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    capitalistic frases de exemplo


    1. We took it off the hands of a capitalistic merchant in Plock, my

    2. In the center of the melee, defying the immense power of the Samosa regime, would be Raul, with the charisma of a Greek god and a voice to match, speaking of a new commune-ized Nicaragua built by the hands of the people: a Nicaragua where all the land would be owned by everyone, equally, a brotherhood striving for the common good without the greed of capitalistic competition

    3. As Nicholas Longworth, Speaker of the House at the onset of the Great Depression wrote: “The capitalistic system is the oldest system in the world, and any system that has weathered the gales and chances of thousands of years must have something in it that is sound and true

    4. We approach the scriptures texts with a capitalistic and

    5. ‘liberals’ [Or is it ‘liberal’-socialists?] attack proponents of capitalistic successes and programs by hurling all manner of class-envy invectives at Capitalism: “It helps the rich; it ignores the poor and the homeless!” This and variations on the theme are their constant thrust, whether it is against tax reduction, ‘protection’ of forests, environmentalist antagonism against oil drilling, opposing nuclear reactors, or support of programs to improve the welfare infrastructure of the country in order to obtain their objectives of influence and power

    6. Western civilization adopted Capitalism, and everyone in the capitalistic countries benefited by its marvelous achievements

    7. religion that has become entwined with capitalistic

    8. that is already present within our capitalistic, consumer society, which forces

    9. It is America and they have a right in a capitalistic society to market products they want

    10. Anthem, the stations have chosen a capitalistic

    11. The capitalistic system was a huge failure, even though Detroit was the Motor City

    12. It seems that our capitalistic society has evolved into the “F’ agenda

    13. We establish principles of business that enable all to participate in our capitalistic system without being thwarted by people of money, and as discussed in Chapter 2 (no holding onto patents, use or lose), one time remuneration for critical discoveries, sharing economies of the big retailers, good ethical behavior, etc

    14. I’ve already mentioned a number of adjustments to business functions within our capitalistic system

    15. The motion of the money in this “free capitalistic society” has steadily increased into the pockets of the elite

    16. And business, while remaining capitalistic, should become more benevolent to the lower 60% income people everywhere, and thus eliminate the heartless treatment of peoples of the world

    17. In addition I show the need to divert investment money into wages to meet the need of a sustained capitalistic US society, but note that the increased wages provide multiplicative returns from low end purchasers in the market, to increase the profits for industry and its rich owners, which helps to make up for the diversion of investment moneys, thus restoring capital growth quickly

    18. The appearance of the bar chart to me still says that the top small percentage of Americans in income still add to their wealth every year after all expenditures in a sustainable capitalistic society

    19. The Iotian’s would have had to have taken on the American Capitalistic attitudes of the twenties and thirties in order to fully emulate the gangster life style

    20. That is what occurred in Communist Russia with Lysenkoism and in Nazi Germany with “Aryan science”; and that is what has happened in capitalistic academia over the past century with the cult of materialism

    21. If the human race is to survive the coming crunch, it is going to have to find some other way to motivate people besides capitalistic greed and selfishness; and it is going to have to provide people with a truer sense of connection to the divine than that which is offered by most conventional religions

    22. ANC officials have achieved their capitalistic ambitions

    23. According to Marx economical theory, the capitalistic system will inevitably produce periodic depressions and will finally culminate in the accumulation of wealth by the owners of the means of production and in the increasing misery of the workers

    24. A lot of workers have been better than ever under capitalistic society, more money and higher standard of living, in addition, capitalism has shown itself amazingly inventive

    25. Money in a capitalistic system has only inflation and interest rate for tools to control

    26. slaveries our lifestyles of desire ensure, believing the capitalistic slight of one's own hand illusion that if the atrocities are indirect, then this misdirection absolves us of its upstream effect

    27. If the world is currently defined by capitalistic self-interest, which is an ethical mindset, then it could be replaced by a new ethic prompted by a different intuitive, biological compulsion

    28. In Zomburbia morals become infected with capitalistic pragmatics and equality dies by reason of religious taboo and political prejudice

    29. Geo-engineering is neither savior nor demon, but a Pandora's Box in the hands of every generation's fools who have not learned from the errors of arrogant science gone military rogue or capitalistic vulture

