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    cordell hull frases de exemplo

    cordell hull

    1. Secretary of State Cordell Hull and Assistant Secretary for Latin American Affairs Sumner Wells formulated the Good Neighbor Policy with Roosevelt and carried it out

    2. Roosevelt, Cordell Hull, and Sumner Wells were all determined to change that

    3. Secretary of State Cordell Hull and Secretary of War Henry Stimson entered the Oval Office and took the seats offered by the President

    4. Cordell Hull shook his head in bewilderment at those words

    5. Cordell Hull, stung by such open criticism of his handling of foreign affairs, had however little arguments to oppose Stimson’s views: whether he liked it or not, Nancy Laplante seemed to have all the aces in her deck of cards at the moment

    6. Looking down from the visitors’ gallery at the rows of desks and seats facing the elevated bench to be occupied by the chairperson, Murrow could see representatives from all the countries of Europe, plus observers from other countries that had been concerned with the war in Europe, including the American Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, and his aides

    7. Eden, Menzies and Nancy sat in a sofa forming a �U� with two other sofas in which already sat Secretary of War Stimson, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, Vice-President Henry Wallace, Presidential Counselor Harry Hopkins and the chiefs of staff of the Army, Navy, Army Air Corps and of the Marine Corps, plus Admiral Leahy, the President�s chief of staff

    8. Roosevelt, visibly frustrated, looked first at Secretary of State Cordell Hull

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