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    Usa "rest area" in una frase

    rest area frasi di esempio

    rest area

    1. The NatSurv quickly provided Ginger with information that Kandhi could have used the night before - Leonora entering Sarah Watson's car and driving it out of the Trinidad rest area

    2. That was the trouble with the rest areas was that you were always shunted into working parties to do fatigues this and the constant shelling meant that you didn’t get that much rest

    3. “Don’t forget Eli get plenty of water down you whilst we are here in the rest area you don’t want to get dehydrated, and keep your pecker up mate

    4. It was our turn in the front line again which I must say was nothing new to us as we moved regularly between the front and rest area at the rear

    5. But with some time spent on the cell phone at a rest area, I arranged for overnight Fedexing (with Saturday delivery) of the new cards

    6. In less than a minute, Ingrid drove through the van park entrance, opening up into a rainforest area dotted with campervans

    7. It is no secret that the Whitechapel area is one of the poorest areas in the country, and is almost seen as an embarrassment, although despite that I found the entire conversation somewhat distasteful

    8. As had apparently been discussed without my knowledge, the Home Secretary and I took a carriage into the heart of Whitechapel, one of the poorest areas in the Empire

    9. The pit extends more into the forest area

    10. “I know we’re pressed for time, but can you stop at the rest area so that I can buy a water or juice

    11. ” Chris slowed the car and found a place to pull over onto a gravel rest area

    12. However, under the circumstances I felt it better to continue trotting towards the rest area

    13. But I learned a valuable lesson; I had to leave the rest area after eating because Elsa was a real psycho case

    14. I could still hear the obese woman crying but then suddenly I heard sirens in all directions converging upon the rest area

    15. In fact, while eating my meal I"d given my intent to dine at Tom"s Seafood Place the next time I visited the rest area

    16. I entered an exit ramp then headed for the nearest rest area

    17. As soon as I entered the rest area I parked the station wagon in a far off corner away from the restaurant and Tourist Information Booth

    18. Lucky for me there was hardly another vehicle in the rest area

    19. Soon Hubert and Agatha would awaken, probably thinking that they entered the rest area to get a snooze

    20. Naturally, I"d have to leave the rest area as soon as I finished my meal

    21. We often stopped at rest areas to

    22. Rebecca and I were very excited to be in a nice rest area

    23. “We’re in the parking lot rest area near Chin’s Buffet

    24. We’re in rest area #12

    25. into the rest area roughly ten minutes later

    26. We exited the rest area and then continued our trek

    27. words ‘rest area’ loosely to describe any place that has the

    28. There was a rest area that she stopped at

    29. Close to the interstate rest areas you might see, “Pet Exercise Area

    30. rest area, a town or city or at the very least a rest area

    31. and walked back to his rest area

    32. to leave the rest area

    33. I stayed put within the rest area grounds, not doing

    34. Other forest areas may be non-contiguous or disunited, further disrupting lemur habitats and opening up the door to the introduction of invasive animal and plant species, sudden close proximity to domesticated animals, and new diseases

    35. was going on in the rest area

    36. "Kathy, I’ll pull over into the next rest area

    37. Shortly afterwards, we were parked in the rest area

    38. a low profile then scanned the rest area

    39. rest area, over and over again

    40. During the night, forest areas can be a safe haven for a

    41. I ran into the parking lot of the rest area

    42. I exited the rest area then

    43. Amigo entered a rest area, looked around then drove off

    44. He entered a rest area then

    45. "Cynthia, it's time to pull over into a rest area, or hit a

    46. Pollution of campsites and rest areas with garbage (and even worse forms of human waste!) is one of the real problems and frustrations campers and travellers have to contend with, sometimes on a daily basis

    47. rest area and parked the Jeep in the far back corner of the

    48. About half way down, he came upon a strange fellow, taking a break at one of the rest area

    49. Bharat Surveyed the forest areas and found:

    50. via I-70 when I stopped at a rest area to go to the bathroom

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