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    Usa "rows" in una frase

    rows frasi di esempio


    1. And then he turns around and I see those rows of loathsome eyes just leering at me, and I just want to coil that sucker up and inject all my venom sacs straight into his face!

    2. Lo and behold, it's like a completely different place -- the farmhouse is completely rebuilt and in excellent condition, there are plenty of cattle and other livestock happily munching on feed in well-fenced pens, and the fields are filled with crops planted in neat rows

    3. Around them were rows and rows of unused computers

    4. ‘No, I’m not … Dan and I have had some pretty major rows in our time – he’s got as volcanic a temper as I have, but there was no point this time, even I could see that

    5. Not that he liked my advice always … I smile to myself as I recall some of the more memorable rows we had which started with me telling him that he ought to do something or other

    6. Dave, facing John, slowly rows to the island on the lake

    7. Without another word, he pushes off, turns the boat slowly in the lake and rows away as John watches

    8. Cases of liquor are stacked to the ceiling along rows that recede into the distance

    9. She was sitting in a rather large hall, grown from rows of trees that joined together high above

    10. There were some oooh's and ahhh's from the crew's rows in the amphitheater

    11. It was a large square room with a high ceiling adorned with fancy plasterwork and filled by rows of tables bearing what she knew to be computer stations criss-crossing the room, lit by natural light from the long, floor to ceiling windows let into one wall

    12. Alan thought there should be a central aisle in the streetcar with rows of seats facing forward

    13. They pranced and stepped high on the stage and invited a few juggy ladies from the front rows to bounce around on stage with them

    14. Instead they ducked between the rows of cargo that now covered almost the whole deck

    15. Most African tribes dressed their hair in plaits wrapped in thread, tight to the scalp, either in straight rows (hence the name) or intricate patterns and the ends were secured with thread and/

    16. She took a wherry across the river to the Southwark side where the warehouse was situated, strolling along the lanes behind the Shakespearean theatre where herb gardens, supplying the nearby centre for the Herbmasters, occupied neat little patches of ground carefully tended by a cadre of gotteswomen specially trained for the purpose, the purple outfits of their calling showing up clearly as they toiled amongst the neat rows of plants

    17. The rows were laid out with loose-leafed notebooks at the beginning and end of each

    18. Pottery vases and dishes trailing ribbons and silken cord stood before effigies of tulips and lilies in pink, white and turquoise behind rows of ornate glassware balanced on the shelves

    19. The rows were a little narrow and Nightday is very dark

    20. As he walked thru the rows to the edge of the patio, he wondered why she would do that

    21. The dogs flew to the right and to the left, up and down the aisles and rows, savaging all of the dignitaries with their massive fangs until there was nothing left of the government ministers, the judiciary and upper echelons of the police service but rags and bones

    22. Surrounding the icon, candles stood in rows like parishioners, waiting to be lit

    23. Terry retired from the beautiful game amid a welter of accusations, of public rows with Bling and general feelings of mutual betrayal

    24. A commotion near the entrance to the Hold drew her attention; she could see two rows of warriors lined up facing fifteen to twenty Scathers

    25. As Ken and Eileen grew steadily into the trunk stiffening years of their mid-thirties, Ken, moved by an unconscious desire to nurture and grow, turned the back garden of their modest home into a vegetable grower’s delight, with rows of broad beans, green beans, carrots and parsnips swelling with each alternate kiss of the sun and caress of summer rain

    26. The soil was rich and fertile and there were many farms with rows and rows of crops being harvested

    27. This obsession with the song caused huge rows in the Roach household

    28. They came and sat two rows ahead of us

    29. produce the emotions in their respective rows

    30. a time, but to speed it up, I have numbered the rows

    31. into columns and rows to facilitate faster searching,

    32. Joanna has pottered at things and, as a result, the rows between them have continued

    33. stalls in two rows

    34. accusations, of public rows with Bling and general feelings of

    35. This obsession with the song caused huge rows in the Roach

    36. The lecture room was large and rather stark room, with rows of

    37. The bed was filled with regimented rows of

    38. Rows of glowing crystal balls line the upper level, a huge glowing crystal onion ringed with six ornate thrones dominates the sunken central portion of the room

    39. This section of the campus wasn’t the orderly rows of quads the pyramid and dome were on

    40. He followed him out the door and around to the back of the house where stacks of boards lay in neat rows

    41. The herd adjusted, becoming three horizontal rows, instead of

    42. white projectile was headed right at his head, but the man two rows in front of him

    43. In fact I learned to type in the ballroom of the house – rows of manual typewriters on desks in half the original ballroom; a stud wall completely out of keeping with the original graciously appointed saloon dividing the room into two

    44. Like Harry before her, it was satisfying to her sense of wholeness, to balance ledgers and keep entries in neat and orderly columns and rows

    45. they wove in and out of the rows of cars, laughing and talking

    46. Heather and Roman sat two rows from the back

    47. obsessive, the rows of lights evenly spaced, the star on top pointed exactly toward

    48. had his back against the wall and marched at least four rows deep

    49. Freddy only had two rows left before reaching the top—four more fire

    50. Sally sat a couple rows in front of the main group with her coat pulled up around

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