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    Usa "oaters" in una frase

    oaters frasi di esempio


    1. It was no cloud but a huge airship, one of the floaters he allowed the rich in his universe

    2. specially-built wagons and heavy-duty floaters

    3. the wagons and floaters were pulled by people

    4. There was more money, genetics was invented, there were high speed vehicles that glided on tracks all around the world, huge mechanical floaters in the skies and maybe even ships that were able to leave the world entirely

    5. They were pictured as bigger than today's floaters with open decks and enormous sausage balloons and horizontal fans to drive them, peddled by most of the troops aboard

    6. This seemed to be the only part of the immediate area that wasn't occupied by something pertaining to the care and feeding of floaters

    7. But after all your travels you can at least stick around here til then," Desa said, "or are you still getting whisked around on floaters?"

    8. recreational and commercial boaters as the “skimmer

    9. The Coast Guard protects recreational and commercial boaters when storms and seas are raging

    10. Unwary, ignorant, or suspicious boaters experienced the approach of lights, screaming sirens, armed Coast Guard helicopters and sea craft, and local police boats

    11. Boaters have been ordered to stop and accept the boarding of inspection teams

    12. A rescue official told news reporters that the cold Lake Superior water is never safe, and life vests should always be used by swimmers and boaters (Hamilton, “Boy Missing…,” 2005)

    13. The Coast Guard Reserve Act of 1939 was initially was intended to train civilians to assist the Coast Guard in monitoring the growing number of pleasure boaters in ceremonial, marine safety, and inspection operations

    14. After 1986 the USCG modified its random drug search policy when boaters registered complaints about alleged boardings without cause, and the perception that Great Lakes drug trafficking was negligible

    15. made its way under moonlit skies out of Station Wilmette harbor in search of intoxicated boaters

    16. Lights and sirens induced targeted boaters to stop and cooperate with armed USCG boarding teams from the Defender Class Homeland Security patrol boat, powered by two 225 HP engines

    17. Michael Hegedus, chief of the Group Milwaukee law enforcement division, said the rigid policy was necessary for the protection of all boaters in the heavy vessel traffic of Lake Michigan (Mosley, “Enforcing Boating Safety,” 2005)

    18. Station Bayfield has invited area residents, boaters and non-boaters to the unit facilities to learn about USCG

    19. Within seconds the landscape turned into the expanse of Long Island Sound, its contents still as glass, except for three or four boaters trying to extend their summer

    20. (Q) What causes ‘floaters’ in the eyes?

    21. The floaters in this area are caused by small sections of nerve and eye matter separating from the eye or nerves

    22. (Q) What can be done to eliminate ‘floaters’ in the eyes?

    23. (Q) What can be done to prevent ‘floaters’ in the eyes?

    24. FLOATERS (in the eyes): This is not something in the eye but something on the exterior

    25. This debris or what is commonly called floaters in the eyes are caused by small sections of nerve and eye matter separating from the eye or nerves

    26. trick of the professional helmsman, one that few pleasure boaters knew and

    27. He didn't want to be seen and risk having other boaters pull

    28. away from other boaters and just where he needed to be

    29. Air traffic whipped by beneath us as the floaters whizzed to their destinations, and beneath that was the city itself: towering monoliths so massive that the entire upper section of the city hung in the air, interconnected islands of commerce that grew like barnacles from their colossal host buildings

    30. guard was nowhere in sight and the other boaters were

    31. waiters in striped red and white jackets with straw boaters, beer in pitchers

    32. Quite a few boaters chased him with oars!

    33. Kara hadn’t made it up — they really did think of us as homeless floaters

    34.  Patients may present with floaters, squiggly lines, or flashes of light

    35. The magazine offered its waterfront area as an anchorage for passing boaters, including the large wooden schooners that carried dozens of tourists for week-long cruises around the Maine coast

    36. Then he peeped into the kitchen, where Crass was still seated by the fire, smoking and toasting one of the bloaters at the end of a pointed stick

    37. To judge by the eagerness with which they longed for dinner-time, one might have thought they had some glorious banquet to look forward to instead of bread and cheese and onions, or bloaters - and stewed tea

    38. Old Jack Linden had tried hard to earn a little money by selling bloaters, but they often went bad, and even when he managed to sell them all the profit was so slight that it was not worth doing

    39. She had on a navy skirt, white blouse, boaters

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