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    Usa "posts" in una frase

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    1. The Militia guards all have a horn at their posts, but Tom is about five hundred feet away from his

    2. Isa: 6:4: And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke

    3. Other posts took up the call

    4. Native years whizzed by like fence posts on the side of the road

    5. One such company that has used Instagram to their benefit in terms of their posts going viral, is Sharpie

    6. With the eraser he re-architected his tower, putting the globe on four posts, then three

    7. The posts on the headboard in his bedroom were becoming dangerously weak as he whittled them away to nearly nothing with his little morning notches and aide memoirs

    8. tone of voice he unfurled the banner above his head, tied the posts

    9. “There are three levels to the structure; the top level has sentry posts at each corner and middle section

    10. By the end of 6 months, after posting 2 posts

    11. Blog reviews are basically paid blog posts that

    12. suited for the posts they hold; I can tell the wise ones from the

    13. In this manner the posts were installed and ready for the next day's delivery

    14. Once again Tania and Poly ate their morsels for lunch and were then instructed in their task: lift the designated stacks of planking above their heads and deliver it to George and Harry for installation between each set of posts

    15. George lowered each plank down through the channels of the consecutive posts, Harry nailed the once leveled planks into place and once again put on quite a show---He made one hammer blow per nail

    16. If she was still active in her posts, she would never have the time to do this

    17. There were lots of tree-trunk posts and between them, piles of tightly-strapped bales of paper

    18. This whole floor was one room except for the stairs and posts

    19. posts, and from them hung chains connecting in the center to several leather

    20. moored his boat to one of the posts

    21. She moved with haste, familiar with the landscape and guide posts of rubble and debris marking the path before her

    22. 'Town planning' said Beauty as they twisted and turned through a jungle of posts and signs

    23. So it was decided that no posts be erected

    24. On it raced, growing higher with each turn, enormous even from their distant view, racing backward to Mesapit wrenching and crushing posts and barriers

    25. posts such as Borce could usually be relied upon, and the

    26. This plugin allows you to add and edit a Heading for your Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types, different from the Title (which is used in the navigation)

    27. Adds links to navigate to the next and previous posts when editing a post in the WordPress admin

    28. blogs, mention those posts and give them links so they can see for

    29. Comment on their blog posts as a reader first

    30. Put your RSS subscribe above the fold on your site and include a re-413 minder in the body of your posts

    31. At first, they started spreading the word about themselves through posts on various propaganda sites on the internet, before finally breaking into the mainstream media by hacking into the news channel's broadcast signal and airing a viral massage to the people of Alataria

    32. However, when people fail to secure the coveted high ranking posts, they end up feeling inferior and depressed

    33. It listed the mile posts through the mountains all the way to the Potomac River until it reached the capitol of the old United States, Washington, D

    34. The maps listed Security posts at both bridge entrances

    35. As it happened, the transit bridge was perfect because it had a lower maintenance track that hung under the main deck and the Security posts were unguarded

    36. Oh yes and let’s have some food cooked up although the men will have to eat it at their posts there’s nothing else for it

    37. “There was a lot of really bad bush running up the ravine and the Turks had hidden machine gun posts in it and turned them into strong points

    38. The village we heard had been abandoned in 1914 and the lane as it passed through was now overgrown some of the cottages had sustained damage but others were intact so these were used as Battalion offices and aid posts

    39. I live in a Hogan with four posts representing the four

    40. “It seems she wanted to know if you could take the child to one of our aid posts to see a doctor and get checked out it would seem that the village doctor has joined up so they don’t have one

    41. Lightning flared on the edges of the camp, first a single blue bolt, followed by fourteen thick posts of light that flared before vanishing

    42. With the increased use of blogs you will find that blog readers are used to seeing links in blog posts

    43. In several other posts in this series, I’ve talked about how you can use certain protocols to train your central nervous system to increase muscle iber recruitment, speed recovery and increase motor neuron stimulation

    44. Barbed wire fences barred the way, but Lieutenant Wise, of Military Kite fame, and other officers smashed the posts with logs

    45. At all the guard posts there would be one American and one French guard

    46. On the border all command posts were known as ZULU

    47. themselves, and mounting guard upon their posts, crammed spoons into

    48. themselves, and, mounting guard upon their posts, crammed spoons into

    49. All camps were surrounded by wire fences and sand bags with machine gun posts strategically placed

    50. The four posts of

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