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    Usa "retraced" in una frase

    retraced frasi di esempio


    1. Piece by piece, she retraced the valley on the inside of her eyelids

    2. Slowly she retraced her steps, listening to the voices grow louder with anger

    3. A color that didn’t fit in the room, and now her eyes retraced the path of

    4. The man turned and retraced his steps and called his dog which had run back to the park gate

    5. Concerning itself with character: It thought through the Zodiac and retraced historical Structures of human memory and psychology with

    6. Once she was certain she could recreate the path, she pulled herself back up to the catwalk and retraced the way she'd come, which wasn't hard as Yula led the way

    7. I pushed his hand away, turned and retraced my steps to the well

    8. I got off the tram and retraced my steps back to the house I now no longer felt the same trepidation that had overtaken me the first time I came here

    9. Twice he became convinced that he had backtracked in his delirium and retraced his footsteps, only to lose himself again

    10. As they retraced their steps, a battered black Renault sedan parked on the opposite side of the boulevard, across from the Polonia’s main entrance, caught Colling’s eye

    11. Maybe if he retraced his steps, like when you lose your car keys

    12. Close to four-thirty, he retraced his steps to the Deutsches Post office

    13. He retraced his steps and verified that the oval with the lightning bolt through it was indeed there

    14. Bisdah dismissed them with a wave and they hastily retraced their steps

    15. Not wishing to spend the night on the mountaintop, especially since it was raining again, I retraced my steps to the fourth summerhouse for the night

    16. trio retraced their steps along the maze of aisles, taking their time

    17. the floors as he retraced the route they had come

    18. forcing the party around them as they retraced the steps they had

    19. Once standing there she took her bearing and then slowly retraced her footsteps—

    20. I retraced my path to the port not really noticing much around me since I was lost in my memories

    21. I turned the caravan around and retraced our exploits so we could

    22. Turning back the two retraced their steps, so that they were soon standing with the others

    23. He also remembered the bleakness of any possible future for them on that tortuous odyssey and smiled as they retraced their steps

    24. Moshe partly retraced his steps in the company of the guard as he returned to his post

    25. Then the two pilots went to the wall map and retraced the route they had taken

    26. and smiled as they retraced their steps

    27. The trio retraced their steps, accompanied by a now fully compliant though still thoroughly

    28. anxiously retraced his steps

    29. Pa and I retraced our route back to the Corrigan place

    30. So I did and we retraced our steps, about two hours flying

    31. No one spoke as we unloaded and retraced our steps to the edge of the cliffs

    32. Pride was perhaps the dominant emotion as they retraced with their eyes the ridges and valleys they’d tramped over and through to get here

    33. The restroom where Joey died was about 15 feet down the hall from where I stood---I’d just retraced his death march


    35. They had retraced their steps along the banks of Gold

    36. out loud as he retraced the scratchings in the dust looking

    37. It was only through the husband, who had retraced is wife’s last possible movements, that the search had been started so quickly

    38. Fiona said, “You controlled that conversation so it looked like we made the decision, but we merely retraced the steps you had used so we came to the conclusion you wanted

    39. Billy reached Groveton, and retraced what Shane had said happened

    40. Thereafter, I retraced my tracks back to the cloud

    41. Reluctantly she retraced her

    42. ” Jo and Ethan retraced their steps to the

    43. The three retraced their steps out of the hallway and John

    44. retraced my steps returning to the peripheral of the forested

    45. How many times in the past had his blows sent her scurrying to some bleak refuge? How many hours until her weary legs retraced her tracks to his craziness? Some dark corner of her being needed that mad sick bastard

    46. By the time that the NCO ran out with a recognition manual in his hands, the plane above did a slow turn and retraced its steps, but on a parallel trail to the first one

    47. Later that night, he retraced their footsteps along the shoreline of Bondi Beach

    48. With that, we left the villagers to their mourning and retraced our steps

    49. Rudolph retraced his steps to the door

    50. Without a word the surgeon and Scully retraced their steps to Lorene’s bedroom which was locked

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