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    Usa "ossuary" in una frase

    ossuary frasi di esempio


    1. Wasn't that nice?' She swallowed, 'Do you know, after three years they exhume the bones and put them in a little box and keep them in the ossuary at the entrance to the cemetery? The ground must be too hard to dig deep and it seems before the burial they fill a pillow with olive leaves for his head and they trim his hair

    2. the bones are exhumed and laid to rest in an ossuary

    3. A body is buried in a temporary grave and after a period of time, approximately a year or so, the bones are exhumed from the grave and placed in the ossuary

    4. Two of the practice holes are connected to the ossuary and grandpa’s ashes may be thrown in these holes, where it comes to rest underneath the golf course

    5. One ossuary, however, halts my dash through the catacombs

    6. Yelping, howling, caterwauling—these and other woeful cries are originating from this ossuary

    7. The Vatican is well aware that the ossuary of Simon bar Jonah was found in Jerusalem

    8. Peter was buried in Rome, yet Simon bar Jonah’s ossuary

    9. obviously manufactured Shroud of Turin and the more recent Ossuary of James, among thousands of

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