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    Usa "performers" in una frase

    performers frasi di esempio


    1. Pippa put together a small troupe of performers in the spring and I was invited to go with them as they travelled to the west of the country, performing wherever there was a space large enough

    2. Punters and performers make for the bar

    3. other performers to become confused, with hilarious

    4. Her beaming smile and her father's expression of devotion and pride met the roar, and the performers bowed their appreciation for the response, a little taken aback that so few an audience could produce so loud an ovation

    5. ” He realised the conversation could turn nasty from then onwards if he kept this up, so he pointed to the performers and started to capture them on video

    6. Jean turned her attention to the performers, and they just sat and watched for a time and listened to the music

    7. His words were greeted by a great cheer and shouts of worship for their leader; then slowly their eyes returned to the performers

    8. Plain questions will mostly get plain answers and plain actions that do not reflect the fullest potentials of the performers

    9. Jason Duffy thought he had accepted a routine burglary case when a career studio musician hired him to recover a memorabilia collection featuring unusual treasures from some of the top performers in the music industry

    10. Performers like the Amarillo Youth Choir, the Harrington String Quartet, the Amarillo Symphony Youth Orchestra, and Chamber Music Amarillo add to the opportunities Amarilloans have for high caliber entertainment

    11. While another generation of performers built bridges over troubled waters and honoured the Green Berets, he wrote of real life and death situations, but still no one would listen

    12. A few years back, only failed performers would venture into teaching

    13. But now, performers see more money in teaching—especially teaching Indian kids living abroad and earning in dollars—all online through skype

    14. never appear in that country again as performers, or even as visitors

    15. The question is: Which sales model is used by the top sales performers that deliver? They use parts of many of the models to create a hybrid of “Consultative Selling

    16. Eighty percent of the salespeople rely on one or two responses to objections, while the top performers have many to choose from

    17. So, I did not worry about the top performers, because they consistently delivered

    18. • Build up the reputation of guests and performers you’re featuring and prepare a

    19. Her hand’s stamped, making it property of The Big Show! Whether she realizes it or not, the beautiful Vixcia is one of my performers now

    20. And, my highly respected aristocrats… crossing any of my performers is just a big mistake

    21. Back at the carnival, the performers gathered outside Esmeralda’s Den

    22. refreshing, but continuous hilarity can be very tiring, both for the audience and the performer(s)

    23. As was noted before, the modeling of core processes is done by your key managers and exemplary performers, under your sponsorship as the executive(s)

    24. For example, when we have completed the facilitation of a job model, we ask the assembled group of exemplary performers, "What it is that the enterprise could do better to support the work you trying to accomplish as depicted in the job model you just defined?" In other words, while the work itself is clear and agreed to in the minds of this group of workers (and/or managers), and agreed to as the "work," we are asking what else could be done or what could be done better? The "verbatim" answers, as we call them, illustrated below, identify trends about what support isn't the best it could be or is simply missing:

    25. These are best modeled by exemplary job performers within your enterprise

    26. Work groups should be modeled by exemplary performers representing the various jobs that will comprise a team model, with the aid of a sponsor from the core process modeling team, and facilitated by the re/org facilitators

    27. The first two performers were quite good, Adrian decided

    28. ‘…Ah!… James, so you have “arisen” have you?… not yet eh!…but we shall see what we can do about that little thing!…you will have to really take yourself in hand, to come up… to…or, equal the performance, that your dear wife, eagerly provided, her admiring fans with – of course she did have two “star” performers to assist her – we will of course, provide you with some help as well!…we must after all be fair, mustn’t we?…’ he pointed to the video camera mounted on a tripod standing alongside the raised platform of the “Cyclorama” – ‘…don’t forget to smile for the camera – that’s important!…the fans must see how happy you are!…right!… you can join us now, girls!…’

    29. performers with male announcers, the epitome of the indeterminate observer

    30. the performers in bringing poems to life with their

    31. The local performers, many in their teens, came out to greet the audience and meet their congratulating parents

    32. And I found places in Patong where I could go where they had Filipino performers, and they would ask me to sing

    33. Too many of us believe in the “talent” myth — that top performers are

    34. are complex, top performers excel not because of innate ability but because of

    35. — that top performers are born, rather than built

    36. — that top performers are born, rather than made

    37. She lived in Philadelphia in the early 1920s and headed her own shows, sometimes with a cast of as many as forty performers

    38. She had a great effect on performers of either sex who followed, although women felt her vibes

    39. This captivating book provides us with other musical families, many of whom we weren’t aware, as well as short histories of the producers, performers and the hits that filled our radios a few decades ago

    40. These performers had great talent, but they never really made it big for one reason

    41. Opposite the bar stood a small stage for musicians and performers

    42. • 66 percent of porn performers have herpes (Dr

    43. You could say that one feeds on the other, not unlike a crowd at a show and the performers

    44. Eventually, I took a new identity and became one of her dancers and performers at her cabaret

    45. While the furnishing of that huge hall was rather austere to her taste, the acoustics proved adequate, like the facilities for the performers in the back of the large stage

    46. Some of the most socially awkward, or culturally challenged people are also some of the highest academic performers

    47. “We have more outfits coming for the rest of the performers,” Barry says

    48. Mitch and some of the Diaz-Davidson Youth Performers and Athletes are at the basketball court

    49. “And we have all the performers in order for the Michael Jackson Tribute,” Tomas says

    50. There are large posters of the DIAZ-DAVIDSON performers and athletes on the walls

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