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    2-dimensional frases de exemplo


    1. Such thing don’t happen even to your UU-VVU-copies, except for those lowest ones of them, which absolutely haven’t yet synthesized, in their “hyper-fragmented” Self-Consciousness, Aspects of two different Qualities and, therefore, in special “stress zones” of ODS, they must undergo processes of an active Synthesis not of two Qualities, but “inside” Aspects of one Quality (in the 1-2-dimensional and 2-3-dimensional sublevels of ODS)

    2. All these are innumerable Information Flows that simultaneously (and extremely “tightly”!) penetrate all synthesized diapasons of dimensions, up to lu’ullffiiy (11-12-dimensional), that is why they freely and independently correlate with Time Flows of Planetary Entities of Time

    3. Each of elementary “particles-corpuscles” manifested in Space-Time with this degree of “materiality” (the 3rd-4th dimensions) represents a synthesized (to a definite degree) Karmo-Form, that is, an inertial reflection of the specific creative dynamics of Aspects (characteristics) of some two synthesized Dominants out of the 12 Pure Cosmic Qualities simultaneously manifested both in the 4-5-dimensional and in the 11-12-dimensional diapasons

    4. Totalities that were not 2-dimensional

    5. Instead of just 1-dimensional linear connections and separations that went around, Impetus created 2-dimensional spaces between them

    6. The same process was repeated until it was churned back into a Totality which was now completely 2-dimensional

    7. But now, the whole dynamic was changed… because there were now 2-dimensional spaces between the Separations and Connections… these Connections and Separations could do something they couldn’t do before… they could expand and contract… The extra dimension of width changed the 1-dimensional Condition of Connections and Separations into 2-dimensional one of contracting and expanding rings like this;

    8. Impetus kept on splitting the two expanding and contracting 2-dimensional Rings of Linear Totalities apart an infinite number of times

    9. Except that they were not composed of two small spheres of Plutonium, they were composed of two sets of infinitely powerful rings of contracting and expanding 2-dimensional cells, which were infinite in their power, slamming into each other so hard, that they exploded completely out of the 2-dimensional Universe they were in… and by doing so, created a new dimension that was oriented 90 degrees to the Dimensions of Length and Width of the 2-dimensional Universe

    10. That singularity, coming out from the center of the 2-dimensional pond, was the beginning of the creation of a new Dimension called Depth

    11. space was forced out of the 2-dimensional Universe into the new 3rd Dimension…

    12. You will not see the other Universe emerging out from the other side of the 2-dimensional Universe; which was the only way it could have happened

    13. Our Universe came into being from a Dualistic, 2-dimensional Condition

    14. Our Universe came into being as a Dualistic, 2-dimensional Condition

    15. These two-dimensional Dualities created the dynamic Conditions of Expansion and Contraction were Conditions of Length and Width in the 2-dimensional Universe

    16. Its 2-dimensional flatness of Length and Width had no end to it

    17. The Universe was already endless before it was formed 3-dimensionally because it emerged from a 2-dimensional Condition of Endlessness

    18. If the three-dimensional Condition of Infinite Energy of our Universe had emerged as a Singularity from a state of Actual Infinity that was not already 2-dimensional in nature then the three-dimensional space of the Universe would possess no curvature at all

    19. The 3-dimensional Space of our Universe curved out from a 2-dimensional Universe

    20. The curvature of the 3-dimensional Space on our side is so slight because it came out of 2-dimensional Universe whose Dimensions of Length and Width are Actually Infinite

    21. Our 3-dimensional Universe came from that 2-dimensional Universe

    22. The two Universes emerged from both sides of the 2-dimensional Universe at the same time

    23. Because of the 2-dimensional universe existing between them: both 3-dimensional Universes can never curve a complete 180 degrees around it to make a complete 3-dimensional spherical Totality

    24. Because both are trying to curve around a flat 2-dimensional Condition of the former 2-dimensional Universe that is infinite in length and width

