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    Usa "sworn" in una frase

    sworn frasi di esempio


    1. I could have sworn Molly told me that she met his father somewhere in Dorset

    2. Ever since the great patriarch had sworn a pact with the dark stars, ever since he had

    3. Bahkmar knew that was not quite true but Imelse Nostraheem was sworn to more oaths than the technicians were

    4. Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; he seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption

    5. (CINDY steps in the witness stand and is sworn in

    6. He would have sworn one was filled with placentas in shallow fish tanks

    7. fear on her face? Jean could have sworn it was

    8. She told me, with some embarrassment, how she tricked Kaitlyn into telling her what her friend had sworn never to tell

    9. echo so perfect that we could have sworn there was

    10. I could have sworn that it was set in a smile

    11. It was said that there had been a Death Guard in the Ancient times, an elite army formed by various races that traveled the worlds sworn to eradicate the Plague

    12. and Jean could have sworn he heard a collective sigh of

    13. "What in the name of the Gods is going on here, Grimgy? I could've sworn that things would've quieted down after last night

    14. Lemoss could have sworn it had licked its lips

    15. Theoton has sworn to your honesty

    16. Locket, she could have sworn that the little,

    17. sworn that the apples were left in the kitchen the last time

    18. Holy Marduk! What more does this woman want from me, a sworn statement on Xonia’s grave? “Are you jealous, or what?” he asked, his patience wearing thin

    19. She could only see the outline of the figure from where she stood, yet she could have sworn at that moment that whoever that person was, he was staring straight at her

    20. “Your sister took the oath and was sworn in

    21. From those sworn to fight for him and give their lives for the homes and lands we hold dear

    22. “Return to your post; but know this: I will not intentionally influence your sworn obligations to the Guild

    23. He could have sworn he recognised the pair from somewhere

    24. Something compelled him to reach under his shirt and pull out the dragon pendant he had so often cursed and sworn to destroy

    25. Isa 54:9 For this is as the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee

    26. All the old songs were sung and declarations of undying friendships were sworn none of which would be remembered come morning

    27. } in order to pay his debts, adulterated his coin, all the officers of his mint were sworn to secrecy

    28. We filled the hole in but as we did Bert and I were in a blue funk shaking and I could have sworn that I had filled my trousers as Bert stuttered

    29. “I am your sworn protector,” Terese said sternly

    30. After Lincoln was shot and he lay dying, the argument arose again, but in this case, less than three hours after Lincoln’s death, precedence prevailed and Andrew Johnson was sworn in

    31. ” During sworn testimony taken in the case, Marine officials admitted they would allow speech that favored Islam, but not Nieto"s speech because they considered it “extremist, indecent, and offensive

    32. She becomes Jean Fairsythe’s trainer with the sword to make her a Blademaiden and considers herself the sworn protector of the Daughter of Thor

    33. “Go speak to the police that is my statement, sworn in the name of God and the Torah itself!” and with that she turned on her heel and flounced off the find the Rabbi

    34. If she left now, she would not only be running away from her life, but she would be abandoning Sespian, the emperor she had sworn to honor and protect the day she became an enforcer

    35. “When you were sworn to act as his regent, you made a promise to him and the empire that you would step down when he reached his majority

    36. And then you just carry on to give billions away including sophisticated weapons to a nation who is a sworn enemy of your only true ally in that region called Israel

    37. and colonizer of the American colonies, and the sworn foe to Spain, had

    38. “I have sworn to keep Sarah’s memory alive for Joey and Paul,” he responded quietly

    39. But she had sworn to Em that she would maintain this charade, at least until her father had arrived

    40. Understanding the difference is historically important because the myth of indiscriminate carpet bombing took hold afterwards and we still read with much delight the sworn statements to this effect

    41. The bemused paratroopers were sworn in as policemen for the duration of the contact and mounted a classic helicopter assault as it was before the Rhodesians discovered fireforces

    42. It is also well-known that all outgoing US Presidents sign the pardons the morning before the new guy gets sworn in

    43. The ostrich stopped at the far edge of the field, looking back at the chaos it had caused and for one moment, I could have sworn it was smiling

    44. I stood stock still, my ears ringing with the noise, and just for one brief moment, I could have sworn I heard Uncle Hobart clicking his dentures and chuckling happily

    45. The sworn testament by one of the dancers that she had seen Frank arguing with the dead man earlier that evening in the club, added weight to the Prosecutor’s contention that Frank had beaten, then stabbed the man to death

    46. “In my office, I nearly did something that I had sworn never to do again,” he said

    47. His brother had sworn that it had been a stupid mistake, a one-off thing

    48. But if you should step out in front of a speeding truck, it’s their duty to try to save you, even if they’re Dorian’s sworn enemies

    49. But I could’ve sworn, on pain of anything other than death or excruciating torture involving genitalia, that I had never laid eyes on that man, or any of the other folks on the screen in my life; not even waiting in line for the cash register, or in one of those cult films on after-hours TV

    50. “This ship is in my care and custody, and as a licensed security agent I have sworn to uphold the law and to protect the property thus entrusted to me,” Hartle informed them in an indignant voice

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