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    Usa "obligations" in una frase

    obligations frasi di esempio


    1. I certainly understand that you have obligations and needs that eat into your time

    2. "There's a lot at stake," she said, "More than you could know, but I do care for you more than you think and that fact is making it difficult to fulfill my obligations

    3. " Most women today are juggling a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feeling the strain

    4. In the carrying out our obligations there is an area of expediency

    5. ever gave it may truly be said that, with regard to carrying out obligations, God did say how and yet He did not say how

    6. S o far as co n cern s church obligations, elders of the congregation are authority in the realm of expediency

    7. It prefers the religious thing that brings no life, but fulfills all obligations

    8. Not even his obligations to the festival rehearsal the other night nor even the festival itself yesterday

    9. I have no obligations as far as the house is concerned – it is Karen’s outright

    10. What are some of the legal obligations that come along with a Federal grant?

    11. I shall endeavor to fulfill my several obligations to you in just payment for your faith in me

    12. This is my life and obligations in my family and I think I can't be out of this being financial support until I'll be married and have my own family

    13. Abuse of alcohol or a substance leads to failure in fulfilling major obligations at

    14. own obligations to the church and keep your families fed,

    15. her own obligations and that of Jacques, however, and

    16. Joe remained faithful to his wife and attentive to his children, but he carried out his assumed conjugal obligations more by a passive inertia than with the throbbing, emotional energy that had formerly been present

    17. “Return to your post; but know this: I will not intentionally influence your sworn obligations to the Guild

    18. If, of late, his movements had become more laboured or his gait a touch more sluggish, then the cause was surely, in equal measure, as much the constant burden of his professional obligations as the sumptuous lunches which he forced himself to endure, in order to maintain both his strength and his spirits

    19. I do, however, also have certain obligations to the One

    20. Her sisters and the others were instantly cautious, “What sort of obligations?” Ravena probed

    21. balancing the people's welfare with that of her personal obligations and responsibilities is a juggling act she can't always essay with grace!” Tei was beaming

    22. After all, he was a Southerner and felt his obligations were with his people

    23. I packed our bags along with the cat’s food and litter box, suspended work obligations, and moved in with Mom and Dad to be close at hand and help with the necessary twenty-four-hour-a-day caretaking

    24. Unable to pay its obligations,

    25. ‖ In this manner, a society ceases to evolve and begins to (gradually) retreat from its traditional boundaries until it is no longer able to effectively fulfill its intellectual and moral obligation(s)

    26. Whether or not a society has properly fulfilled its moral obligations, however, is questionable in the minds of individuals who believe that that ―society‖ has not gone far enough in fulfilling its intended promises

    27. That the uncertainty of cash flow is likely to render the payment of these obligations problematical is starting to give investors the jitters

    28. She still had some obligations here

    29. But as it was, I couldn’t hope to escape the full obligations of a cognate

    30. carry out one’s religious obligations as ordained by the scriptures,

    31. included a statement declaring the EO “does not impose any justiciable obligations on the executive

    32. - I would ride with the message myself had I not obligations here

    33. The family patriarch is charged with the responsibility of communicating the family’s rules, obligations, and duties to each member of the family so they are aware of the risks and rewards of inclusion

    34. • Man -we might call him creation´s summit- is the only one made in the image and likeness of God and is therefore special and rises above the rest of living things; this immediately gives him rights and obligations

    35. between the right and obligations social, political

    36. social obligations are the following:

    37. Article 14th - The partners’ obligations are the following:

    38. are free with the social obligations

    39. There were the twelve years of unfulfilled resolutions, the latest being Resolution 1441, which offered Iraq a final opportunity to comply with the many disarmament obligations set out previously

    40. Verses 12 to 17, Paul points out that believers have obligations, the obligations imposed on

    41. us due to the fact that the Lord has made us sons of God, the same obligations we would have if we

    42. Rights are normally identified and claimed by sentient creatures able to articulate and understand what rights are, and what the reciprocal obligations might be

    43. This would occur by relieving businesses of onerous health care obligations

    44. his obligations in life has times and places in it for which

    45. that you have the funds to meet your delivery obligations

    46. delivery and settlement obligations, which will generally be

    47. work you have to complete, but avoid new obligations; keep

    48. What obligations does Martin owe to Power

    49. Declaration and Platform for Action, and its obligations under the Convention on

    50. The court proceedings had so weakened his ability to finance all family needs that a professor friend had been helping him, for the last three months, with moderate amounts of money at the end of each month for him to meet his obligations

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