    30. The capitalistic greed that conspires to sell carbon credits to continue polluting will collapse the perennial ecoeconomic infection by killing the consumers themselves through the very toxic air, sterile land, and poisoned waters they produce

    31. – catastrophe, monopoly – whatever we transition-surf the boom and bust of capitalistic anthro-hedonism into

    32. To overcome the capitalistic instinct of ownership is the movement of the heartmind to social love

    33. by the capitalistic consumerism that goes on

    34. The ultimate free society, the most capitalistic society on the earth, would be handed over, freely, by the world’s oldest democracy to the world’s largest communist regime which had committed some of the most ruthless atrocities against its own people and western ideology a mere thirty years before

    35. would yourself see lot of grey areas in the feminism, as most teenagers turn capitalistic when

    36. But this is all hidden by the Capitalistic corruption of the patenting process, the marketing process, the development process, and the research process

    37. The dehumanization of modern capitalistic civilization is obvious: in the main validation you get for being alive is a paycheck… money for work, if the only positive feedback you get is from receiving money instead of love… then being human will take second priority every time

    38. To the cost of lost human potential and creativity, the cost in loss of choice and diversity, the cost in global environmental destruction, in saddling future generations with the horrific problems of pollution, landfills, polluted groundwater, toxic waste that cannot be recycled, the cost of future recycling, waste cleanup, the cost of all the gradual environmental degradation which takes years to be noticed, the cost of the poverty and misery of billions of human souls, the cost of comfort-addicted arrogance, smugness, the cost of the total indifference and disconnect between the rich and the poor; just to name a few aspects that must be included into the cost of anything that is manufactured and sold on a mass basis in our capitalistic system

    39. What if every Capitalistic company, every business was forced by Law to become ecologically responsible? What if anything you did not consume: you could bring back to where you got it: and they were forced by Law to accept it? What if every paint company was forced by Law to accept all of the returned, half-empty pant cans that consumers keep in their garages for years? What if every bottle of nail polish could be returned to, where you bought it? What if every retail store could send back every returned, half-empty, half-used, or unused product back to the factories that had originally spewed them out by the millions?

    40. But the issue of pollution is continually swept under the carpet and ignored since all large industries are subsidized on a massive scale through preferential legislation, through tax laws being written specifically for the benefit of the rich, through countless other ways… simply because it is the nature of the capitalistic beast to do so

    41. The idea of small independent communities was reversed into an attempt at world domination by centralized power through every subversive, sly underhanded lying tactic possible… including trying to overpower all of the other capitalistic superpowers with an even worse brands of military dictatorship than the West supported… The result is today, the word; communism instead of representing the idea of small self-sufficient communities represents everything that is corrupt and vile

    42. In that case; the Capitalistic system is the greatest thing ever invented by modern humans… Even though it concentrates more wealth into less hands than all the combined Empires and Kingdoms of 12,000 years of Civilized History

    43. But these stories are never ever published or reported on except for a very rare scandal when something is so enormously illegal that it cannot be covered up or swept under the rug… Or when a huge financial bubble bursts… when investors lose billions and the board of directors manage to skip off with barely a reprimand? Why is whistle-blowing so incredibly rare in capitalistic economies…? Because secrecy is the unspoken ethical way that people do business

    44. How can you expect people working together in any business to even like each other: when the basis of the business itself comes from the meanest selfishness possible? Capitalistic Culture sells the idea that you can become happy by being selfish

    45. Secretly and cunningly taking control over the machinery of capitalistic power at their centralized source, when they were first being invented during the Industrial Revolution… until all the national banks of Europe were actually privately owned banks: a little-known fact which has been kept conveniently kept from the masses for over 100 years

    46. This ethical corruption is universal throughout all capitalistic economies; it is rampant throughout the world of business

    47. And what has this insane superstition created? The moral-ethical-spiritual plague of lotteries and gambling; exploding all over America and the Capitalistic World

    48. They now rule it as capitalistic warlords

    49. Now they have been given back their God Given Right to be a mass of poor peasants… forbidden to enter their own rich capitalistic cities

    50. And reinstate a Capitalistic system of hardship… of civilized poverty and ignorance?

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