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    Usa "vulnerable" in una frase

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    1. (This may also explain as to why men are reluctant to ask for directions when lost, why men are more vulnerable to the adverse health effects of stress, and why women enjoy a significantly longer life expectancy than men do)

    2. Small creatures such as cats, dogs and children are especially vulnerable

    3. In fact, although even then he already had the easy confidence with women that made them fall for him today, still this girl had made him feel so vulnerable, so stripped bare of pretence that he had never been able to speak to her

    4. ‘She looked so terribly vulnerable, Mum, lying there with bandages everywhere

    5. ‘My overwhelming feeling is that I want to protect you … and marrying you would achieve that, but I don’t want to push you into something merely because you are vulnerable

    6. There was no record of how the war effected the Centauri colony, that world was still undergoing terraforming and the mortal seed on that world was still under dome and excruciatingly vulnerable in any hostilities

    7. One would then run some thongga to clean up what the karga wouldn't eat, or, if you had a fence, lentosaur, a better tasting animal but slow and soft and vulnerable to predators on the open prairie

    8. vulnerable little being when it came to the animals in the

    9. It had been hard visiting Abery before but Joris hadn’t been there and she’d been able to withdraw into herself to some extent … and the European trip had been hectic, demanding her full attention … and in London afterwards she’d been occupied in achieving Joris’s purpose … and the trip across had kept her mind busy, first with JJ and then Iain … and even coming back, being at The Centre and travelling on the wasteg … that too had been manageable … but now … with no purpose to drive her, no solitude to enfold her and no Joris but only the shadow of his memory imprinted in JJ’s face and voice … she felt naked, vulnerable and viciously exposed to the scouring of her grief

    10. from the wounded beast that held him, vulnerable, young,

    11. responsive to its own particular stimulus, and each vulnerable to any harmful influence that would threaten it elsewhere in the body

    12. She was not the stuff of legend nor of heroism, being the sort of person who worried that she was letting her whole class down when her shoes got dirty, and here she was facing down three members of an alien youth culture, whose sole intent was to inflict grievous bodily harm on another vulnerable individual

    13. But, as Tiffany’s father said as he downed another large brandy late one evening, “Now it’s that young perv’s turn to be pretty and vulnerable

    14. The gown tumbled to the ground leaving her completely exposed, utterly physical and utterly vulnerable, if only for a second

    15. Nevertheless, since we have to suspect the local authorities are completely aware of what is going on but may be suffering from wilful blindness, to approach them with our suspicions might place ourselves in an even more vulnerable position than we are in already

    16. If she was, she was vulnerable to the impactors that were aimed at her today

    17. those that she felt vulnerable toward

    18. mind as trapped emotions, and therefore, are vulnerable

    19. All websites on the Internet are vulnerable to hacking and other exploits

    20. “It must be the substrate translation that makes you more vulnerable,” she said, “what I gave you was very mild, I was afraid I was going to have to give you more if that wasn’t enough to calm you

    21. Unfortunately it is in the nature of some predators, that they will prey upon the weakest and most vulnerable to sate their desperate hunger

    22. That victim will, as in the rest of the examples from the animal kingdom, be the one perceived to be weakest or most vulnerable; a child instead of the parent, a pet instead the family for example

    23. He was disappointed, she could be vulnerable now and he had always admired the wizard from a distant star transplanted into the body her companion had been following

    24. Chrissie, apparently asleep, looking young and vulnerable; Mary, an older, less polished version of the same features to some extent, looking older than her years

    25. Whatever her mother might say, he would have trouble believing that Chrissie was a whore … and not just because of how vulnerable she looked

    26. When he was within a couple hours by needleboat of the Kassikan, he felt a lot more vulnerable

    27. Jack wiggled his butt in the air, as an invitation for the imps to come and kick his backside while he was vulnerable

    28. He felt vulnerable admitting it, but he had

    29. punch, what the most vulnerable points on her opponent’s body were, and a few

    30. happen, the ground troops would be vulnerable to attack

    31. vulnerable innocent to be placed in this position

    32. the deserted road was that he was alone and vulnerable

    33. Because of you, we are vulnerable to the Plague

    34. Brontes spent a moment to heal them, then flew at the giant; not wanting to squander the opportunity to attack him while he was yet in a vulnerable state

    35. by itself and it seems that it is vulnerable

    36. Oppressive heat came from above and as she wearily looked over her shoulder, she was greeted by the sight of the hovering beast, its flashing eyes fixed on her vulnerable form and preparing to exact its finishing blitz

    37. His inability to transform into dragon form hung over him like a black cloud waiting to unleash its power at his most vulnerable moment

    38. Always waking him from his sleep, a time when he felt the most vulnerable

    39. Did I? He also saw her at his funeral; upset for sure, but there was already another man sidled in to offer her comfort: one of her rich clients, no doubt, moving in on a vulnerable woman

    40. Nonetheless the prospect of dying was there, looming before her in its immediate raw presence, like the spectre that had always lay hidden in the shadows ready to strike when she was most vulnerable

    41. Her current vulnerable state may even play to his advantage

    42. He wondered why the B’tari had chosen such a seemingly vulnerable location to set up base when they could locate anywhere, invisibly, in space

    43. was safer than being in a standard pressure suit, which would never have held against the immense – bone crushing – pressure from the field device, Yet he still felt a sense of being more vulnerable than a human

    44. Could the Elusivers really just leave him to die? Or save him when he had nothing left? He imagined that in their muted way they’d delight in re- capturing him at his most vulnerable point

    45. It may not have been the most advanced AI but it was enough to be vulnerable to corruption – a quantum virus, for example

    46. ” And she looked so frail and vulnerable like a little bird and I tried to stop her going on but I couldn’t

    47. It has been surmised that the hair covering is to alert the body to invasion of its most important and vulnerable parts

    48. Which, of course, makes them all the more vulnerable to tried and tested Foul-ups

    49. It left the wielder somewhat vulnerable to frontal jabs however, so it was traditionally more for flaunting prowess

    50. No, they were both vulnerable right now

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    vulnerable exposed unprotected precarious unsafe