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    1. Accordingly, the South African international borders with Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) and Botswana were protected by SAP COIN

    2. * These countries are to the north of South Africa except Lesotho which is surrounded by South Africa, it being high in the mountains about the size of Wales and right in the middle of the country

    3. Some camps were next to Lesotho, in the snow, where you were entitled to two glasses of whiskey a day instead of beer (to combat the cold)

    4. And so we came up with one idea after another and speculated as to the living conditions, the people and the weather in Lesotho

    5. December would see them all together again at Christmas in Lesotho, but it was still a way away

    6. Marco and Josie would be with Liam and Patty in Lesotho

    7. ‘When you leave Vanda, what is there here for us?’ Marco asked, not really expecting an answer, ‘I’m going to put the business on the market, there are already a few people interested and we want to move to Lesotho

    8. I knew they would probably still be on the plane from Lesotho but I left a message on her phone anyway

    9. Sothe fellow-servant fell down at his 8 feet and begged him and said Grant me respite and I will pay you; And he would not; but took him and throw him into prison till he should give him his debt

    10. Isothermal layer: a layer of water throughout which a constant temperature exists

    11. lenses can be distinguished in gravitational lensing – isothermal lenses and

    12. Paging through the Records in the Dispatch office, Rory noted from one of the ”Ubisi Dairies” letterheads, that they had many branches situated throughout South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana and Maputo…

    13. Now through the yelling, cursing lines rode the lords of the conquerors—Strabonus, with his broad dark face and crafty eyes; Amalrus, slender, fastidious, treacherous, dangerous as a cobra; and the lean vulture Tsotha-lanti, clad only in silken robes, his great black eyes glittering from a face that was like that of a bird of prey

    14. "Again, nay!" snapped Tsotha, swinging down from his horse

    15. "I offer you life, Conan," said Tsotha, a cruel mirth bubbling at the back of his voice

    16. "I give you death, wizard," snarled the king, and backed by iron muscles and ferocious hate the great sword swung in a stroke meant to shear Tsotha's lean torso in half

    17. Tsotha laughed silently

    18. But always the jouncing and rumbling of the chariot brought his thoughts back to revolve with maddening monotony about the treachery of Amalrus and the sorcery of Tsotha

    19. That was the castle of Tsotha

    20. In front of him stood Tsotha, and on divans lounged Strabonus and Amalrus in their silks and gold, gleaming with jewels, naked slave-boys beside them pouring wine into cups carved of a single sapphire

    21. Only Tsotha was not disturbed

    22. "Our desires are quickly spoken, king of Aquilonia," said Tsotha

    23. Tsotha grinned bleakly to see the rage of his kingly companions

    24. Drawing it, he rushed at the Cimmerian, but Tsotha intervened

    25. Tsotha turned to Conan, who had stood imperturbably during the episode

    26. At the wizard's gesture, the blacks laid hold of their prisoner and marched him behind Tsotha, who led the way out of the chamber through an arched doorway into a winding corridor, whose floor was of many-hued mosaics, whose walls were inlaid with gold tissue and silver chasing, and from whose fretted arched ceiling swung golden censers, filling the corridor with dreamy perfumed clouds

    27. At this door stood a fat repellent figure, dangling a bunch of keys—Tsotha's chief eunuch, Shukeli, of whom grisly tales were whispered—a man with whom a bestial lust for torture took the place of normal human passions

    28. Conan answered with a searing Cimmerian curse that would have burst the eardrums of an ordinary man, and Tsotha laughed thinly and withdrew

    29. Conan thought of Tsotha's last abominable threat, and groaned in sick fury, knowing it was no idle boast

    30. He glared fearsomely at the outer gloom, and thought of the grisly tales he had heard of Tsotha's necromantic cruelty, and it was with an icy sensation down his spine that he realized that these must be the very Halls of Horror named in shuddering legendry, the tunnels and dungeons wherein Tsotha performed horrible experiments with beings human, bestial, and, it was whispered, demoniac, tampering blasphemously with the naked basic elements of life itself

    31. Tsotha's pets might come out of the dark and eat me, and if Shukeli finds out I stole his keys, he'll hang me up by my—well, what will you give me?"

    32. "Tsotha will never know!" laughed the black fiendishly, too engrossed in his gloating triumph to take heed of anything else, too drunk with hate to know that Death swayed behind his shoulder

    33. Another of Tsotha's victims, he thought, cursing the wizard anew, and turning aside, followed the sound down a smaller tunnel, dank and damp

    34. By what hellish arts had Tsotha brought this unnatural being into life? Conan felt vaguely that he had looked on blasphemy against the eternal laws of nature

    35. It was as if he had wandered into hell—a hell of Tsotha-lanti's making

    36. "Pelias the sorcerer, Tsotha-lanti's rival, who vanished from the earth ten years ago?"

    37. He is Satha, the Old One, chiefest of Tsotha's pets

    38. "Did Tsotha dig these pits for no other reason than to house his cursed monstrosities?" asked Conan

    39. It remained for Tsotha-lanti to rear the scarlet citadel and open the way to the pits again

    40. Whatever fate overtook the grand vizier of Khossus, Tsotha avoided it

    41. As for Tsotha – men say that a dancing-girl of Shadizar slept too near the pre-human ruins on Dagoth Hill and woke in the grip of a black demon; from that unholy union was spawned an accursed hybrid men call Tsotha-lanti—"

    42. By means known only to Tsotha-lanti, word had reached Tamar of the king's death, within half a dozen hours after the battle

    43. Somebody in Tsotha's mysterious secret-service had babbled

    44. "Here is sorcery!" screamed Tsotha, clawing madly at his beard

    45. Among those who had crossed the barge-bridge before it was destroyed was Tsotha, riding like the wind on a gaunt weird-looking steed whose stride no natural horse could match

    46. Tsotha screamed a curse, but the great stallion took the last leap with a straining groan, and gained the southern bank

    47. Old Tsotha rose and faced his pursuer, his eyes those of a maddened serpent, his face an inhuman mask

    48. Tsotha's right hand came back and forward, and the king ducked quickly

    49. Before Tsotha could toss the globe in his left hand, Conan's sword sheared through his lean neck

    50. Then with a swift rush of wings, something swooped from the sky—the eagle which had attacked Tsotha's horse

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