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    1. None of these payed them any attention and they drifted along after Yarin

    2. ” When it was time to get them spayed, the vet said one had to be neutered

    3. It comes to our attention that, in a recent attempt to stem taxpayer losses for bad loans guaranteed by Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack, Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn

    4. " (My note: And all this while he lives rent-free in a pretty good house, while Michelle and the girls use Air Force 2, which is indeed another jet, to gallivanting all over the world on vacation after vacation, staying in world-class hotels at taxpayer expense

    5. In the same year, more than half of potential taxpayers paid no federal income taxes

    6. * We have the absurdity today (all nice Human Rights orientated of course) that someone shot by the police (mostly with good reason), are treated in private hospitals at tremendous cost to the tax payer but their victims, shot by the gangsters, is treated wherever his medical aid demands

    7. It is amazing how fat cat politicians spend taxpayer's money without any shame or sense of responsibility! What good has come of it? But what do I know

    8. Hence we have every NGO racket and scam known to man operating here with your tax payer money for most do not really have private funding

    9. Retroactive taxes are unfair to taxpayers, not to mention unethical and in my opinion, unconstitutional

    10. Taxpayers should not be blind-sided after the fact; that is to say, forced to pay taxes on what basically amounts to paying taxes on taxed income that has already been spent or planned on being spent, perhaps, but provided ample opportunity to properly assess (beforehand) the impact prospective tax increases, or tax reductions, for that matter, will have on their household budgets

    11. Faced with the prospect of paying (marginally) higher taxes, taxpayers may (otherwise) decide to manage their finances accordingly by (either) spending less or postponing spending on all non-essential items

    12. Designed to provide a safety net for fiscal mismanagement, this egregious measure undermines financial planning while deflating tax payer morale

    13. It is very hard with taxes of up to 48% and nothing (in the eyes of most tax payers) as a return

    14. The unsettling (perception) of being beholden to other people oftentimes engenders troubling notions of an individual‘s private failings that seeks its own outlet by projecting that individual‘s sense of frustration (and shame) on his or her ―benefactor‖ whether it be a family member, a close friend or someone more abstract like (the) taxpayer

    15. tendencies to accept what is ―freely‖ given, once carried to an extreme, becomes a self-filling prophecy; conditioned as many of us have become to living beyond our means, leaving it up to nameless/faceless (taxpayers) to foot the bill

    16. Any (American) company operating abroad and selling cheaply made products at ―home‖ at an exorbitant profit, should, in my opinion, be hit with the stiffest import tariffs imaginable to help defray the social costs incurred by the taxpayer for individuals who have otherwise lost their jobs or are (under-employed)

    17. Consumer spending conditioned by ―easy credit‖ will one day leave the taxpayer with an enormous tab to settle……

    18. " It is usually just another fat politician doing what he does best which is talking nonsense and spending tax payers' money on liberal cr-p

    19. Unfortunately, companies and other professional organizations and ultimately the taxpayer, are usually the ones left ―holding the bag‖

    20. Such initiatives, which should eventually pay for themselves, if managed properly, will not be achieved without considerable (initial) cost to the taxpayer

    21. As a Roman Catholic, I too am oftentimes offended by gratuitous Christian bashing that has become commonplace in the Motion Picture Industry, for example, and among second rate, dysfunctional ―artists‖, (subsidized at tax-payer expense), whose Christian points of view are intentionally designed to (publicly) offend not only their primary target (Christians) but other religiously minded individuals who take religious matters seriously

    22. Lennox ratepayers face a nineteen percent hike in policing costs after a $37

    23. The taxpayers and property owners who made this town what it was

    24. This means Georgia state taxpayer money goes directly to this white supremacist organization

    25. Naturally; I understand that they are responsible to the taxpayers, and shouldn’t be so dumb as to buy ‘a pig in a poke,’ as my dear old granddad would say

    26. Instead of giving me total crap for risking my life – and saving the Toronto tax payers the cost of supporting this little criminal in prison the rest of his life - like they should have and would have if the media hadn"t got hold of the story - the powers that were at the time gave Hank and me a bravery citation

    27. They were, ‘responsible to the taxpayers

    28. The Germans were good payers, and would pay a bonus of a hundred dollars for any wild goat shot that had horns over one metre across

    29. If more revenue happens to come in, it would either go into a contingency fund or be rebated to the taxpayers

    30. But, as we talked about last night, there is no particular reason to be concerned about such surpluses…they could be used to pay down some of the national debt or be returned to the taxpayers in tax cuts

    31. force taxpayers to fund abortions, and impose unconstitutional mandates on every American

    32. fraud is estimated to cost taxpayers $60 to 100 billion annually

    33. communities and its taxpayers

    34. Now, taxpayers will have to pay for all the loans that failed


    36. Taxpayers across the country were paying for people who chose to rebuild time and time again in the path of hurricanes

    37. It would be interesting to see if Japan’s and Spain’s taxpayers paid the recently impressed

    38. The problem is, who gets to decide what is “just”? The upper 50 percent of income taxpayers in the U

    39. The same report stated that by 2014 the net cost (benefits minus taxes paid) to the taxpayer for low-skill immigrant households will approach $1 trillion/year

    40. American taxpayer had supported and was supporting 12 to 20 million illegal people with programs, education, health care, safety nets and for some, prison accommodations

    41. At some point, one must think of the children, who hopefully would grow up to be taxpayers one day

    42. (Why is dependence upon government worse? Because only government can force you to do things by showing up with guns and handcuffs when they claim you are breaking one of their laws and because it has been proven over and over that people are nearly guaranteed to remain poor when they use taxpayer dollars for food, housing, medical care etc because government programs specifically use disincentives that provide negative consequences for those that begin to slightly prosper to the point that the only way to rise above needing taxpayer dollars is to earn a much larger amount of income than most people do

    43. 41 And all the surplus, which the officers payed not in as in former time, from now on shall be given toward

    44. student with the needs of the taxpayer

    45. tomers, (referrers, patients, and payers)

    46. Later on arms would be twisted, promises would be made, and bribes would be paid with taxpayer money

    47. The climax of the 35-city Tea Party Express was a taxpayer rally in Washington, D

    48. 29 And the Lord repayed Cain's evil according to his wickedness, which he had done to his brother Abel, according to the word of the Lord which he had spoken

    49. ” When he re-issued them, we went together to the payer bank and cashed them for folding money

    50. Urals, Mount Neradnsya, and to the north was Mount Payer

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