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    Usa "refines" in una frase

    refines frasi di esempio


    1. God refines, and the symbol is always by fire

    2. The manufacturers first supply the neighbourhood, and afterwards, as their work improves and refines, more distant markets

    3. In Verse 14, Paul refines this thought clearly stating that if those that live law can inherit –

    4. Krishn shapes and refines beings with special care at the beginning of

    5. Here is our master Joseph, who doesn’t care about the external appearance, but rather, he sees by Al’lah’s Light which refines one’s heart

    6. The principles of Islamic economy is that it never deprive the natural instinct of possessing among Muslims, but it refines and guides it for the protection of man himself as well as his society

    7. When nothing else matters except that single part of a disconnected linear chain of a linear, causal process that rips ore out of the earth, filters it, crushes it, washes it, chemicalizes it, melts it, refines it, turns it into an alloy, ships it around the world to other factories that refine it further, shape it, re-melt it, pound it, twist it, flatten it, and then sell it to another set of disconnected linear processes that makes that metal ends up in half the houses of the world as a screw, as a pipe, as a nail…

    8. undoubtedly, love alone that refines, ennobles, and exalts it

    9. And now! now I felt, to the heart of me! I felt the prodigious keen edge, with which love, presiding over this act, points the pleasure: love! that may be styled the Attic salt of enjoyment; and indeed, without it, the joy, great as it is, is still a vulgar one, whether in a king or a beggar; for it is, undoubtedly, love alone that refines, ennobles, and exalts it

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