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    Usa "sureties" in una frase

    sureties frasi di esempio


    1. imagination, preferring the simple sureties of cash in his pocket and the reassurance of

    2. is sureties for debts; Iif you have nothing to pay, why should he take away your bed from under you? Remove not the ancient

    3. The Church Catechism asks the question, �Why are infants baptized?" But it does not give as an answer, "Because they offer no obstacle to grace,"�but "because they promise repentance and faith by their Sureties

    4. " Let us always remember that an infant has no title to baptism but the profession of its Sureties

    5. Surely when these Sureties know nothing of repentance or faith, or of what they are promising, common sense points out that the infant is not likely to get any inward benefit from the sacrament

    6. When Sancho had done drinking he dug his heels into his ass, and the gate of the inn being thrown open he passed out very well pleased at having paid nothing and carried his point, though it had been at the expense of his usual sureties, his shoulders

    7. “But who will be my sureties?”

    8. In addition there was a host of accused men, victims, witnesses and sureties

    9. And be it further enacted, That, until the proclamation aforesaid shall have been issued, the several provisions of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eighteenth sections of the act, entitled "An act to interdict the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France, and their dependencies, and for other purposes," shall have full force and be immediately carried into effect against Britain, her colonies, and dependencies: Provided, however, That any vessel or merchandise which may, in pursuance thereof, be seized, prior to the fact being ascertained, whether Great Britain shall, on or before the second day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, have revoked or modified her edicts in the manner above mentioned, shall, nevertheless, be restored, on application of the parties, on their giving bond with approved sureties to the United States, in a sum equal to the value thereof, to abide the decision of the proper court of the United States thereon; and any such bond shall be considered as satisfied if Great Britain shall, on or before the second day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, have revoked or modified her edicts in the manner above mentioned: Provided, also, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect any ships or vessels, or the cargoes of ships or vessels, wholly owned by a citizen or citizens of the United States, which had cleared out for the Cape of Good Hope, or for any port beyond the same, prior to the tenth of November, one thousand eight hundred and ten

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