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    Usa "ras" in una frase

    ras frasi di esempio


    1. This time, Paul uses the Greek word and ras, which is a form of aner, the Greek word used

    2. 'Aamras, and ras malai

    3. The following year Ras al Khaimah joined the federation while Qatar and Bahrain chose to

    4. It’s up to Ras to catch up, “Twenty-nine, twenty-eight

    5. In 1983, Ras is recruited by the mujahideen in Afghan to train resistance forces against the Russian invasion

    6. Dostum praises Ras as his greatest opponent during the war

    7. Ras looks at him

    8. Ras isn’t buying it

    9. Avery pulls Caesar from his pocket and hands him to Ras and continues, “The cases are loaded into Hampton-owned ocean containers and they provide the necessary paperwork

    10. Ras envisions a future under Avery Perelle

    11. Ras digs in vigorously

    12. Avery calls Ras after the first group of containers leave Steward’s, “I’m impressed

    13. On September 6, 2001 Ras calls Avery, “I’ve know something valuable that you can use

    14. Avery speaks to Ras, “I need you here

    15. Ras is surprised, “When, and for how long

    16. "Anything else, sir?” Ras asks Avery in his best Sean Connery voice

    17. Ras steps off the plane, clears Customs at LA International and meets his limo driver who takes him to The Four Seasons Hotel

    18. At 11:30, Ras is reasoning, “Good, the light is still on

    19. ” Ras reenters the home and sneaks directly toward the bedroom, Beretta in hand

    20. Ras moves toward the bed

    21. Ras feels Steng’s pulse and is satisfied he’ll be out for hours

    22. The instant Ras hits the pavement he does not do what is natural: run toward the back of the yard or dart to the right outer wall of the property

    23. Ras was precise in his slice

    24. Ras is confident the second cop will be immobilized helping his partner

    25. Ras waits for the inevitable flashlight to shine into his yard of choice

    26. Ras muses, “No one would dare hide without distancing himself first

    27. Ras casually opens the refrigerator and stuffs two bottles of water in his pockets

    28. Shit!” Ras texts again: Where? Best opp?

    29. At half past noon, Ras leaves the attic with his residue, including the water bottles, drank and refilled with his urine

    30. He would feel better if Ras had admitted he screwed up

    31. ” Avery’s words burn into Ras, “Anyway, what’s the plan?”

    32. Ras pauses, reflects and continues, “I see---I didn’t think Prince was expendable

    33. He knows abruptly ending their call will motivate Ras more than any words

    34. Ras will do everything exactly as instructed

    35. ” He sits down in the hall, sweating, punching a text message to Ras

    36. Ras pushes the remote to the transmitter just before turning the corner into the hallway leading to the Denson/Steng rooms

    37. Ras is already coming toward him, the hypo out as he takes his position outside Denson’s room

    38. Ras sees the gun

    39. Ras charges at her like a rushing guard, bowling her over as he races down the hall

    40. That gives Ras time to reach the end of the hall and do his best Captain America dive to the left, out of sight

    41. Ras sees the vengeance in the fat-man’s eyes

    42. Ras sits there, in black jockeys, legs crossed, hands clasped together

    43. In a quiet corner in the lounge, Ras starts, “Let’s get to the point

    44. ” He then speaks to Ras,

    45. Ras is frustrated, “I hate to repeat myself, but I thought I was supposed to be dead at that point

    46. Ras sits silently for a long moment and says, “There are several risks

    47. Ras stares at Brink, then turns his head and takes a scalp to toe assessment of Prince and says to them both, “Let’s do it

    48. Ras is pained by the irony of a seventy-five year old man telling him he is too old

    49. Ras doesn’t believe he will get ‘another chance’ regardless of what he does

    50. Ras fits into the Southern California tourist look as blatantly

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