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    Usa "okinawa" in una frase

    okinawa frasi di esempio


    1. After I had all the aircraft in my squadron flying really good, the commanding officer of my squadron asked me to go to Naha, Okinawa to instruct the flight control mechanics how to use the flight control test equipment

    2. He had taken up surfing and now lived in Okinawa,

    3. They’re on a holiday in Okinawa,” he replied

    4. stay in Okinawa until this all blows over

    5. Our travels in and around Okinawa exposed us some more to the Japanese life style and behavior

    6. At the end of these six months in Okinawa we had planned to relax and travel, which we did

    7. So we paid a site visit, while still in Okinawa

    8. In any case, I was offered the position which came with a generous salary and benefits, but after returning to Okinawa, we decided that this was not for us and I respectfully declined the offer

    9. On our way back to the US, after completing our six months in Okinawa, we stopped over in Saipan, an Island in the Mariana group in the Pacific, north of Guam, where there was a position available in the Government Hospital

    10. His father, Daiki, was killed in a naval battle off the coast of Okinawa in late 1944

    11. During my tour of duty, I would visit Hawaii, Japan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Okinawa

    12. “If you want, I could show you a number of documentaries made in my timeline about the results of assaulting such places as Saipan, Tarawa and Okinawa, sir

    13. ” Another, on returning to Okinawa years later, found it difficult to be at Hacksaw Ridge, aka “The Escarpment

    14. The fourth pack, counting six submarines and posted off the port of Naha, on Okinawa Island, to the Northeast of the Philippines, didn’t see action that day as they waited for the Japanese convoy due to leave harbor the next day

    15. The titanic explosion and fireball that ensued was clearly seen by the waiting American submarines off Okinawa, which then passed that information by radio to the headquarters of the Asiatic Fleet in Manila

    16. The two surviving ZERO pilots, seeing this, decided to abandon their pursuit of the two P-26s and turned around as well to return to Okinawa

    17. people on the island of Okinawa have developed a salivary enzyme that is used

    18. Maybe it was out on Okinawa

    19. stationed in Okinawa at the Marine base there, Walker happened on a course of ancient Oriental

    20. Jenny had started writing a short but concise message, to be sent by radio to the USAFIK headquarters of Lieutenant General Hodge in Seoul and to the USAFFE headquarters of General MacArthur in Okinawa, to warn them of the invasion, when one of the radar operators of the EC-142E shouted a warning

    21. One C-142 has left for the Philippines to go get more rockets from the hidden war stocks of the 99th Wing, since our bases in Okinawa have little reserves of ammunition and fuel themselves

    22. General MacArthur has ordered the immediate evacuation of all the American civilians in Korea towards Okinawa and the Philippines

    23. I will need the services of your transport squadron to help evacuate to Okinawa American civilians

    24. They then all sat down to be debriefed as a group by Jenny, who knew that the Far East Command’s headquarter in Okinawa would be expecting her report on this with great impatience: the loss of the 2nd Marine Battalion had shocked many complacent staff officers back to reality and had reportedly angered greatly General MacArthur

    25. “I want you to have your assistant fly out in the first C-54, so that she can bring this report in person and by hand to the USAFFE headquarters in Okinawa

    26. As she was about to return to her jeep, the four war correspondents that had arrived from Okinawa in the morning with General Church surrounded her, microphones in hand and tape recorders playing

    27. Of course, none of the men of his unit newly arrived from Okinawa spoke Korean, while the Korean policemen spoke no English

    28. MP units, including Angie’s unit, had been working hard to keep some order in that controlled chaos, but it was getting more difficult by the day, as frontline units broke off one by one from the shrinking perimeter defensive line in order to go to the harbor and board the ships that would take them to the safety of Okinawa or the Philippines

    29. In fact, simple geography would militate for Taiwan to own the islands, the Senkakus being a mere 170 kilometers from the Taiwanese capital of Taipei, while mainland China was 330 kilometers away and the Japanese island of Okinawa was 410 kilometers away

    30. More aircraft stood ready on the ground in Okinawa, fully armed and fuelled, with the mission of taking the relay from the first air armada during the hours of daylight to come and thus keep the local air superiority in Japanese hands

    31. Standing well off the Senkaku Islands, an E-3B AWACS airborne surveillance aircraft fed a constantly updated air plot picture of the area to its base in Okinawa via an encrypted directional data link

    32. Apart from providing satellite photos and an AWACS surveillance aircraft, the United States was also discreetly helping Japan by allowing Japanese crews to use the war stocks of airborne and shipborne missiles kept in its bases in Okinawa and mainland Japan, thus alleviating a major concern of the Japanese military staff

    33. When the losses at Iwo Jima and Okinawa are taken into consideration, the human toll of invading Japan would have run into millions

    34. The most costly and terrible action in the Pacific took place at Okinawa, where the US navy assembled a fleet of one thousand five hundred vessels to get troops ashore

    35. Okinawa witnessed the greatest Kamikaze raids of the war, and the results were staggering

    36. casualties at Okinawa were the largest of the Pacific war

    37. Therefore, with the Okinawa experience fresh in their minds, military strategists feared that the invasion of Japan would produce a veritable bloodbath

    38. The bloody conquests from Guadalcanal to Okinawa had demonstrated to the Allies that Japanese fanaticism increased as their homeland was approached

    39. At Okinawa twenty five thousand Japanese troops hemmed in by naval and air bombardment had held off American forces six times larger for one hundred days

    40. The bloody assaults on Iwo Jima and Okinawa provided a bitter foretaste of what the Allies could expect when invading Japan

    41. was beginning to show and remnants of the Imperial Navy, including the mighty, but ineffective, Yamato, were flung at the Allied Forces fighting for control of Okinawa in what has been called a suicide mission

    42. The only Japanese territories of importance to survive mostly intact were the Northern home island of Hokkaido and the Ryukyu Islands to the Southwest of Japan, including Okinawa

    43. The next morning, Louie was taken to an airfield to be flown to Okinawa, where many POWs were being collected before being sent home

    44. At Okinawa, a staff sergeant named Frank Rosynek stood by the airfield, watching transport planes come in

    45. He was with Louie’s old outfit, the 11th Bomb Group, which was now stationed on Okinawa, and he had come to the airfield to welcome the POWs

    46. The Okinawa mess hall was kept open around the clock for the POWs, who couldn’t stop eating

    47. More than a week passed, bombers left with loads of POWs, and still Louie stayed on Okinawa

    48. On September 17, a typhoon hit Okinawa

    49. Louie, covered in everything that a somersault inside an outhouse will slather on a man, was finally willing to leave Okinawa

    50. When Justin was six, his father was transferred from Okinawa to McClellan Air Force base, just outside Sacramento

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