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    Usa "pages" in una frase

    pages frasi di esempio


    1. Could you read ten pages when you wake up in the morning? I know

    2. you’re busy, but isn’t it possible to read ten pages when you wake up in the morning, you jump into your book to wake up your mind

    3. read ten more pages

    4. It doesn’t have to be at the same time but read ten pages in the afternoon

    5. thousand nine hundred and fifty pages of knowledge that would be going

    6. In just a couple of minutes, you will turn to the pages where you can put all of this new knowledge into action

    7. He could smell all the books from all over the world, the crisp and musty mix of old and new pages

    8. The print on those pages was really fine but his name had the yellow circle

    9. pages of the healing message be the point of contact with your Spirit, like the

    10. pages with those verses and read them over and over (I was taking that

    11. Newspaper pages floated in front of me but the words were jumbled-up and ridiculous

    12. This was one of those places where Bahkmar had to bite his tongue and not blurt out, 'they are just a few thousand pages of 'if' statements, some few-level neural simulation loops, a few gig of customizable data and some presentation rendering loops' but the vow was sacred and he understood even to the sociological level why the people who can't understand it anyway need to believe it is holy

    13. He wondered if all the Qbytes they copied from a brain didn't really amount to little more than a few thousand pages of 'if' statements, some response databases and a few gig of life experiences? He wondered if being in silicon took something from a soul? He bore the remainder of the evening stoically

    14. " I can feel Sabrina's anxiety peak again as the sound of her fingers nervously flip through the pages, "Well, it was because I never really left

    15. Anyway, at a moment he found a black pen and the opportunity to smudge two of the three pages of my published story! When I saw that, I flew off the handle! The little monster managed to stain the only success I've had in my life insofar!

    16. If you have a blog, a business site or other online pages, your followers can read about your products and services

    17. I will do at least twenty two pages a week, giving me plenty of time to tie up any loose ends and organize cover

    18. a thousand ships, with never a true word upon any one of its pages,

    19. ’ He said, glancing through the pages

    20. She was famed throughout the elite echelons of London’s highest society for humping and dumping the most eligible young men, and all of it was done in the blaze of paparazzi flashbulbs and on the glossy pages of celebrity gossip magazines

    21. I turned the pages of the Helen of Troy I'd picked up there

    22. Her father smiled serenely without looking up from the business pages of his newspaper, while the lovely young woman's mother made a mental note to check her daughter's bathroom for signs of illegal drugs

    23. "I can't see a single word on any of the report's pages"

    24. He couldn't see anything but blank pages, for there was, as far as he could tell, nothing written on any piece of paper anywhere in the room

    25. He read and he read, but as there was nothing to read but empty pages, he couldn't actually read a thing

    26. "Bollocks”, thought the great politician, "I can't see anything at all on these pages

    27. Calling on every ounce of his experience and all of his blithe abilities, honed to perfection through dealing with cabinet crises and the terrier snappings of the gutter press, the great politician read through a few pages silently

    28. The two masters of official prose worked like Trojans throughout the whole of the night before the paper was due to be published, collating pages by section and sections by chapter

    29. You'd think there was nothing here but blank pages were you a simple minded man or an incompetent fool, but that, of course, is the beauty of it"

    30. Every copy was thumbed and smudged with sweat and grime where avid but confused readers had tried and failed to glean the document's meaning from its empty pages

    31. The air was thick with the maniacal laughter and the sound of pages being torn out of the beautifully bound document

    32. The rest, as they say, is history, although throughout his long years of retirement, when he published his memoirs and his diaries and tried to settle into a state of fatherly grace in the House of Lords, the once great politician told anyone who would listen that he had been right, that his opponents had been wrong and that a report with blank pages was exactly what he had intended all along

    33. asax would be instantiated first before the aspx web form pages)

    34. When using aspx view engine, to have a consistent look and feel, across all pages of the application, we

    35. To have a consistent look and feel when using razor views, we can make use of layout pages

    36. pages, reside in the shared folder, and are named as _Layout

    37. Layout pages, can define sections, which can then be overridden by specific views making use of the

    38. ” Thom had represented it on fan-fold, it was five pages of parts

    39. Some of the harmonies in the accompaniment are rather difficult and he’s going over and over the pages so that he will get it right at rehearsal

    40. She turned a few pages

    41. The carp angler's bible! Over 270 pages of carp fishing

    42. She leafed wistfully through a couple of pages listing

    43. time to the pages of fairy stories like this one, which is where, as I

    44. Devote one or more pages to each item and write about the inner and outer factors that stand between you and the things you want

    45. “Creating a blog and publishing pages online is a job done by everyone today but what counts more is building true respect as an author in the eyes of online community and search engines

    46. I flick through the pages of the diary

    47. chart of emotions on the next two pages which should help

    48. father smiled serenely without looking up from the business pages

    49. He couldn't see anything but blank pages, for

    50. read, but as there was nothing to read but empty pages, he couldn't

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