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    Usa "symbolizes" in una frase

    symbolizes frasi di esempio


    1. Field: A green field symbolizes a great improvement in your social status

    2. Observatory: It symbolizes the growth of your business and your social life

    3. Silver: This metal symbolizes inspirations which will give you good earnings and social recognition

    4. Straw: It symbolizes success and wealth, followed by the jealousy of people around you; a straw hat shows modesty

    5. When we wrestle with these other aspects of the cross and what it symbolizes, it all falls apart if we are unwilling to recognize the Godhead in the midst of it all

    6. ” David symbolizes the man of faith – which is ironically the one that always gets trampled upon by men of the world, whether religious or otherwise

    7. To dream that you are caught in barbed wire symbolizes oppression and confinement

    8. To see canned foods in your dream symbolizes the emotions that you are keeping inside

    9. To dream that someone is a Cancer sign symbolizes your tendency to keep and hold on to everything

    10. Alternatively, a carpet symbolizes luxury, comfort or richness

    11. Alternatively, a cast symbolizes a time of healing and discipline

    12. If you do not have a daughter, then it symbolizes the feminine aspect within yourself

    13. To dream of the Earth’s core symbolizes suppressed anger

    14. It also symbolizes emotions and thoughts that are emerging out of and submerging into your subconscious

    15. To dream that the elevator is out of order or that it is not letting you off symbolizes that your emotions have gotten out of control

    16. To see an elk in your dream symbolizes strength and endurance

    17. It symbolizes fruitless labor, an emotional void, or loneliness

    18. To see your father in your dream symbolizes authority and protection

    19. To see a fence in the water symbolizes an emotional barrier that you are building up around you

    20. To dream about something fermenting symbolizes a spiritual transformation

    21. To dream that you are at festival symbolizes happiness, celebration and joviality

    22. To see a geode in your dream symbolizes the beauty within

    23. If the hall is empty, then it symbolizes the unexplored and untapped aspects of your character

    24. Alternatively, it symbolizes tears and sadness

    25. To see a keg in your dream symbolizes your struggles against adversity

    26. To see an oak tree in your dream symbolizes longevity, stability, strength, tolerance, wisdom and prosperity

    27. Alternatively, an oven symbolizes the womb

    28. Alternatively, the pagoda symbolizes the phallus and thus have sexual connotations

    29. To see paint in your dream symbolizes expression of your inner emotions

    30. To see a pall in your dream symbolizes death or the end of something

    31. Alternatively, it symbolizes your curiosity, your subconscious thoughts and your need to express them

    32. To dream that something is sacred symbolizes the things that you hold close and value

    33. To dream that you are salting meat symbolizes longevity

    34. Items that you put into storage symbolizes the past

    35. To dream that you are providing a service symbolizes your willingness to share or help others

    36. To dream that you are in the shade symbolizes protection

    37. To dream that you are sharing something symbolizes your generosity toward others

    38. To see baby shoes in your dream symbolizes purity, innocence, vulnerability, tenderness and the desire for love

    39. To see a shroud in your dream symbolizes death or the end of something

    40. To see silver in your dream symbolizes the moon, intuition and the feminine aspects of yourself

    41. To see a green colored sky in your dream symbolizes high hopes

    42. To see a smiley face in your dream symbolizes approval and validation of your actions

    43. To dream that you are at tea house symbolizes your social life

    44. To see thread in your dream symbolizes your life path and destiny

    45. A bus or train ticket symbolizes the price you pay to get ahead in life, while a movie ticket represents your need to be more objective in a situation

    46. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes some sort of insult

    47. To see or wear tourmaline in your dream symbolizes healing, potential, and purity

    48. To dream that you are on a train symbolizes your life’s journey

    49. Alternatively, a trapdoor symbolizes discovery of something that you have repressed or stored in the subconscious

    50. Twine also symbolizes what is holding your relationship together

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