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    Usa "nodes" in una frase

    nodes frasi di esempio


    1. Usually it was notices of more processing nodes smashed to rubble and additional delays in getting souls into smaller targets

    2. Almost half the network nodes on the planet, over eight thousand, were within the single upland basin around the twelve thousand mile long series of lakes

    3. It had three southern arms, one seemed pointed at Alan's city, one at the city his girlfriend had come from, and one further west pointing at a basin with very few optical nodes

    4. There were neighborhood optical nodes there, no point was more than a few miles from one

    5. The nuclear generator’s maximum output had been factored in with any variable modulation of the TE device distribution nodes, which were now vibrating at an imperceptible rate

    6. The silver panel clattered to the ground, exposing a circuit board of optronic nodes and fibre optic channels

    7. Scott didn’t even respond, but instead leaned towards the console still attached to the nodes

    8. It had to be one of the nodes

    9. The tumor was primarily composed of fat cells instead of malignant ones, and there was no evidence it had spread, but some adjacent lymph nodes were removed as a precaution

    10. Your hands will instantly freeze to the nodes

    11. His hands grabbed the nodes as his knees hit the ground

    12. isolated and disconnected but appear as nodes (with em-

    13. The summation of these currents at the nodes

    14. The origin of the various nodes that evolve later into chakras is the

    15. collapse of the main vertical power current) In this case, the different nodes

    16. nodes, pulsating at fixed frequencies The pulsations and the intense mag-

    17. at the central channel, the nodes would be distributed along the knots in

    18. fields of the nodes in the meridian just below the surface of the magma

    19. to the nodes of meridians which are areas of intense magnetic fields They

    20. balls attracted to the highly charged and magnetised nodes in meridians are

    21. from the nodes to vital areas in the magma ovoid to supply energy absorbed

    22. closure, there is a blackout The nodes along the vertical channel of the

    23. pinch, collapsing to form nodes, which give rise to vortexes within our

    24. Whereas in the villages, everything is fresh and greeneries, there are no crowds, no pollution, and no suffocation; there are only ever whistling of fresh air; the sounds of rustling leaves; the beautiful birds are singing every time while sitting on the branches of trees and composed the musical nodes everywhere

    25. creation of New Nodes of Light

    26. I can also provide communication nodes to each of your ships that would allow

    27. “That is a wireless port,” Seven said, touching one of the nodes

    28. Removal of the lesion and surrounding lymph nodes was done followed by chemotherapy

    29. Select a soft side branch which has two three nodes, from where the new leaves or

    30. These tumors causes swelling in the lymph nodes and other parts of the body, over time, maligiant lymphocytes, eventually, the immune system becomes weakened and can no longer function properly

    31. Nodes in the tree correspond to receiving stations & edges correspond to transmission lines

    32. The boosters can only placed at the nodes of the tree

    33. Step-2 s[1,2] the visited nodes

    34. S[7]=F here min cost is 30 at 6 node but there is no path from 5 yo 6, so we consider 7 , 1,2,3,5,7 nodes visited

    35. Let G be a graph, Wij be the length of edge (i, j), where 1<=i, j<= n, and d(k)ij be the length of the shortest path between nodes I and j, for 1<= i, j, k<=n, without passing through any nodes numbered greater than k

    36. i) A BST with n identifiers will have n internal nodes and n+ 1 external node

    37. iv)Hence the expected cost contribution from the internal nodes for ai is P (i) * level (ai)

    38. “The process of traversing all the nodes or vertices on a graph is called graph traversal”

    39. • This is called pruning the state space tree, and the sub tree consisting of the visited nodes is called the pruned state space tree

    40. E-node: The live nodes whose children are currently being generated is called E-node (node being expanded)

    41. Bounding function: It will be used to kill live nodes without generating all their children

    42. x)But the path (1, 4) cannot lead to answer nodes

    43. The problem is to color the vertices of G using only m colors in such a way that no two adjacent nodes / vertices have the same color

    44. iii)If they do not match, then algorithm runs on the child nodes

    45. The number above the nodes indicates the order in which the nodes are generated

    46. If two nodes have the same lower bounds, expand the node with the lower upper bound

    47. Proof: consider two nodes in V/S: if there is an edge connecting them, then one of them must be in S, which means one of them is not in V/S

    48. In the Steiner tree problem for G’, choose C to be the set of all nodes (u, v)

    49. time and decreased spread of cancer to lymph nodes in women with early stages of

    50. lymph nodes, and/or mild fever

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