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    Usa "ofttimes" in una frase

    ofttimes frasi di esempio


    1. Ofttimes, because it appears that these rays reach downward from the clouds, people will remark

    2. Ofttimes they are led by their trousers

    3. relevance; and, ofttimes, relevance is nowhere to be found until such time as actions

    4. Art thou real, my ideal? it was called by Louis J Walsh, Magherafelt, and after there was something about twilight, wilt thou ever? and ofttimes the beauty of poetry, so sad in its transient loveliness, had misted her eyes with silent tears for she felt that the years were slipping by for her, one by one, and but for that one shortcoming she knew she need fear no competition and that was an accident coming down Dalkey hill and she always tried to conceal it

    5. I am of your mind, for, my house not being above three miles from him, he would ofttimes come to me, and that with many tears

    6. Here he looks to find a tiny particle of the demolished larva, ofttimes not more than a speck of moisture

    7. He who hath suffered ofttimes shrinks

    8. Pugatchéf sat down on the same sofa where ofttimes Iván Kouzmitch had dozed to the sound of his wife's scolding

    9. ' He talks; he says, Teek, teek, teek,' My nose they would compare to a spear; it struck them as so sharp and thin compared to the African production, and ofttimes one bolder than the rest would give my hair and my beard a sharp pull, imagining them to be wigs worn for ornament

    10. Out of this law, it is presumed, has grown the practice of granting protections, as they are called—papers procured from notaries and magistrates, ofttimes on the most barefaced perjuries, and always considered as a species of negotiable property for value received

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    Sinonimi per "ofttimes"

    frequently oft often oftentimes ofttimes