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    Usa "werewolf" in una frase

    werewolf frasi di esempio


    1. By the end of the evening, which great-aunt Edith thoroughly enjoyed because of the company, two bottles of Lambrusco and because they watched quite possibly the best werewolf film ever made, the two women had become the best of friends

    2. because they watched quite possibly the best werewolf film ever

    3. But he decided against it and with good reason: with rumors of the fearsome Silver Hand werewolf hunters in the hills, he wanted no chance of tangling with those who always suspected outsiders and often greeted them with cold steel

    4. werewolf and a recently castrated poodle

    5. Werewolf Levi Harris has a habit of going off half-cocked and getting into trouble

    6. It was before the bum grew his hair out to take on the appearance of a werewolf

    7. Some other boys that they knew were talking of the Werewolf fighters, and the need to resist the Allied forces

    8. “And before I knew it, he had transformed, into a werewolf!”

    9. I could not take another hour of dealing with werewolf anxiety (the term I invented to describe my current feelings) and Kiyori's friends were pretty cool, so I decided to just say it

    10. “One of my classmates was almost attacked by a rabid werewolf, and soon the entire town could be in the mist of a werewolf infestation

    11. My eyes would have been able to keep up with what Adrinius and Zacchaeus were doing, but as for the werewolf, our speeds aren’t even able to match a quarter of theirs

    12. However, a few more of us had survived and no one had seen a werewolf since

    13. I couldn’t risk fainting near a werewolf, his lucky day, a free meal without the fight

    14. I looked in earnest for my brothers, the werewolf had tired both Adrinius and Zacchaeus out, and I couldn’t help gloating at how all my blood would have been worked off by now

    15. The werewolf appeared to be preoccupied with his dinner guests at the moment, pinning Zacchaeus on his back, having finished off with Adrinius who lay grousing on the ground beside him

    16. The notion gave me a miniscule quantity of gratification, but I was confounded with the way the werewolf moved over my brother

    17. The werewolf was an amazing sight, an oxymoron for any vampire, something that was so obviously deadly to my life, and yet the wolf had an immensely calming effect over me

    18. One question reverberated in my head, why did he spare me? Why had the werewolf chosen to free all of his natural destroyers? Adrinius and Zacchaeus may have been strong, but I had watched them, studied them being overpowered by this creature, and I, for a lack of better phrasing, was an easy kill

    19. “That werewolf”, Ishvara continued

    20. But you sure you want to do that on a full moon with a werewolf on your backs” I sniped at him in attempted intimidation

    21. I had seen the werewolf before, but it was as if the moon tonight truly did justice to all his glory

    22. As I witnessed his assault on my brothers, I could finally see, comprehend why nothing but a werewolf could surpass a vampire

    23. I looked in wonder as I saw the werewolf stumble back slightly at the massive impact, mirroring Adrinius’ expression at the lack of grandeur that we expected from the battering of the beast

    24. If anything, Adrinius only seemed to have pissed the werewolf more as he bared his teeth in absolute annoyance, roaring his anger at Adrinius

    25. The werewolf growled maliciously, surveying Adrinius as he tried in vain to make an escape, using all his energy to run as far as he could and as fast as possible, but it was of no use

    26. Somewhere in the distance, I could hear Ishvara yell my name, but it didn’t seem to matter anymore, nothing seemed to worry me as the werewolf and I looked at one another

    27. “The vampire and werewolf in you are not transformed yet, so you can still have children,” Mothers says

    28. “You think you can molest my grandmother, werewolf!? A curse

    29. going to learn not to fuck with a werewolf

    30. And he didn't want to involve the crew who were neither properly trained nor equipped to handle a rogue werewolf

    31. "Either that or someone else was on the transport besides the werewolf

    32. He wasn't sure if the triple seal would stop a werewolf, since he'd never encountered one before, but it would at least slow one down

    33. "Oh the Strigoi attack," the werewolf noted Calvin's surprise

    34. The werewolf shouldn't have known where they were going

    35. There was no way he would endanger that many lives by letting a werewolf run loose, but he had to pretend he might—because he wanted the werewolf's information

    36. Unfortunately, by handing Tristan over to the port authority, he'd lose out on any valuable information the werewolf had withheld—although Calvin expected the werewolf would have just lied to them anyway

    37. Let the captain know we're bringing the werewolf aboard his ship and none of his personnel will be allowed to step even one inch onto the Nighthawk once we dock

    38. The werewolf is in Aleator custody now and all hands have safely returne

    39. "What is the last thing you do remember? You were guarding the brig, the werewolf was behind the forcefield, then what happened?"

    40. Hardly a match for an escort consisting of two stocky marines and an athletic werewolf

    41. He transformed like a werewolf, but he wasn’t a werewolf, no, he was something else

    42. There silently in a puddle of blood stood Seff the werewolf, young and hungry

    43. Aiding the three vampire co-eds is a loyal werewolf named,

    44. She has the blood of a werewolf running through her veins

    45. She wasn’t alone, she was accompanied by a shaggy werewolf quite a large one, too, with claws like those of a lion

    46. The werewolf sniffed the air

    47. It had probably everything to do with the rough werewolf that was still hanging around

    48. I’m a Werewolf

    49. The Werewolf looked down at his chest

    50. “You killed the Werewolf

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