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    Use "eyebrow" em uma frase

    eyebrow frases de exemplo


    1. The only part of Jorma that continued that thread of the conversation was his eyebrow, his voice asked, "Do you miss your beach?"

    2. Ackers raised an eyebrow at his one word response

    3. He raises an eyebrow at me doubtfully but, all the same, picks up his car keys and makes for the door

    4. John raises an eyebrow, shakes his head, looks at his watch

    5. If she was Brazilian, the cock of her head and lift of her eyebrow would put her birth about 1000' above Guanabara bay on a steep hillcrest with two armed men outside her door

    6. ” He turned to Kate and raised his eyebrow

    7. ' He cocked a sorcerer's eyebrow, and with the fleeting smile of one who knows, stood back for me to pass

    8. “And the female… is she really that good?” Naria raised her eyebrow and tilted her head coyly, “she certainly seems to have impressed you

    9. By this time, Alastair has noticed that his son is deep in conversation with Katie and cocks an eyebrow at me

    10. The shopkeeper raised an eyebrow

    11. “Is that a threat,” she said coyly raising an eyebrow, “or a promise?”

    12. Dave glances across at me and raises an eyebrow, his lips are twitching

    13. drink with another smile and a raised eyebrow, which Tom took to

    14. He cocks an eyebrow at me but I shake my head

    15. The clerk commented only with an eyebrow and began to lay out the certificates from various programs she had completed

    16. his son, raising an eyebrow

    17. Kulai had seen Ava’s look also and questioned her with an eyebrow

    18. Bram glanced at his father, who raised an eyebrow

    19. the rag out of my hand, and touched up the area directly over my left eyebrow

    20. ” Harry began, and Chloe glanced quickly to Kaitlyn with a cocked eyebrow, as if questioning Harry's sudden accent

    21. She raises an eyebrow at me, ‘Life in the old girl, yet then, Anna!’

    22. Desa the teacher looked at him with a raised eyebrow

    23. raised an eyebrow at his colleague and nodded

    24. Soissons cocked his head and raised an eyebrow -

    25. “Hmm, my sense of Justice suggests that evil is afoot!” Justice said, raising an eyebrow

    26. Justice raised an eyebrow for a second and smirked as the ineffectual blasts struck him

    27. eyebrow hung loose over his eye, the space between his nostrils was absent, and

    28. He leaned out, laying a trembling hand on the shoulder of Theodorous who shrugged at his touch, arching a gray eyebrow in his direction

    29. They couldn't talk to each other about it, but Alan told her that Glenelle had said the same thing to him with the flick of an eyebrow

    30. With her eyebrow she replied that she believed none of it

    31. Alan's eyebrow agreed with hers on that

    32. Praegon’s raised eyebrow made it clear he meant that they were catamites

    33. Adros looked down at Brontes, arching an eyebrow

    34. “Why do you have a first aid kit if you are a witch?” He winced as I applied the hydrogen peroxide to his split eyebrow, and then lifted one side of his mouth to smile

    35. I raised an eyebrow, just one

    36. For all of his charms, he would still more often be met with a single raised eyebrow and a dismissive sigh as the mark pushed past him

    37. Even Zarko raised an eyebrow – this was even bigger than his suite at home!

    38. As soon as Ralof raised an eyebrow the other blond Nord caught himself, realizing that what he knew could prove disastrous for the young woman if the knowledge traveled much further beyond him and his aging companion in bonds that night

    39. As the last fell and clinked to the solid ground, Penelope raised an eyebrow

    40. “Buh…what?” Brynjolf stammered, one eyebrow sharply raised and his normally level mouth a tad crooked from confusion and drink

    41. With that admission, Carius raised an eyebrow

    42. Zarko raised an eyebrow as he looked at Arioch

    43. “You mean those who survived the siege? And that has you excited?” he asked, raising an eyebrow

    44. "Come again?" he raised one eyebrow

    45. The Elf glanced at the contraption, raised an eyebrow toward Song; “And this is a joystick for

    46. Following her question, Rikke’s comparatively pensive glance was met with a raised eyebrow from the general, who stood nearby with his arms crossed in typical fashion

    47. My eyebrow rose in surprise and amusement for the briefest of seconds before Seth snapped, "Watch your mouth

    48. He just cocked an eyebrow at me and I had to bite my tongue

    49. "And you didn't think that was need-to-know info?" he asked, raising his eyebrow again

    50. I cocked an eyebrow, staring up at him incredulously

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    Sinônimos para "eyebrow"

    brow eyebrow supercilium