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    Usa "threading" in una frase

    threading frasi di esempio


    1. encouragement and had already begun threading his way

    2. Dozens of people crisscrossed the room, men in sharp black suits threading their way among various tradesmen

    3. “They call that threading the needle

    4. set off in the direction of the bridge, threading his way

    5. They could see the curving road with burned and blasted vehicles, some still smoking, mixed with maneuvering tracks threading their way west, smoke curving from barrels as they fought

    6. Shawn and Whitey walked up Le Loi threading their way around the black market goods spread out nearly to the gutter on sidewalks that had been tiled in the best French fashion but were now chipped and stained

    7. I’d cut holes in it, and then wind the rope up the mast, threading

    8. At this moment Charly caught sight of two of her young co-workers threading through the crowd

    9. It is a thankless task that of threading phrases or sentences to justify the inexplicable actions! If I did not even understand why I behaved that way; much less I could explain to a third party the cause of such behavior

    10. After threading string through the tube created by the hem, he tied off the other end tightly with a shorter piece, creating a pocket

    11. Across the ledge and around the crag and down the narrow trail threading the great steep they plunged at breakneck speed

    12. The ceaseless caravans, threading the desert from east to west and back again, brought riches and more mingling of races

    13. threading her way through the tables

    14. Finally, he saw a thin stream of bubbles threading upward

    15. Each of the deceased climbed on the bed beside him, threading themselves through the myriad of wires and tubes to hold him tightly

    16. Carefully threading it back through the vertical holes in the grate, he twisted it sideways

    17. She nods, threading her arm through his so they can lock elbows and hold hands as they step inside, into a narrow hallway that leads all the way to the back of the building

    18. Threading their way through the crowd of

    19. Threading With Hair Inhibitors Is A Perfect Combination!

    20. Apply with a cotton swab after threading to greatly reduce eyebrow hair growth

    21. Threading is an ancient method of hair removal still used in many countries in the Middle East as well as India and Pakistan

    22. The procedure-- quick and neat, if not painless--is threading, a millenniums-old tradition in Asia

    23. The advantage over plucking with tweezers, according to Sudhir Nakum, is that plucking pulls out one hair at a time, creating bumps in the skin, while threading pulls out rows of hair, which he says keeps the skin smooth

    24. Some hair removal methods such as waxing, sugaring and threading can only remove the hairs which are currently above the skin by 1/8 or 1/4 inch

    25. Murmurs of approval came quickly, threading through the group as they all waited for her response

    26. I could use some mountain air,” Trina said, threading her hand around Trent’s elbow

    27. My sail-ships and steam-ships threading the archipelagoes,

    28. "You are certainly out of your mind," he observed, without even raising his head, lisping as deliberately as ever and threading his needle

    29. Threading their way carefully through these and avoiding as much as possible the mud, pools of water, and rubbish which covered the ground, they arrived at a large gate fastened with a padlock

    30. While she was threading her way back across the room Mrs

    31. I had to do something with my hands; so I took up a needle off of the table and went to threading it

    32. As Caris was threading her way through the winding streets, she came upon two men fighting

    33. Storms reduced visibility to zero, a major problem for pilots searching for tiny islands or threading through the mountains that flanked some Hawaiian runways

    34. defended himself, but glancing at his master, he saw from his face that the only thing to do was to be silent, and hurriedly threading his way in and out, dropped down on the carpet and began gathering up the whole and broken glasses and bottles

    35. The strip of lit windows on the side of the boat was a ribbon threading through black water

    36. impossible: it was a method of interpretation which was not tested by the necessity of forming anything which had sharper collisions than an elaborate notion of Gog and Magog: it was as free from interruption as a plan for threading the stars together

    37. I lay down on the floor and tried threading myself under the gate: toes, calves, then stuck at my waist

    38. He was the only man in all of Dublin I saw in the downpours and drizzles who stood by the hour alone with the drench mizzling his ears, threading his ash-red hair, plastering it over his skull, rivuleting his eyebrows, and washing over the coal-black insect lenses of the glasses on his rain-pearled nose

    39. They were still in the silver tunnel, threading and weaving their way through what appeared tobe a crisscross warren of converging tunnels

    40. Then Menville turned and began to walk away, threading through the gravestones, tears streaming down his cheeks

    41. My ear, too, felt the flow of currents; in what dales and depths I could not tell: but there were many hills beyond Hay, and doubtless many becks threading their passes

    42. Threading this chaos, I at last reached the larder; there I took possession of a cold chicken, a roll of bread, some tarts, a plate or two and a knife and fork: with this booty I made a hasty retreat

    43. While such honey-dew fell, such silence reigned, such gloaming gathered, I felt as if I could haunt such shade for ever; but in threading the flower and fruit parterres at the upper part of the enclosure, enticed there by the light the now rising moon cast on this more open quarter, my step is stayed—not by sound, not by sight, but once more by a warning fragrance

    44. He rushes on and on, never missing his footing, never hesitating, threading his way with perfect skill between tree trunks, jumping over bush and briar and the smaller streams, wading the larger, swimming the largest of all

    45. In dark winter mornings, or in short winter afternoons, I sometimes heard a pack of hounds threading all the woods with hounding cry and yelp, unable to resist the instinct of the chase, and the note of the hunting-horn at intervals, proving that man was in the rear

    46. For a long time he stood still and listened to their music, so sweet to a hunter's ear, when suddenly the fox appeared, threading the solemn aisles with an easy coursing pace, whose sound was concealed by a sympathetic rustle of the leaves, swift and still, keeping the round, leaving his pursuers far behind; and, leaping upon a rock amid the woods, he sat erect and listening, with his back to the hunter

    47. Threading its way out from among his grey hairs, and continuing right down one side of his tawny scorched face and neck, till it disappeared in his clothing, you saw a slender rod-like mark, lividly whitish

    48. For with the charts of all four oceans before him, Ahab was threading a maze of currents and eddies, with a view to the more certain accomplishment of that monomaniac thought of his soul

    49. I would follow the flight of a bird threading its way in the pure transparent air; now it skims the water, now disappears in the azure sky, now suddenly comes to view again, a mere point in space

    50. Golyadkin junior, with his characteristic insolence, pirouetting and threading his way among the clerks, and directing their attention to the petrified though genuine Mr

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