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    Usa "oxidation" in una frase

    oxidation frasi di esempio


    1. When less performance was required, a condition of richness of fuel supplied was in evidence wherein incomplete oxidation (burning) left a residue of carbon that slowly coated the burning chamber and exhaust piping, shortening the lifetime of the engine that supplied the umph of performance

    2. Compared with fasting (no food), the glucose meal increased glucose oxidation and decreased lipid oxidation during and

    3. protein oxidation more than the whole

    4. But when Aureliano Segundo opened the windows a familiar light entered that seemed accustomed to lighting the room every day and there was not the slightest trace of dust or cobwebs, with everything swept and clean, better swept and cleaner than on the day of the burial, and the ink had not dried up in the inkwell nor had oxidation diminished the shine of the metals nor had the embers gone out under the water pipe where José Arcadio Buendía had vaporized mercury

    5. oil’s resistance to oxidation makes it better than

    6. the rapid oxidation of a fuel substance resulting in heat, light and chemical compounds of drastically altered property

    7. Oxidation and reduction: common transformations that result in change of electric charge, affect many kinds of substances, can occur with many substances, when it occurs to iron the process is known as rust

    8. green tea promotes fat oxidation, and that this process appears to be the result of more

    9. Essentially, we are talking about oxidation, where an element‘s atoms lose electrons in reaction to being combined with oxygen

    10. which may help prevent LDL-cholesterol oxidation in the bloodstream

    11. The enzyme catalyses the oxidation of a large variety of monoamine compounds including adrenaline, nor adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine

    12. oxidation; the amount required would presumably depend on the amount of fish oil used

    13. A related group are herbs, including green tea, prevents the oxidation

    14. Since oxidation of LDL cholesterol is thought to be important in causing or accelerating

    15. atherosclerosis, and green tea protects against oxidation, this herb may have a role in preventing atherosclerosis

    16. prevent against the oxidation in cell membranes and cellular regions, resulting in

    17. implants and adhesion, oxidation of fat, and cancer

    18. cells from oxidation surrounding the brain, thereby preventing the abnormal

    19. helps to inhibit the levels of bad cholesterol, but also is a key building block of cell membranes resulting in protecting protects cells from oxidation in the

    20. helps to prevent oxidation of sperm cell , thus increasing the sperm quality

    21. the risk of cell oxidation in the reproductive system, thus increasing the

    22. It is both strange and appalling to think that carbon and phosphorus and calcium, oxidation and chemical combinations determine whether a man will be a criminal, a bully, a genius or a mouse

    23. Throughout this stage of the processing oxidation occurs

    24. They combat the free radicals that are released by the body as part of the oxidation process

    25. The catechins in green tea combat the free radicals formed in the body due to oxidation

    26. Saturated fats have been linked to increased cholesterol, LDL (the �bad�) cholesterol as well as to increased LDL cholesterol oxidation

    27. All this was however totally lost on Dr Rjinswand, 33, a bachelor, born in Sweden, raised in New Jersey, and a specialist in the breakaway oxidation phenomena of certain nuclear reactors

    28. (Vegetables and drinks should be prepared at time of serving to prevent oxidation and maintain optimal nutrition

    29. Nickel: Nickel is a ferrous metal that’s in high demand because of its resistance to corrosion and oxidation

    30. This classification is based on a metal’s resistance to corrosion and oxidation: Precious metals have a high resistance to corrosion, whereas base metals (which I cover in Chapter 16) have a lower tolerance

    31. During this time, it develops a layer of yeast fungi that covers the surface and prevents the wine from oxidation

    32. Yet, when we tasted it, we were very surprised: the oxidation had lured a deep and intensive pear taste to the surface, a fruitiness you never experience when you prevent oxidation with lemon

    33. the number of molecules undergoing oxidation, and therefore to the concentration

    34. resulting oxidation and reduction currents from faradic processes occurring at the

    35. ratio of oxidation and reduction currents (redox ratios) can assist in identifying the

    36. back, current is generated over time, during oxidation and reduction processes,

    37. The scientific term for the chemical reaction is oxidation or combustion

    38. And, meanwhile, it is forgotten that nourishment with corn, vegetables, and fruit raised from the soil by one's own labor is the pleasantest, healthiest, easiest, and most natural nourishment, and that the work of using one's muscles is as necessary a condition of life as is the oxidation of the blood by breathing

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    oxidation oxidisation oxidization burning flaming fire explosion firing kindling