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    Usa "oscars" in una frase

    oscars frasi di esempio


    1. If you want to become a movie star, you will visualize yourself on the set of a movie as the lead actor or driving to the Oscars to get your second award

    2. Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out

    3. The day after the Oscars in February 2012, one of the stories from the previous night awards ceremony highlighted Angelina Jolie and her thigh stunt, whatever that was

    4. I wanted my own night of the Oscars dress and hair

    5. He waved her on, and she stomped inside with her long legs and expensive high heels, like an angry giraffe at the Oscars

    6. Guys, girls, Oscars call you

    7. As a late entry into the Oscars, the film was nominated three times, best actress in a leading role, best special effects, and of course best actor in a leading role

    8. The Reagans’ good friend Jimmy Stewart once noted that if “Nancy had been Ron’s first wife instead of his second, he would have been a real star in Hollywood, with a couple Oscars to show for it

    9. It was the Sunday of the Oscars

    10. The place never really recovered from the association with that terrible event, but the showroom had once hosted the Oscars and been the haunt of Gable and Lombard and Errol Flynn

    11. Since the Best Animated Feature category was first introduced at the Oscars in 2001, Pixar (USA) have won seven of the 13 awards, for Finding Nemo (2003), The Incredibles (2004), Brave (2012) and a four-year run of success with Ratatouille (2007), WALL•E (2008), Up (2009) and Toy Story 3 (2010)

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