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    Usa "rond" in una frase

    rond frasi di esempio


    1. The roof was bigleaf shaftwood fronds thatched six inches thick

    2. Some of the floors above that were not as safe as they once were, but thick limbs with thick green fronds fluttering in the gentle breeze shaded most of it

    3. there, monstrous liana fronds of brilliant white clematis

    4. down from the ceiling, thick fronds and razor sharp leaves cut and smothered his

    5. Then it went to the shores and lavished the trees of each bank with a slow dose of noon in the middle of Nightday, whipping their fronds to shreds

    6. Big bodies humphed and blumped in the darkness, snapping large twigs and stripping keltoid fronds with loud rips

    7. She waved the crossbow around to cast shadows on the fronds

    8. Kortrax was again free of the horizon, smiling broadly on the endless expanse of ribbonleaves and fronds spreading away to the northwest like a floor of hip-deep yellow flowers widely scattered with graceful archwoods like the clump they were camped in

    9. She got up from him and began wandering a little way out into the yellow fronds

    10. Come to think of it, the archwood trees looked a little like giant ferns also, even though the fronds did branch extensively, giving them a look that was also something like a willow

    11. What a pretty picture she made surrounded by the yellow fronds on the bright green ribbonleaves holding that purple flower

    12. " Luray had broken off a long frond and stripped it, getting a curved stick over three feet long out of it

    13. It's relatively easy to hook lon with stripped archwood fronds, and in a few minutes they had a quarter of the water cleared and a nice little pile of the thick leaves beside them

    14. Luray could still see them until they lay down between the fronds

    15. They mewed and cooed quietly to each other and inch-bounded from frond to frond

    16. Most of the live fronds were on the next generation of archwoods that had grown up in the gardens and courtyards of the former homes

    17. It took another claw at the spot where they'd climbed into the tree, then began rumbling off after the herd again, brushing against the trunk of the frond Alan was in and shaking it enough to almost knock him out of it

    18. Alan's foot was definitely aching by then, and the deep bed of dried fronds around this clump was very comfortable

    19. What are the oldest dead fronds now, would have been saplings holding up tent at the time

    20. By the light of week Ekendosa, the countryside was crowded but lovely, neat little farms beneath big-frond archwoods along the bank between meanders, little towns on the deep side of just about every meander, beaches on the other side

    21. In spite of being so flat, it was pretty country, lush with the fronds of houses, the ripe smells of rich cropland in the mid summer heat and the sounds of a hundred different kinds of lumins and charrasspas

    22. From here it was just possible to see the features of the mountain, The Karthuum Valley and Rankor Hill, glowing softly green with the light of all the Nightday lanterns that burned beneath the upper fronds of that urban mountain

    23. There was a nice garden of colorful rinkos out behind, companioned with many varieties of bean fronds

    24. ” She was working her way thru the ridge-fronds of the roof, then down the edge and stepped onto a balcony rail and disappeared down the stairway

    25. Garonde had already lost interest and had returned to his

    26. 'That would be Thomas Garonde?'

    27. Garonde looked up from his work with a mock frown, then

    28. with his musings despite the fact that Garonde had gone

    29. In his home on the other side of town, Thomas Garonde

    30. Antoine Reynard or Thomas Garonde, he felt that they had

    31. 'And he'd have surely told Garonde,' said Marguerite

    32. Thomas Garonde,' said Jean

    33. Garonde) over, was there any need to? Deep down he had

    34. had every reason to be concerned about Thomas Garonde

    35. ‘I wish I could have been there to see Garonde’s face

    36. This was a very different city, the hangleaf fronds and numerous large canals curving with the dam were unlike anything on Earth

    37. You are trying to connect thru an eye of your own that you've parked on a frond near the Kaldiss eye in the city of Zhlindu

    38. As punctuation a springkett nabbed one of those tightplumes and inchbounded up a wild frond to consume its meal

    39. She opened all facets and spread out the fronds, for Kortrax was bright this noon and this tower was full in his sight

    40. Some were little more than camps, but there were a few towers eight stories tall with long balcony fronds and awning shaded courts on top

    41. He didn't care about the silence, he just sat with his back to the table looking out at the fronds of his neighbor's rooftops

    42. There were fronds at all distances, receding into the distance in this incredibly flat country

    43. The balcony rails of the beach towers had plenty of leaves, and large fronds shaded the courtyards atop their penthouses

    44. Arondor consid-DRAFTChapter 14 293

    45. Philemon pointed out its splendid peristyle in the Doric fashion and the ornate decoration on its columns’ capitals, carved with many leaves and fronds

    46. She fanned my face with a palm frond while her husband opened the goatskin of water and poured a cup

    47. As we neared Jerusalem, the fronds of palm trees drooped since there was not a breath of air stirring

    48. Fronds of palm trees waved slightly

    49. Fronds of the few palm trees swayed in the unfelt breeze

    50. he could see dozens of fish meandering gently between the fronds

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