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    Use "brownish" em uma frase

    brownish frases de exemplo


    1. A beautiful brownish red colored falcon sailed out of the nearby woods and landed on her outstretched arm, “easy Lancelot,” it squawked once and settled itself

    2. Was it that little brownish bird he’d seen on his way back from the seashore with Chrissie that time? ‘The climate is having a measurable effect on so much these days

    3. A miserable silence was over everything; and around, as far as the eye could reach, stretched the dreary mangrove swamps, dark brownish green foliage above, and a mass of twisted roots rearing their pale stems above the mud and water below

    4. There were small groves of flat, brownish ground that dotted the landscape

    5. The deep blue lake surrounded by the brownish rolling hills of puna surrounded by the high snow-covered mountains

    6. When I was a little girl, my hair was brownish red--the color of autumn--and it

    7. Dozens, maybe hundreds of rays of brownish light appeared from the bottom, filling the whole room

    8. ] [The interview continued] Park wore a brownish, chalk-striped suit

    9. face that turned brownish instantly

    10. garments was shining just like the waves of her brownish hair

    11. brownish waves of soft hair, her red dress was like a burning flame

    12. coloured and the face is gray or brownish coloured

    13. brownish yellow-coloured with some white-coloured hair on the

    14. The girls were however not the children recently kidnapped, as they were both in their late teens and had definite Latino traits, plus had brownish skins

    15. She had an oval face with soft features, large brown eyes and a slightly brownish skin that gave her a certain exotic air

    16. Brownish skin, large, dark eyes, and easy smiles

    17. The utter darkness had been replaced by a dense, brownish fog which completely engulfed the ship, and for some time, they could see nothing but the rolling clouds which left oily drops of condensation on the windows

    18. The noise in the corridor was deafening, the walls hot to the touch, and the fog caused a greasy, brownish film to form on their suits and visors

    19. I heard the sweet singing songs of birds; the trees were looking greener and its greenish leaves were swinging and dancing with the breeze; the soil was looking more brownish; and the whole surrounding was appeared as newly white-washed

    20. I swill litres of brownish water from my hair but it’s next to impossible to remove the sticky black stripes from my hands and nails

    21. An old brownish couch sat in the middle of the living room

    22. and gradually turn brownish

    23. The day shows cigarette burns on the floorboards, doodling on the walls: M and L were here with a heart around them, a brownish stain here, something greenish over there

    24. She took a slow step and looked beyond the tree where she had seen the flash of something brownish

    25. Its blade held the brownish bloodstains of battle

    26. His smooth muscles rippled and his brownish red nipples hardened underneath the suckling pressure of my mouth and tongue

    27. I turn my attention to the center of the table where Reese is pouring himself a glass of foggy brownish water

    28. stumps of brownish teeth that were cleaned only now and then

    29. Brownish white and well proportioned but somewhat smaller and more delicate than Amigo

    30. As if he jumped out of one of the faded, brownish, cardboard daguerreotype prints of the time

    31. The greenish water lapped against the sides of the drain shaft, leaving brownish streaks against what was once white marble

    32. started stressing about my hair which was kind of a dry brownish red with several dead ends

    33. The walls along the hallway were still the same yellow they had been when we were kids; except now the color was dulled and looked more a brownish yellow

    34. Paul looked at his father's thick, brownish hands all scarred, with broken nails, rubbing the fine smoothness of his sides, and the incongruity struck him

    35. He went into the parlour and returned with a bundle of brownish linen

    36. The entire back of the shirt I’d been wearing since Mojave was now stained a brownish yellow from the endless bath of sweat it had endured

    37. At first she could only get the cloth to turn brownish red or pale pink

    38. If you want to know more particularly how Mary looked, ten to one you will see a face like hers in the crowded street to-morrow, if you are there on the watch: she will not be among those daughters of Zion who are haughty, and walk with stretched-out necks and wanton eyes, mincing as they go: let all those pass, and fix your eyes on some small plump brownish person of firm but quiet carriage, who looks about her, but does not suppose that anybody is looking at her

    39. The bouillon should have a nutty brownish color

    40. Then the Watcher used his belt as a lash, striking hard, leaving brownish stripes on the bright white skin of O’Malley’s buttocks

    41. ” Wash pointed at the thin stream of brownish gray trickling into the darkness

    42. brownish strips of winter rye trodden down by the cattle, and against the pale-yellow stubble of the spring buckwheat

    43. Round his brow he had a peculiar yellow band, with brownish speckles, which seemed to be bound tightly round his head

    44. And as they drove in, there were peasant women drawn up along the road, a lot of women, a whole row, all thin and wan, with their faces a sort of brownish color, especially one at the edge, a tall, bony woman, who looked forty, but might have been only twenty, with a long thin face

    45. He was wearing a brownish reefer jacket, rather shabby, evidently made by a good tailor though, and of a fashion at least three years old, that had been discarded by smart and well-to-do people for the last two years

    46. The verdure had thickened and its bright green stood out sharply against the brownish strips of winter rye trodden down by the cattle, and against the pale-yellow stubble of the spring buckwheat

    47. "Not much chance of that!" And the servant placed before him her own teapot, in which there was still some tea left, and laid two small lumps of brownish sugar on the table

    48. "Presently, while hunting for insects in short mimosa tangle up to the knee, I disturbed a strange-looking animal, about the size of a sheep, brownish colour, long tail, short legs, feline in aspect and movement, but quite strange to me

    49. Back flattened anteriorly, a little angular in the middle, covered with small rhomboidal, obtuse, keeled scales; those of the sides larger and smooth, not keeled; centre of the back of a brownish copper colour; sides of a bright copper; broad bands or rings, becoming forked on each side, and assuming nearly the shape of a St

    50. The abdominal plates are 150, beginning under the head; the last, covering the vent, is very broad, double the other: they are of a shining, pale copper colour, with two longitudinal and lateral rows of great, irregular, brown spots, with some light brownish clouds between them, and each plate is marginated of whitish

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    Sinônimos para "brownish"

    brown brownish chocolate-brown dark-brown brownish yellow drab