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    Usa "rendering" in una frase

    rendering frasi di esempio


    1. You are seeing a photographic image of this android on live video, not the output of an Angel's personification rendering channel

    2. "This is a pretty good rendering, did you or your sister give this to them?" Glenelle asked, still sensitive about the changes they had made on this planet

    3. - She attached the best rendering of the wagon that was headed across the sand toward the shuttlecraft's old resting site

    4. While he might look, feel and smell the same, there was no way to pretend a bunch of logic and some rendering routines were wrapping a human soul when they weren't, they were wrapping the 'conversational preferences' thru 'lovemaking preference' you had dialed in

    5. As a technician, of course Bahkmar knew that the view rendering busses that supplied all souls eye-stream input was dependent on all objects in the field of view

    6. If people gestured silently among themselves, their individual rendering would keep up

    7. Bahkmar already had enough crystal in place that everyone's rendering was out with only a one clock delay, but he thought he noticed the audio getting two clocks behind for a few slices

    8. This was one of those places where Bahkmar had to bite his tongue and not blurt out, 'they are just a few thousand pages of 'if' statements, some few-level neural simulation loops, a few gig of customizable data and some presentation rendering loops' but the vow was sacred and he understood even to the sociological level why the people who can't understand it anyway need to believe it is holy

    9. It was the challenge of rendering all those views with all those actors in each view, each from a slightly different angle

    10. Would he notice less care in the rendering? Would things stop moving? An Angel civilization had never decayed before, he had no idea what to look for

    11. Daniel held her as she went thru each thrust and each rendering of the flame

    12. “The rendering is fine

    13. But the rendering that took his breath away was of Jake and Daniel tearing into five of the black ones

    14. people hear, but they are also very powerful with their words, rendering them the ones that most

    15. ‘If you’re sure about that, Karen,’ I said, reflecting that she’s got a habit of rendering me speechless, and giving in to the inevitable

    16. The rendering of my wife's body, the dinner, the candlelight, the music, the smells of the food, her perfume and her body itself was all fine, at least as good as my mortal senses could ever perceive

    17. Victoria might even be next, though she was one of the majority who didn't change their flesh's rendering when off duty and presented herself as forty seven years of age

    18. She was using our veron store and rendering hardware

    19. Ava could have hacked into this, he was sure, but it really was one of the most secure areas on the expedition, in spite of Glayet’s quirky rendering

    20. “It could be nothing more than an historical drama video game, the rendering and immersion and sensory synchronization were fine but it is nothing we should take seriously until after we run those tests I set Thom and Darryl and Tung to carrying out

    21. She tried to imagine what kind of bug it would be in the rendering that would cause that

    22. He didn’t know what she meant, so she got up to show him and noticed that there was nothing wrong with the potency of that wine or this game’s rendering of it because the courtyard floor was swaying almost as bad as the deck of that boat

    23. Even though Ava (used to) have enough control of her personification rendering software to give herself those jugs, she couldn’t see herself with them

    24. create a full-color rendering usually took lots of paint

    25. The scene manager is a little more complicated, but not as complicated as the rendering engines it calls

    26. He was sure that she was educated enough to know that also, but the yaag and the sillies had a way of rendering that information temporarily irrelevant

    27. If, notwithstanding a great rise in the price, it still continues to prevail through a considerable part of the country, it is owing in many places, no doubt, to ignorance and attachment to old customs, but, in most places, to the unavoidable obstructions which the natural course of things opposes to the immediate or speedy establishment of a better system : first, to the poverty of the tenants, to their not having yet had time to acquire a stock of cattle sufficient to cultivate their lands more completely, the same rise of price, which would render it advantageous for them to maintain a greater stock, rendering it more difficult for them to acquire it; and, secondly, to their not having yet had time to put their lands in condition to maintain this greater stock properly, supposing they were capable of acquiring it

    28. It is not by augmenting the capital of the country, but by rendering a greater part of that capital active and productive than would otherwise be so, that the most judicious operations of banking can increase the industry of the country

    29. nose is not a stylisation, but a faithful rendering

    30. rendering a conversation impossible

    31. The drawback, therefore, may frequently be pure loss to the revenue of excise and customs, without altering the state of the trade, or rendering it in any respect more extensive

