    25. He saw the soul of Orpheus changing into a swan because he would not be born of a woman; there was Thamyras becoming a nightingale; musical birds, like the swan, choosing to be men; the twentieth soul, which was that of Ajax, preferring the life of a lion to that of a man, in remembrance of the injustice which was done to him in the judgment of the arms; and Agamemnon, from a like enmity to human nature, passing into an eagle

    26. them all, even above that of the nightingale

    27. There he saw the soul which had once been Orpheus choosing the life of a swan out of enmity to the race of women, hating to be born of a woman because they had been his murderers; he beheld also the soul of Thamyras choosing the life of a nightingale; birds, on the other hand, like the swan and other musicians, wanting to be men

    28. The man, hearing nothing more, stood erect, and while Monte Cristo was completing his disguise had advanced straight to the secretary, whose lock was beginning to crack under his nightingale

    29. Six notches under thrush nightingale

    30. They reached the sheds in the twilight after sunset The summer nightfall was unbroken by owls and so quiet that they could plainly hear the intermittent, monotonous "Chug chug chug" of a nightingale in the distant woods

    31. Images of other automated birds such as the Die Zwitscher-Maschine of Paul Klee and the mechanical nightingale of the emperor of China came to mind but posed no insight into comprehending the key to the wind-up bird

    32. “A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square” was playing and I gradually pieced together that he was describing the way Judy Campbell had once performed the song

    33. This should be Sewer Girl, doing the Flo Nightingale

    34. It was a little too provoking even for her self-control that this blooming youngster should flourish on the disappointments of sadder and wiser people—making a meal of a nightingale and never knowing it—and that all the while his family should suppose that hers was in eager need of this sprig; and her vexation had fermented the more actively because of its total repression towards her husband

    35. There he beheld L®thien singing and dancing in a glade beside the enchanted river Esgalduin; and he named her Tin®viel, that is Nightingale in the language of old

    36. I lookt down upon the dancing Women as if I were a Nightingale or a Dove

    37. But sure, he could no more curb his Pen than a Nightingale can curb his Song

    38. The dogs all round the neighbourhood were howling, and in our shrubbery, seemingly just outside, a nightingale was singing

    39. I was dazed and stupid with pain and terror and weakness, but the sound of the nightingale seemed like the voice of my dead mother come back to comfort me

    40. " To families divided by questions of money and inheritance he said: "Look at the mountaineers of Devolny, a country so wild that the nightingale is not heard there once in fifty years

    41. What a festival everywhere! The nightingale is a gratuitous Elleviou

    42. ' A nightingale comes to the clump of acacias opposite your windows, every spring

    43. “Jane, do you hear that nightingale singing in the

    44. »›It was the nightingale and not the lark, that pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear!‹«

    45. General Booth Enters into Heaven (1913); The Congo (1914); The Chinese Nightingale (1917); Collected Poems (1923); Every Soul is a Circus (1929)

    46. Stauffer: The Golden Nightingale

    47. sat in the restaurant under the nightingale and made up my

    48. I quite realized that what had happened was only jschoolbojdshness, but the gravity of my purpose remained unchanged, I got some coffee at Vassilyevsky Island, purposely avoiding the restaurant I had been at the evening before on the Petersburg Side ; the restaurant and its nightingale were doubly hateful to me

    49. Do you remember that moonlight night, when the nightingale was singing?’

    50. Do you know the old Moscow anecdote a la Pyotr Ippolitovitch ? A nightingale was singing in a Moscow restaurant, a merchant came in ; 'I must have my fancy, whatever it costs, said he, ' what's the price of the nightingale ? ' ' A hmidred roubles

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