    25. The curving ends of our Universe are trying to reach a 2-dimensional plane which is actually Infinite in Length and Width… but never quite getting there

    26. The curvature of our 3-dimensional Space proves that the condition of the 2-dimensional Universe did not disappear after Everythingness emerged from it on both sides to create two 3-dimensional Universes

    27. Because the Universe came out of only one half of the explosion, this split the 2-dimensional Universe and created two 3-dimensional Universes

    28. Every time the center of the 2-dimensional Universe constricts, it flashes a signal, a 1-2-3 punch of Dimensions

    29. Only after the entire process that formed the Universe reverses itself and our Universe returns back to its original 2-dimensional Condition… and goes back to where it came from… only then will the dynamic process of the Big Bang be finally Dynamically Balanced

    30. The 3rd Dimension split the 2-dimensional Universe at 90 degrees to the first 2 Dimensions, and split it into Infinite Length, Infinite Width and Infinite Depth

    31. But it didn’t expand organically Out: it exploded destructively, it destroyed its own organic 2-dimensional structure

    32. The Causal sequence in which the 1-dimensional Universe was created determined the Causal order in which the 2-dimensional Universe was created

    33. The Causal order in which the 2-dimensional Universe was created determined the Causal order in which the 3-dimensional Universe was created

    34. Energy is a form of 2-dimensional Connectiveness

    35. Space is a form of 2-dimensional Width

    36. How could space emerge second and depth third? The space that emerged was 2-dimensional, not 3-dimensional: it needed the added 3rd dimension of Time to turn it into a 3-dimensional space which had Depth to it

    37. The other Universe is on the other side of the 2-dimensional Universe

    38. Science does not even realize that a 2-dimensional Universe even exists between the two 3-dimensional Universes

    39. This is the reason why in our half of this Balanced Split: our Universe first came into existence as a ‘Singularity’ of Pure, Unsplit Infinite Energy just before a Space was created in-between the two Singularities of the two emerging 3-dimensional Universes emerging out of the 2-dimensional Universe

    40. Before that, things could only split 2-dimensionally, and before that: only one-dimensionally

    41. What about the other two Dimensions? How do they split? The Path of Splitness split ½ of the 1st Dimension, ½ of the 2nd Dimension, and ½ of the 3rd Dimension in the first Split of the two emerging Universes on either side of the 2-dimensional Universe

    42. Cameras and motion pictures work by the same principles as Time does: 2-dimensional position is 90 degrees to 3-dimensional motion/depth… that’s how Time and the Universe works

    43. Galaxies are forms of Energy which re-creates many of the dynamics of the 2-dimensional Universe before our Universe emerged: in fact, they are as flat as pancakes

    44. The reason galaxies are flat is because they are recreating Dynamics which once existed in the 2-dimensional Universe

    45. Black Holes compressions in the center of flat galaxies are a re-creation of the compressed center of the 2-dimensional Universe coming in and being compressed into a black hole: a singularity, before exploding out into two, 3-dimensional Universes, through two orifices, that are oriented 90 degrees to the 2-dimensional flatness of the galaxy it inhabits

    46. The 2-dimensional Universe had to balance itself dynamically

    47. By retracing its own Causal Path of Dualistic Splitness, and coming back to its original Condition of Duality before our Universe emerged… the 2-dimensional Universe expanded and contracted as a series of 2-dimensional concentric rings or sets of Connections, and Separations

    48. This is why and how the 1-dimensional Universe finally split into two 2-dimensional Universes, and then two 3-dimensional Universes

    49. Our 3-dimensional Universe is just a 3-dimensional re-creation of the 2-dimensional Universe and the 1-dimensional Universe

    50. The experiential memory of the expansion and contraction of the two 2-dimensional Universes, the causal memory of this dualistic expanding and contracting process of in and out was already indelibly implanted inside the 2-dimensional Universe before it became 3-dimensional

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