    32. This enhancement of the money price of corn, however, it has been thought, by rendering that commodity more profitable to the farmer, must necessarily encourage its production

    33. The bounty, as it raises in the home market, not so much the real, as the nominal price of our corn; as it augments, not the quantity of labour which a certain quantity of corn can maintain and employ, but only the quantity of silver which it will exchange for ; it discourages our manufactures, without rendering any considerable service, either to our farmers or country gentlemen

    34. It puts, indeed, a little more money into the pockets of both, and it will perhaps be somewhat difficult to persuade the greater part of them that this is not rendering them a very considerable service

    35. The law for the encouragement of the coinage, by rendering it duty-free, was first enacted during the reign of Charles II

    36. All the different states of ancient Greece possessed, each of them, but a very small territory; and when the people in anyone of them multiplied beyond what that territory could easily maintain, a part of them were sent in quest of a new habitation, in some remote and distant part of the world ; the warlike neighbours who surrounded them on all sides, rendering it difficult for any of them to enlarge very much its territory at home

    37. By rendering the colony produce dearer in all other countries, it lessens its consumption, and thereby cramps the industry of the colonies, and both the enjoyments and the industry of all other countries, which both enjoy less when they pay more for what they enjoy, and produce less when they get less for what they produce

    38. By rendering the produce of all other countries dearer in the colonies, it cramps in the same manner the industry of all other colonies, and both the enjoyments and the industry of the colonies

    39. Instead they pertain to the rendering of simple acts of kindness between people

    40. In order to put Great Britain upon a footing of equality with her own colonies, which the law has hitherto supposed to be subject and subordinate, it seems necessary, upon the scheme of taxing them by parliamentary requisition, that parliament should have some means of rendering its requisitions immediately effectual, in case the colony assemblies should attempt to evade or reject them; and what those means are, it is not very easy to conceive, and it has not yet been explained

    41. Such duties, by rendering those commodities dearer, could serve only to sink the real value of the surplus produce of their own land, with which, or, what comes to the same thing, with the price of which those commodities are purchased

    42. Though in representing the labour which is employed upon land as the only productive labour, the notions which it inculcates are, perhaps, too narrow and confined ; yet in representing the wealth of nations as consisting, not in the unconsumable riches of money, but in the consumable goods annually reproduced by the labour of the society, and in representing perfect liberty as the only effectual expedient for rendering this annual reproduction the greatest possible, its doctrine seems to be in every respect as just as it is generous and liberal

    43. In several of the ancient states of Greece, foreign trade was prohibited altogether; and in several others, the employments of artificers and manufacturers were considered as hurtful to the strength and agility of the human body, as rendering it incapable of those habits which their military and gymnastic exercises endeavoured to form in it, and as thereby disqualifying it, more or less, for undergoing the fatigues and encountering the dangers of war

    44. the indolence and vanity of the rich is made to contribute, in a very easy manner, to the relief of the poor, by rendering cheaper the transportation of heavy goods to all the different parts of the country

    45. Except the four trades above mentioned, I have not been able to recollect any other, in which all the three circumstances requisite for rendering reasonable the establislment of a

    46. And, in the end, the civil magistrate will find that he has dearly paid for his intended frugality, in saving a fixed establishment for the priests ; and that, in reality, the most decent and advantageous composition, which he can make with the spiritual guides, is to bribe their indolence, by assigning stated salaries to their profession, and rendering it superfluous for them to be farther active, than merely to prevent their flock from straying in quest of new pastors

    47. To impose upon any man the necessity of teaching, year after year, in any particular branch of science seems in reality to be the most effectual method for rendering him completely master of it himself

    48. By rendering the tax upon such fines a good deal heavier than upon the ordinary rent, this hurtful practice might be discouraged, to the no small advantage of all the different parties concerned, of the landlord, of the tenant, of the sovereign, and of the whole community

    49. were then used to lift or drag the pieces of blubber into the try-pots for rendering into whale oil

    50. With this information, Harrocke, the pilot, was instructed to anchor the Shenandoah inside a long reef, which extends almost across the entrance to the harbor, rendering the

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    interpretation rendering rendition interpreting interlingual rendition translation version