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    Usa "pissed off" in una frase

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    pissed off

    1. I’ve spent most of the morning here in my office trying to put together a report for the partners on progress with the move which, as I’m still waiting for various people to get back to me on some of the aspects, this has proved a trying exercise and I’m totally pissed off with it

    2. Bert’s Gosling man – Thomas Gosford … I bet he was pissed off at her reply

    3. Thoroughly pissed off, he shucked off his back pack and squatted down on it to wait for sunrise

    4. Anyway, they were probably pissed off with him and left his room as it was once they had discovered he’d gone

    5. How pissed off do you think the rest of these teachers would

    6. The guys’ll be pissed off enough

    7. going through the motions, pissed off because all hope seemed to be lost

    8. Argos was alive! And he was pissed off

    9. A pissed off Jayson steps out to the sidewalk

    10. Dena asked, “Do you think then that the Illian field was the result of a really pissed off Enthilesté?”

    11. “What was she pissed off about? It’s not your fault a demon was trying to beat you up for lunch money on the way home

    12. I don’t know why so don’t ask me but when you have been pinned down for any length of time you get really pissed off to the point where nothing else matters

    13. But Bradlee was even more pissed off by

    14. The wind and rain blowing and coming down soaking us and by this time we were all tired and hungry and more than a little pissed off

    15. paw was withdrawn, I heard a hiss like that of an especially pissed off snake coming from my

    16. Jack always seemed to be pissed off with her and this was

    17. Whenever anyone came over to our table their first question was when’s the ‘Big Push’ then?” By the end of the night I was beginning to get rather pissed off with this line of questions and then an arm chair General came over to us saying

    18. I didn’t see him for a few weeks and then one night he came over for a beer and said he was pissed off, life sucked and he wanted to get away

    19. “Does it all end here then, this mystery?” piped up Eileen angrily, “Because I for one will be really pissed off with this guy Rich if it does

    20. Got it?" He sounded really pissed off

    21. “I’m pissed off,” he announced

    22. I owe that man a big one, but when I looked him up, I was disappointed to find that he’s still pissed off even after all these years

    23. He claimed that a police sergeant lied to him numerous times; he had it on tape, and he was pissed off about being labeled mentally ill, and being harassed out of his home

    24. He’d been all fired up and pissed off about them stealing the money and ready to have Dougie do it too as soon as they got some place to dump the bodies

    25. I knew she meant extremely agitated or pissed off

    26. When I told him that I had talked with Mia, he didn"t waste time getting pissed off at me or at the hospital; he wanted to know what she had said

    27. Christ, I never thought he’d fuckin’ do it! For crying out loud, he must have been pretty pissed off at the system

    28. Pissed off the wise guys beat

    29. ‘You might be irritated, but I’m pissed off

    30. Properly pissed off,” he said with a grin and made a gesture with the pistol for Ethan to move on

    31. And now I’m really pissed off…’

    32. I think it is impossible for us to know, but God might—or might not—get pissed off if we don’t believe in Him

    33. so pissed off at seeing Khevasiah with another man, he did not know how to

    34. The fucker always looked kindly to me and pissed off and maybe just a little crazy

    35. “There are a lot of pissed off people here in Tokyo

    36. She thinks she’s channeling Terry, who, by the way, is also pissed off at you for trying to fill his shoes

    37. Adrinius and Zacchaeus leading a pack of hungry, pissed off vampires wishing to take over the city for their own, walking in from the ghostly woods would have been enough to send anyone packing, even a leading commander in whatever army they had in those days

    38. Now you have a royally pissed off self-centered jackass

    39. I did what any pissed off alcoholic would do to punish his unsympathetic boss

    40. That was how I met John Harvey Adamson, a low life petty criminal, who crossed the line into the underworld’s big time when he detonated the remote controlled car bomb in the Del Webb parking garage which killed Don Bolles, the Arizona Republic investigative reporter who had pissed off the local mob by investigating “tombstoning” (sale of worthless desert properties) to Yankees and ignorant, wealthy locals

    41. This thoroughly pissed off Mr

    42. pissed off at the world and EB) stating that a) because HE could not

    43. •League of Pissed Off Voters [10]

    44. that teacher was pissed off all the same

    45. He was pissed off, though, because she put up

    46. She was very pissed off, not only because

    47. pissed off at how he treated her and Rodney

    48. "Who have you pissed off lately?" the Colonel asked

    49. He was half-smiling, not as pissed off as he was earlier, much to her relief

    50. But what really pissed off the customers was that old Schultz

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