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    Usa "ridden" in una frase

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    1. His oldest sons had ridden out to deal with Waldeis, the one who had given Ernesto the infection and now ridden off into the wild chaparral in fear

    2. Ernesto was delirious but someone had already ridden toward the city for a disease specialist

    3. They seemed so good at riding that they may have ridden til the stampede stopped and then calmly dismounted

    4. ‘I’ve ridden on his back

    5. ’ He said with a satisfied air as we set off again, Gilla and Caderl have ridden a little ahead of us

    6. We ride round the paddock, her gait very smooth and nothing like as jerky as the horses I have ridden before

    7. Sefir is a wonderfully smooth ride compared with the other equines I have ridden, but I am gradually finding the movement more and more painful

    8. White Feathers already knew because he had ridden with the young Bill Cody years before in 'Johnston's Army' through Utah

    9. roared away, including the truck Tom had ridden in himself

    10. “I’ve ridden those trails with Yise,” Alistair interjected, “They’re

    11. He flew across the water faster than he had ever moved before on any conveyance for he had never ridden a bolting keda

    12. He was cleaning the hooves of a recently stabled mare ridden into town by an annual visitor at the opening of the summer season

    13. concerned that he had only ever ridden on the back of a

    14. He had ridden up from Little Messapit the day before, and had camped with his dog Snags on Meatpie hill

    15. Not to mention that I’ve never ridden on a horse

    16. Still, he had ridden straight from Windhelm, hardly stopping and only doing so to allow his steed to rest and take some water

    17. The only thing that hadn’t changed was the cries of the wounded men in agony or the mutterings of the fever ridden and we knew that the serious dysentery cases were all in one ward on the port side

    18. One cannot help wondering, however, just how the book would have sold had Lassiter ridden the „Pink Sage

    19. Lieutenant-Colonel McClernand, of the Fifth Corps, had ridden up with orders from General Shafter for Generals Kent and Sumner to move their divisions forward through the valley to the edge of the woods and there await orders

    20. He slowed his car down and finding a hidden forest car park, he drew his vehicle into the pebble ridden car park

    21. The religious fanatics had ridden off on the mountain bikes

    22. I’ve ridden every back road there is around here

    23. They said the place had the smallest wave they had ever seen, that had the potential to be the longest wave ever ridden

    24. Colling expected that his companion would be as reticent as the other Soviet soldiers he had ridden with, but the young NKVD man spoke fairly decent English

    25. He had ridden his way off into dreamland

    26. They had ridden as soundlessly as possible after nightfall, and they did not light a fire in the camp

    27. What had happened to those two? And what would happen when they reached Tanyvilas with the message that she had been with them, but had ridden off alone? Or were they looking for her? Would they come here maybe? It was impossible to know, impossible to figure out

    28. She had consciously ridden northeast to avoid him and Alaric finding her again

    29. He would much rather have ridden on Oloty, but he did not say it so she would not feel sad about it again

    30. Approximately at the time of the last incremental change was when civilization is thought to have begun, and look where we have ridden this change agent to, but biology by itself most likely will not be a fast enough accelerator to carry us to where we desire to go, if we even know where that might be

    31. After awhile his mouth would start looking like a horse that had been ridden too hard

    32. We changed horses and sent the one we had ridden to the rear

    33. Actually “conquerors” rather overstates it, the Ordu had merely ridden into the area and the tribes had joined immediately

    34. A panicked and sweat ridden Derek had barely made it to his

    35. She had ridden a horse most of the way here, but she would be walking into the city

    36. They were starving, thirsty, and disease ridden

    37. It was the Pravik where the old Maggie still lived, the Maggie who had ridden over the Guardian Bridge with Nicolas and shivered at the sight of the pleading statues, before love and truth and song had changed her forever

    38. like it should be ridden than pushed

    39. Aaron had chosen one of the guards that had ridden with Moshe, to take over the task of bringing up the rear, and had himself assumed Youssaf’s position in the lead

    40. Having ridden back to where Moshe was and upon hearing Caleb’s greeting, Youssaf asked, “How many were in the patrol?”

    41. Four horsemen had ridden into sight, close to the bottom of the steep incline

    42. Without thought, Joshua had ridden straight ahead trying to put as much distance between them and the Egyptians as possible

    43. In the beginning, they had ridden over the stone causeway

    44. " Toby Parker didn't want to come right out and say that he cleaned up in all Star Class sailboat races when he was ten, or that he had ridden with the Woodsford Hunt in Virginia where he had grown up

    45. Aaron had chosen one of the guards that had ridden with Moshe, to

    46. Having ridden back to where Moshe was and upon hearing Caleb's greeting, Youssaf asked,

    47. In the morning he will be gone, his rage ridden out, but we will still be here

    48. Without thought, Joshua had ridden straight ahead

    49. In the beginning, they had ridden

    50. Three riders were coming along the path at a trot, with the grey, ridden by the Mackay girl, leading

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