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    Usa "partizans" in una frase

    partizans frasi di esempio


    1. , the swallow it) a song with which theSpanish liberals taunted the partizans of an absolute government

    2. The play of Mary Queen of Scots, causing a great congregation ofthe rival partizans of the two ladies to meet in the Tappit-hen’s public, some contention took place about the merits of their respective favourites, and, from less to more, hands were raised, and

    3. It can neither be proved on the one hand, as the partizans of the State claim, that its destruction would be followed by a general upheaval, by robberies and murders, and by the nullification of all social laws, and the return of man to a condition of barbarism; nor on the other, as the enemies of the State affirm, that man has grown so virtuous and well disposed that, preferring peace to enmity, he will no longer rob and murder his neighbor; that he is quite able, without State assistance, to establish a community, and conduct his own affairs; and that the State itself, while assuming an air of protection, is really exerting a demoralizing influence

    4. "But granting this to be true," say the partizans of the existing order, "we cannot dispense with the supremacy of the State until all men are Christians, because even among those who claim the title there are many who are very far from being Christians—evil-doers, who seek their own gratification at the expense of their fellow-men, and if the governments were overthrown, so far from improving the condition of the people, it would greatly add to their miseries

    5. But in uttering these sentiments the partizans of the existing order take it for granted that they have proved the truth of what they assert

    6. Thus reply the partizans of the existing system

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