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    Use "approximation" em uma frase

    approximation frases de exemplo


    1. They were at least a hundred and fifty miles from what she called the faintest approximation of civilization

    2. These things could not keep up this pace for the fifteen hours it would take to get back to that faint approximation of civilization

    3. The woman named Elond, his native approximation of a wife, was still asleep

    4. Kemberra gritted his teeth and his muscles tensed for a fraction of a second before he composed his face into a very good approximation of a look of bewilderment and asked, “Who’s Teshi?”

    5. and I embraced and attempted a vague approximation of

    6. This system, however, with all its imperfections, is perhaps the nearest approximation to the truth that has yet been published upon the subject of political economy ; and is upon that account, well worth the consideration of every man who wishes to examine with attention the principles of that very important science

    7. Time only now existed as a loose approximation between reality and artificial reality

    8. Physically he was nothing beyond the parameters of normality – insomuch as his appearance was the culmination of a number of genes taken from a sample of people born in the south east of England: an average approximation of their physical characteristics

    9. ―Truth‖ or Wisdom, in the conventional sense, is an approximation of Truth‘s essential designs, although an important starting-point in providing reasonable guidelines in the manner a morally, well-ordered society should properly conduct itself, however subjective such notions oftentimes appear

    10. Sylvia checked in at the closest approximation of a hotel Puerto Viejo offered, uncertain as to what she might accomplish or even what she was looking for

    11. Knowing the date of the Exodus, then adding the 450 years of the Joseph story, and the three generations that retrace to Abraham, is how I arrived at the middle of the seventeenth century BC, also referred to earlier, admittedly a very rough approximation

    12. Then I point above me, at my best approximation of where Max stands

    13. M: It is merely a gross approximation: in reality we are all

    14. Newtonian theory, albeit relegated to approximation, still thrives

    15. Even serial logical argument, like this, becomes an approximation of meta-logical thinking

    16. The walls were built of a close approximation of cinder blocks, the ceilings were vaulted corrugated tin over two-by-fours attached to steel beams

    17. biosphere are habitable as a first approximation) is therefore five orders of magnitude larger than the

    18. habitable as a first approximation) is therefore five orders of magnitude larger than the

    19. approximation? Now try role-playing, and switch your answers to the above questions

    20. geometry, which is a better approximation of

    21. It is an approximation,

    22. table and bent into a rough approximation of an ashtray

    23. I’m not going to waste my time calculating that number, but instead use an approximation of 10020, which is larger than the value worked out, but since we still have eighty more locations, it should suffice, actually being a low estimate

    24. # Non-Binding Estimate: A non-binding estimate is the carrier’s approximation of the cost based on the estimated weight of the shipment and the accessorial services requested

    25. Time is an approximation, even if you have an atomic clock

    26. That word in italics in the last sentence is there because the verb is an approximation, since someone will have to eventually take over the family tree

    27. If you ask someone what time it is and they reply, exactly one o’clock, you’re aware that the answer is only an approximation because only a clock that has completely stopped is exactly right twice a day

    28. the equivalent approximation of one million, one hundred and ten

    29. Clearly there is the potential for such an approximation to diverge from

    30. It is to experience I repeatedly turn to in order to discover (experience) a closer approximation to truth

    31. Her approximation of a grudging smile

    32. The wave of hair fell over his eyes when he bowed his head, and when he pressed his lips together in an approximation of anguish, a dimple formed in his right cheek

    33. transformed themselves into a good approximation of Sue and I’s grins

    34. They gave off a very good verbal approximation of Reall male and

    35. " The creature's thin lips curled upwards in an approximation of a smile as it relived its memories or experienced its life still to come

    36. lesser approximation to the Christianity that is said, in the

    37. He reckoned as a very rough approximation, that 15% would be the total wages and salaries bill withheld by the company as Income Tax, and sent direct to the Tax Office

    38. "Yes," answered Lester," all I want is an approximation, though

    39. This is just a rough approximation of the complex dynamic of biofeedback developed by hand-eye coordination our ancestors developed through millions of years of using tools

    40. Nine of the stars are encircled by the dragon’s tale in a purposeful approximation of

    41. into a smoothly modulated approximation of a human voice

    42. I’ve also reconstructed a very close approximation of what an English

    43. The act she was pulling off was an approximation of the same act that he had seen her perform in that strip bar in Columbia, only with a few of the more suggestive moves cut out

    44. The orbit of the electrons was pulled wider slightly and everything was tilted over to the side in an approximation of a rotation around an invisible axis

    45. As you see in this question the Nature is led by all the same well making a good showing principle of smooth and gradual approximation to the wished purpose

    46. To get a good approximation of your estimated tax, figure out your expected gross income, taxable income, taxes, deductions and credits for the whole year

    47. I was only going to ask whether, if we have discovered them, we are to require that the just man should in nothing fail of absolute justice; or may we be satisfied with an approximation, and the attainment in him of a higher degree of justice than is to be found in other men?

    48. The approximation will be enough

    49. One foot in the shortened stirrup and the other leg crooked about the pommel in an approximation of a side saddle, she set out across the fields toward Mimosa, steeling herself to find it burned

    50. In the daylight, indeed, she felt her terrors about his soul to have been somewhat exaggerated; whether well founded or not, she had no uneasiness now, reasoning that if Providence would not ratify such an act of approximation she, for one, did not value the kind of heaven lost by the irregularity—either for herself or for her child

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    Sinônimos para "approximation"

    approximation bringing close together estimate estimation idea equal peer counterpart mate analogue match