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    forenoon frases de exemplo


    1. And quicken, in all righteousness, the morrow and its mystery that soars upon the Sun’s ascent when I will take a forenoon walk

    2. He faded slowly out of view, as did the ball still in my hand, then waved to Us from my front door as We commenced Our forenoon walk

    3. In the forenoon and early afternoon it appeared more like a public reception for Jesus than a wedding

    4. On this crucial forenoon they each sought to find God, and each endeavored to cheer and strengthen the other, and they returned to Jesus as he had bidden them

    5. Andrew divided the multitude and assigned the preachers for the forenoon and afternoon assemblies; after the evening meal Jesus talked with the twelve

    6. The first week Jesus mingled with them between their forenoon, afternoon, and evening sessions

    7. The apostles all did their share in teaching groups of evangelists each forenoon, and both teachers and pupils taught the people during the afternoons

    8. 1 THE story of the cure of Amos, the Kheresa lunatic, had already reached Bethsaida and Capernaum, so that a great crowd was waiting for Jesus when his boat landed that Tuesday forenoon

    9. 2 It was late forenoon on this Wednesday when the apostles assembled in Celsus' garden for their noontime meal

    10. 3 But they, with all of their believing friends, were greatly puzzled by the message which the runner brought back Tuesday forenoon when he reached Bethany

    11. 1 On the forenoon of Monday, March 13, Jesus and his twelve apostles took final leave of the Pella encampment, starting south on their tour of the cities of southern Perea, where Abner's associates were at work

    12. Throughout the forenoon the various groups had had an opportunity to question Jesus; this afternoon no one asked him a question

    13. Although Jesus delivered other discourses to the apostles during the early evening hours of the day, this talk of Thursday forenoon was his farewell address to the combined camp group of apostles and chosen disciples, both Jews and gentiles

    14. 1 Not many of the Master's hearers were able to take in even a part of his forenoon address

    15. Some of these Jewish believers were beginning to sense that earth's greatest tragedy was about to take place, but they could not reconcile such an impending disaster with either the Master's cheerfully indifferent personal attitude or his forenoon discourse, wherein he repeatedly alluded to the future transactions of the heavenly kingdom, extending over vast stretches of time and embracing relations with many and successive temporal kingdoms on earth

    16. He knew that this was not only the forenoon of preparation for the Passover, but that this day, being Friday, was also the preparation day for the Jewish Sabbath of rest and worship

    17. David soon discovered that none of Jesus' followers were looking for him to return so soon from the grave; therefore did he say little about his belief and nothing about the mobilization of all his messenger force on early Sunday morning except to the runners who had been dispatched on Friday forenoon to distant cities and believer centers

    18. During the forenoon he had little to say, but all afternoon he asked questions of the other apostles

    19. appearance of the beast before the people in the forenoon and

    20. It was still forenoon when a large group of men and women, with their camels, goats and donkeys, crossed paths with us

    21. As we entered Seleucia in the forenoon people were busy, for they trekked in every direction, but seemed to have purpose

    22. Consequently it was not until the forenoon that I sauntered around to the Chemistry Building

    23. Early the following forenoon an urgent message came to Kennedy from Carton to meet him at his office

    24. Looking in at the shop-windows of Broadway the whole forenoon,

    25. Soft forenoon airs that blow from the south-west,

    26. One forenoon the she-bird crouch'd not on the nest,

    27. Or watch honey-bees busy around the hive of a summer forenoon,

    28. The red squaw staid all the forenoon, and toward the middle of the

    29. Again the forenoon purple of the hills,

    30. O forenoon purple of the hills, before I close, of you!

    31. Jennings, were to have taken their mother by surprise on the following forenoon

    32. "So be it, then," replied the count, and extending his hand towards a calendar, suspended near the chimney-piece, he said, "to-day is the 21st of February;" and drawing out his watch, the 21st of May at the same hour in the forenoon

    33. You must know that every Saturday forenoon I ride on my bicycle to Farnham Station in order to get the 12

    34. It was in the forenoon, between eleven and twelve

    35. He furnished me with a plan of the house, and he told me that in the forenoon the study was always empty, as the secretary was employed up here

    36. Nobody went to the church in the forenoon; but when I had returned home from the shore, several of the council met at my house to confer anent the desolation, and it was concerted among us, at my suggestion, that there should be a meeting of the inhabitants called by the magistrates, for the next day, in order to take the public compassion with the tear in the eye—which was accordingly done by Mr Pittle himself from the pulpit, with a few judicious words on the heavy dispensation

    37. It was in the early forenoon of the next day that we made the great departure

    38. Early in the forenoon parties of jaded men began to straggle into the village, but the strongest of the citizens continued searching

    39. The forenoon was a dreary time, but at noon the solicitor came, Mr

    40. They set out early in the forenoon, some on horseback, the rest in carriages; I witnessed both the departure and the return

    41. The forenoon traffic on the highway increased, salesmen in shiny coupés with the insignia of their companies painted on the doors, red and white gasoline trucks dragging clinking chains behind them, great square-doored vans from wholesale grocery houses, delivering produce

    42. That little port—the crippled ship's hospital—has seen many a strange sight come in from the sea, but never a more astounding spectacle than that which the Arizona presented the Sunday forenoon she entered there

    43. You must know that every Saturday forenoon I ride on my bicycle to Farnham Station, in order to get the 12:22 to town

    44. Believing that I had come too far to the north and west, I turned back in a southeasterly direction, passing during the forenoon several other large cities, but none resembling the description which Kantos Kan had given me of Helium

    45. After hoeing, or perhaps reading and writing, in the forenoon, I usually bathed again in the pond, swimming across one of its coves for a stint, and washed the dust of labor from my person, or smoothed out the last wrinkle which study had made, and for the afternoon was absolutely free

    46. I have spent many an hour, when I was younger, floating over its surface as the zephyr willed, having paddled my boat to the middle, and lying on my back across the seats, in a summer forenoon, dreaming awake, until I was aroused by the boat touching the sand, and I arose to see what shore my fates had impelled me to; days when idleness was the most attractive and productive industry

    47. Many a forenoon have I stolen away, preferring to spend thus the most valued part of the day; for I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days, and spent them lavishly; nor do I regret that I did not waste more of them in the workshop or the teacher's desk

    48. It was in the winter, and he had been getting out ice in the forenoon, and had resolved that in the afternoon, with the aid of his neighbors, he would take out the old yellow pine

    49. So the little impudent fellow would waste many an ear in a forenoon; till at last, seizing some longer and plumper one, considerably bigger than himself, and skilfully balancing it, he would set out with it to the woods, like a tiger with a buffalo, by the same zig-zag course and frequent pauses, scratching along with it as if it were too heavy for him and falling all the while, making its fall a diagonal between a perpendicular and horizontal, being determined to put it through at any rate;—a singularly frivolous and whimsical fellow;—and so he would get off with it to where he lived, perhaps carry it to the top of a pine tree forty or fifty rods distant, and I would afterwards find the cobs strewn about the woods in various directions

    50. It was one of those less lowering, but still grey and gloomy enough mornings of the transition, when with a fair wind the ship was rushing through the water with a vindictive sort of leaping and melancholy rapidity, that as I mounted to the deck at the call of the forenoon watch, so soon as I levelled my glance towards the taffrail, foreboding shivers ran over me

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    forenoon morn morning morning time