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    Usa "rend asunder" in una frase

    rend asunder frasi di esempio

    rend asunder

    1. “What God has joined together let no man rend asunder

    2. 5 Why are there strivings and anger and division and war among you? 6 Have we not one God and one Christ? Is not the Spirit of grace which was poured out on us one? Is not our calling one in Christ? 7 Why do we tear apart and rend asunder the members of Christ and make sedition against our body and come to such a degree of madness that we forget we are members one of another? Remember the words of our Lord Jesus 8 for he said Woe to that man; it were good for him if he had never been born rather than that he should cause one of my elect to offend

    3. And as Americans appreciate their heritage of freedom and take stock on this special day of where our country finds itself in relation to the tangled web of despotic nations and nihilistic revolutionaries attempting to snuff out freedom for all mankind, they would do well to consider the so-called cultured despisers of liberty who would rend asunder our preeminence in the world just assuredly as any diaper-headed terrorist but in simply a far more subtle and thus possibly far more seditious manner

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