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    Usa "toneless" in una frase

    toneless frasi di esempio


    1. - And I love you, he said strangely toneless

    2. The tallest of the strangers spoke, and his voice was toneless as a Khitan temple bell

    3. The answer came in a toneless monotone, like the dripping of water from stalactites in subterranean caverns

    4. I told Bonnie that not ranting about our circumstance being one of commerce was a trial that sometimes leaked out in a toneless explanation about how ten items or less did not mean fifteen items

    5. Once in a while, when Slider had had enough toneless flat note yodelling from the locals, he would, dimming the lights, adjusting his stove-pipe pants and singing perfectly over the top of the microphone, deliver gut wrenching, tuneful, note perfect renditions of songs no longer remembered by the younger locals

    6. This is the key: life is toneless; you are its tuning, matching voice sung to song heard

    7. There was no inflection to the voice—it was toneless, but Ravan sensed a dark authority in it as though it spoke for all time

    8. Then she shut her eyes and expected to hear that heart-rending toneless cry again

    9. He said, "Yes, ma'am," and his voice was toneless

    10. “It’s even worse than I feared, Father,” he said in a flat, toneless voice

    11. “This is a new departure,” he observed in a toneless voice

    12. Though her voice was toneless, it morning, waiting, but she-Let me see her for a moment

    13. A toneless game of Telephone

    14. All she can do is remember Magnus’s toneless voice or Aristeus standing over Devon, his hand on Devon’s shoulder

    15. It was picked up all over and tossed back at me in low murmurs from every direction, each equally toneless and firm

    16. His toneless voice said, “All right

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