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    Use "colorless" em uma frase

    colorless frases de exemplo


    1. His eyes found the culprit and she was every bit as unpleasant as he had feared; cavernous dripping allergy prone nose, mounds of shapeless, colorless, big New England hair, and a body so laden with fat that only the bare outline of a human form could be seen beneath

    2. The dull, colorless, empty feeling brought on by the absence of yaag hadn't bothered her during the later part of the camping trip as much as it had before Desa made Alan share his body with her, but the quest for a buzz was still there and the presence of a keg was irresistible

    3. It is colorless without adherents

    4. The dull and colorless void could burst with color

    5. The walls were colorless, like

    6. The aircraft was black, colorless, and blended into the backdrop of the

    7. She was solidly in her mid-twenties, strikingly pretty, with her honey-highlighted brown curls spilling across her pillow even though her olive skin was unnaturally colorless under sedation

    8. was fairly colorless, a bland and uninspiring man that conservatives in his own party distrusted

    9. The priest nodded silently and produced a bottle of colorless liquid from behind a stack of thick books, scribbled papers and ragged notebooks

    10. The grass was strangely colorless and withered beneath her feet and even the sky seemed pale and sad

    11. My life is exactly how it has always been prior to Brandon, so why did it seem colorless all of a sudden? What disturbed me the most was that there seemed to be no end in sight

    12. he was allowed, but in his heart of hearts he knew the colorless

    13. called to teach the colorless, lifeless people how to enter the

    14. The materials used were designed to vaporize and release the colorless, odorless gas without causing any contamination to the environment

    15. His colorless office is on top of the Hampton building in Santa Monica overlooking the Pacific

    16. I couldn’t return to that colorless, heartless world of Town and Society, and I most certainly couldn’t watch him with his mistress on his arm, or maybe even, now, his wife

    17. She wore an oversized housedress that exposed only her forearms and her legs from the knees down, four limbs the size of winter bark tree trunks, blanched and colorless but for the small tributaries of blue vein lining their surface

    18. Then she just stared at it as it changed back to colorless

    19. It took her a moment longer to realize that there was something colorless but shimmering around her

    20. Her face was colorless, her eyes wide with terror

    21. From them dripped a colorless liquid that he instinctively knew was death

    22. Listening to you at times is like reading an old English novel, drab and colorless

    23. The black of the night was glazed with gray as the moon refused to be totally colorless

    24. La Follette was a great choice between what some called two colorless, time-serving political straddlers

    25. Her skin was leathery, her teeth decayed, her hair faded and colorless, and her look frightened

    26. At the end of three months his hair was ashen, his old waxed mustache poured down beside his colorless lips, but, on the other hand, his eyes were once more the burning coals that had startled those who had seen him born and that in other days had made chairs rock with a simple glance

    27. That victory, along with other actions that were initiated during the following months, drew the colorless José Arcadio Segundo out of his anonymity, for people had been accustomed to say that he was only good for filling up the town with French whores

    28. Her skin was colorless

    29. • When painting water, remember that water is colorless, its color is from what surrounds it

    30. The melancholy of the moment brought the memories of her family, and she found reminiscing, ‘Could there have been a better couple than them that ever parented? But how do we their children fare? Suguna and her husband are a contented lot, living within their limitations, one might call them colorless, but of what avail is all the color in life, if it can’t provide a shade of happiness to it! Well

    31. ‘What about Sathyam?’ thought Prasad, looking for ways to bring about Roopa’s fall? ‘He’s one of those colorless characters, without a conviction to name, and lo, the society labels such as good-natured! While their manner derives its means from the lack of exposure, their signature is not sourced in a strong character either

    32. Gu Yihong white teeth began to bite her colorless lips and her tears

    33. would be if everything was bland and colorless and boring? I thought about how much

    34. colorless poison in the world

    35. “John, you said?” she asked, staring at their colorless complexions

    36. “It’s a colorless gas emitted from high-voltage electricity

    37. Aazuria knelt on the carpet before her father’s frozen tomb, staring up into his colorless face

    38. with herhusband; rather a colorless figure in Los intereses

    39. It's most common form is a colorless chemical compound with the formula

    40. “Of course, errors are not good for a chess game, but errors are unavoidable and in any case, a game without any errors, or as they say 'flawless game' is colorless

    41. colorless, placid man and quickly got used to the ever-lengthening chain of lovers

    42. Her skin was clammy and her face was colorless, the heku overfed

    43. like how her lips were colorless or the bland color of the green in her

    44. Who, then, can wonder that a Christianity so diminished in its forces both to win and to appall, so pale and so colorless, naturally maintains a doubtful fight with the stiff-necked pagans of Asia? Is there not required a doctrine that commends itself more cogently to the reason and to the conscience of men, of the teachers as well as the taught, to their imagination not less than to their affections,—a love so real, so tender and intelligible—a terror so soul-subduing, so near at hand, and so appreciably just,—as to shake if it cannot vanquish the stoutest resistance of the heathen;—a hope of speedy victory to the Church, sufficient to restore the death-daring energies of the first century, and a courage founded on overpowering conviction which would engage in closer conflict with Eastern Buddhism, and the stolid positivism of Confucius? That 'throneless king,’ as the Chinese call him, would soon, I trust in God, lose much of his, opposing power, before a Savior preached as if He were the very JESUS of the gospels, 'coming again quickly’ to be the Lord of the world

    45. The Kamaks live on a permafrosted island, barren and colorless, where it’s easy to

    46. He slowly looked at me with his colorless eyes

    47. I closed the lids to his colorless eyes

    48. Darker than the colorless beards of old men,

    49. She was the only colorless thing in this whole house

    50. Colorless and dead

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    Sinônimos para "colorless"

    colorless colourless pale neutral uncoloured uncolored <i>[US]</i> bleached toneless transparent white clear pallid lacklustre lackluster <i>[US]</i> lifeless dull ashen lustreless lusterless <i>[US]</i> uninspired flat prosaic characterless prosy nondescript same banal uninteresting