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    Usa "wiry" in una frase

    wiry frasi di esempio


    1. Taktor is wiry and sweaty with a long nose

    2. The artist was wiry, gangly, far too long for his trade but expertly hunched over his client

    3. " A small, wiry man with sleeve tattoos and a vest didn't turn around as he spoke

    4. He’s not as big as I thought he would be from what Gilla had told me, more wiry and full of pent up energy than the broad shouldered man that is his friend … he grins at me, his eyes laughing, before turning to Berndt

    5. She was slender and dark, very firm and wiry

    6. When at last I caught up with the others, they were on the lip of a wide plateau of sandy rock and there, emerging from the wiry scrub, stood a tidy cluster of stubborn ruins and dry stone walls that seemed determined to stand forever

    7. It had thick wiry fur, and she could feel the taut muscles beneath

    8. He was a grizzled, wiry old man who, despite his

    9. He was a short wide-body with reddish-blond wiry hair and big pumped-up arms ringed with tattoos

    10. Jack was a wiry

    11. His hair was greying, wiry and thin, and his

    12. The other was wiry, not big, but still his muscles

    13. He was the other blond lumberjack, and a little more wiry than the rest of them

    14. The man was cast from the same mold as the other Pavees, tall and wiry, dark skin, black hair and beard with eyes like chips of winter sky

    15. He was about average in height, with a wiry build

    16. The wiry man did not linger, staying just long enough to deliver the message and get back on his route

    17. The Bretons could see a trio of skittish and wiry figures moving in the shadow, could see them readying their bows and arrows for a volley

    18. He was of wiry build, just under six feet tall, kept himself very fit and was probably the only person Chris knew with a moustache

    19. He was smaller than she imagined him to be, wiry with close-cropped slightly greying hair, not so intimidating

    20. Imbrahim blew out a breath of exasperation and ran a splay-fingered hand through his wiry

    21. “Shut her the fuck up,” Mike shouted above the piercing noise to a wiry man at his side with a cockroach tattooed onto his cheek

    22. His grandad was short and wiry, with a good head of grey-white hair

    23. Essentially, wars are won by, ‘short, wiry men carrying huge loads over awful trails,’ as some pundit put it

    24. The hook sent her reeling off the table, but somehow she used her hands like a fourteen year-old gymnast and turned her fall into a somersault that send her almost flying across the kitchen and a few feet away into the small living room where the TV was still on, showing a very familiar guy with wiry hair, smiling on a beach, wearing silly red shorts and surrounded by a plethora of large boobs that I wasn’t able to simply discard as trivial under the circumstances

    25. Uncle Carl ran his fingers through his wiry blond hair

    26. His straw-blond and wiry hair stood out, and his skin was nut-brown from the sun

    27. For instance, Brett was wiry and aggressive

    28. He was of at least middle years (but perhaps prematurely aged), short, wiry, and dark skinned

    29. lamp, he could make out the wiry tunnel as it twisted north

    30. They had foolishly left their bows with their horses that were some distance away tied to one of the small wiry trees that grow sparsely in the desert

    31. She saw the deerhound sleeping by her side, its rib cage rising and falling under a cover of wiry fur

    32. She thought she heard the deerhound whine nearby, and her thoughts reached out toward him, longing to go and bury her face in his wiry fur

    33. He was very wiry, and toughened himself by chasing after sheep and goats that would

    34. Once she nearly fell asleep, and she imagined herself back on the mountainside with her fingers entwined in the wiry fur of her hound

    35. We’ll let a wiry beard cover the lower portion of the face

    36. covering of that area by that weird, thick, wiry

    37. Spears didn't stand over five eight with his boots on, nor tip the scales over 140 in the same configuration, but he had the wiry and bunched muscles of a weight-lifting flyweight

    38. "Sir, Lieutenant Higgens reporting as ordered, Sir," the short, wiry, black-haired pilot said, tossing off a snappy salute

    39. Lorna was just about to tell him that she also used to ride, when she was nearly knocked off her feet by two huge hairy monsters and gave a startled shriek before she realized that they were in fact big dogs with light-colored wiry hair and very long legs

    40. He was strong and wiry, but I was quick

    41. Pete had always seemed a personable, colorful, wiry old man

    42. Up stepped a short, wiry latino boy with cornrows to the

    43. The blue coat and black sash were ripped in places and severely dirty, and it hung too loosely on the man's wiry body to have been fitted for him

    44. In the chair sat a small wiry man

    45. The wiry humanoids camped in sporadic groups throughout the forested foothills of the Arkadian Mountains

    46. covered with coarse wiry grass and rough scrubby vegetation

    47. But cutting down men blinded by the devil's-flame loosed by Salome was different from fighting a wiry young Hyborian afire with hate and rage

    48. He was a Latin American, small, dark and wiry

    49. The man chosen for this duty thrust himself forward—a wiry brute, with a crimson sash knotted about his head like a turban

    50. Men moved in the shadows, dark, wiry men, clad in red, silken loincloths

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