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    ad lib frases de exemplo

    ad lib

    1. You can repeat these swings ad lib but

    2. “She’s the Head Librarian

    3. Large earthen ewers of water stood in the enclosure, palms occupied the corners, and on a balcony higher than the rest were the huge bloodstained war drums, decorated with ghastly human remains ad lib

    4. There was a standing joke that the position of head librarian in prison was reserved for former policemen, and quite a few times I came close to applying for that position just by doing my job

    5. He knew the courts and head librarian position waited for him in jail if he could survive his fatherly talking by his sergeant

    6. Brendan had liberated a slave

    7. His absolute, total, complete dependence on the teleprompter also indicates a lack of intelligence and unwillingness to ad lib or even try to speak impromptu (he really has a good speech writer)

    8. Concentrating with the powers the mind-cane itself had liberated in him, he pierced through the whiteness within and found his own small centre

    9. He said the Americans had liberated a concentration camp

    10. (ad libitum) at a buffet caused a decrease in the amount of calories they ate as well as substantial increases in CCK compared to casein

    11. bohydrate in ad libitum fat reduced diet for the treatment of obesity

    12. As I approached the head librarian my pulse and blood

    13. that I had important business with the head librarian

    14. should’ve called Andrea the Head Librarian at the WPL

    15. had to wait and see if she complained to the head librarian

    16. My people had just liberated dozens of camps that were damn similar to the one in Manzanar and had liberated hundreds of thousands of starving, brutalized inmates from those camps

    17. As the moment drew to a close and the rush of adrenaline subsided within his body, the reverend was quite satisfied with his explanation which he had conceived ad lib and decided to relegate that to the files in his memory just in case future circumstances should warrant its use again

    18. ‘I had Liberty’s background checked

    19. He would have to ad lib

    20. Sure, all the world had libraries, but even that was a controlled form of distribution, and ownership remained with the state, not the citizen

    21. They had liberated the boat, but not the oars

    22. with the script, but it was mostly ad lib

    23. “Autumn’s the head librarian

    24. ” This is how we go rogue these days – we spontaneously ad lib our avatars within the games of our questing

    25. I was back here, where love had liberated me, back in Allmerica, incognito in Vermonsanto, trying to be

    26. Of all professions, if I had liberty of choice, I would choose to be a gardener, and if nobody would have me in that capacity I would like to be a goose-girl, and sit in the greenest of fields minding those delightfully plump, placid geese, whiter and more leisurely than the clouds on a calm summer morning, their very waddle in its lazy deliberation soothing and salutary to a fretted spirit that has been too long on the stretch

    27. had Libby aroused a primal hunger that refused to subside,

    28. Hunting Sticks would help out with the script, but it was mostly ad lib

    29. landlady, a motherly sort of a woman, to whom Charles had liberally

    30. I had liberated the sides of the rover and the trailer

    31. He had liberated these garments from the residential rooms of one of the dons at Trinity College, Cambridge, while we were using his study as an improvised dressing room

    32. ‘This is ad lib, understand

    33. “This is ad lib, understand

    34. The advantage of the third method over the first and second consists chiefly in the following fact: that by it there is no need to wait for a year of scarcity, as in the time of Joseph, but years of famine are established forever, and (whilst by the second method the part of the labour which is taken away depends upon the harvest, and cannot be augmented ad libitum, because if there is no corn, there is nothing to take) by the new monetary method the requirement can be brought to any desired limit, for the demand for money can always be satisfied, because the debtor, to satisfy it, must sell his cattle, clothes, or houses

    35. There is no more a power given us to legislate ad libitum on this Territory, nor to derive therefor powers by implication, than is given us in the laws we pass for the whole nation; and if this power, sui generis, of creating corporations, is properly defined by our opponents, they ought to go back to the works of yesterday, as well as to those of twenty years' standing, in order to introduce their new order of things

    36. Why should such a power have been delegated? Not certainly as necessary to execute the delegated powers, because they are very limited—a general power to create corporations would have enabled Congress to have created them ad libitum where there was no possible relation between them and any one of the delegated powers

    37. Sir, after giving Congress the right to make war and peace; the right to impose taxes, imposts, duties, and excises, ad libitum; the right to raise and support armies without restriction as to number or term of service; the right to provide and maintain a navy without a limitation, I cannot bring myself to tremble at the exercise of a power incidental to only one of these tremendous grants of power

    38. It is known that, by the law which passed providing for the government of the Territory of Orleans, we had liberty to alter the boundary before we made them a State, but not after

    39. Has the constitution, with the most jealous scrutiny, defined the privileges of a member of this House, not permitting us to define our own, and made our principal privilege an exemption from arrest; and do we clothe ourselves with a power of exempting from arrest, ad libitum, a whole class of society—of creating a privileged order? We are, indeed, a privileged order, but we are privileged by the constitution

    40. Clement-Ganneau reads the famous Lachish inscription ךסהל = ad libandum; he calls attention to hematite weight with an early inscription found at Sebaste; mentions the vandalism perpetrated in cutting away the famous Pool of Siloam inscription, etc

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