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    1. “For that you chose extermination? You prefer genocide and suicide to supporting the Life Principles? This is wrong! I was not included in the vote

    2. Such devastation, wanton massacre, sick genocide

    3. Some experts are talking about genocide against white farmers in South Africa, but that is outside the scope of this book

    4. What happened and is happening to the law abiding white Zimbabwean farmers being violently chased of their farms which they bought legally is nothing short of genocide and will be seen in history one day for what it is

    5. Ford's indifference to genocide deserves to be remembered as at least among the two worse things he did as president

    6. There were other men who potentially could have easily been presidents who would have prevented the US conquest of Mexico, and thus California Indian genocide

    7. For a president who did delay both the conquest and genocide, turn to Section Eight on Van Buren

    8. For a president who could have prevented permanently the conquest of Mexico and thus California Indian genocide, turn to Section Nine on Willie Mangum

    9. But most blame for Haiti's early woes goes to the French, especially the genocide carried out by Napoleon's army

    10. What: The genocide of the slave trade and slavery, central to the American economy from colonial times until it was abolished in steps

    11. No one president shares the majority of the blame for slavery or the slave trade, thus this entry was placed at the end of the section on ignoring genocide

    12. argues this war constituted genocide

    13. In such an atmosphere, where many Americans even called for genocide, the murder of every last Japanese as revenge for Pearl Harbor, it is appalling but not surprising there were few objections to targeting Japanese civilians

    14. ) In such an atmosphere, where many Americans even called for genocide, the murder of every last Japanese as revenge for Pearl Harbor, it is appalling but not surprising there were few objections to targeting Japanese civilians by the A-bomb's use

    15. Had a different man been president, the atrocities of the war could have been avoided, as well as genocide in California

    16. In Guatemala, for example, an officer guilty of genocide became president

    17. The west was not nearly as violent as portrayed on film (except in violence done against Natives, where Hollywood has yet to depict such genocide accurately

    18. ” The memory of Vietnam prevented Reagan from a direct US invasion of Latin America, but not from intervening in El Salvador's civil war, a campaign of state terrorism in Nicaragua, and collaborating with outright genocide in Guatemala

    19. The Body Count: Genocide against Natives in all of the Americas killed between 75 million to 112 million American Indians out of a total population of 125 to 140 million in 1492

    20. ) Nearly half of those massacres were in California, which was a clear case of genocide

    21. ) Besides the California Indian genocide, which three US presidents deliberately ignored, what role did US presidents play in these other massacres, as well as in biological warfare and wiping out the buffalo and other starvation tactics?

    22. Did the US government, or any American president, have an official genocide policy? No, but this does not mean much

    23. There is no piece of paper where Hitler ordered the extermination of Jews either, but he was still guilty of genocide

    24. One is denial, wanting to blame most deaths on accidental disease, wanting to blame Natives themselves, assuming this was ordinary warfare, or even justifying conquest and genocide as inevitable, as best for American progress

    25. ) Many presidents were indifferent, as in the California Indian genocide

    26. This began a long civil war that, with Reagan's complicity, turned into outright genocide in the 1980s

    27. In terms of just how destructive these invasions were, no other president comes close to Reagan, with two campaigns of state terrorism and one complicity with genocide, plus one direct invasion

    28. He also ordered a crash program in 1950 to develop the H-bomb, thousands of times more powerful than the A-bomb, in spite of opposition from scientists who argued it had no military use and could only be a weapon of genocide against civilians

    29. ) It even led to his turning a blind eye to genocide by the French army during the Haitian Revolution

    30. What: By his principled opposition to slavery (though he felt bound by the Constitution's recognition of it) Van Buren delayed both a war of aggression with Mexico to expand slavery and the genocide of California Indians that followed

    31. Genocide against California Indians killed 120,000 to 300,000

    32. In doing so, Van Buren also unintentionally helped delay a genocide in California

    33. Though overall what happened to Natives clearly was genocide, it was not persistent unceasing atrocities

    34. As for Alta California, without it under US control, California Indian genocide is greatly limited

    35. They will still suffer atrocities and land loss, but not genocide as under the US

    36. Holbrooke was sent to press Indonesian dictator Suharto about the genocide he carried out in East Timor

    37. These four nations all share in common that supposed genocide against whites looms large in the imaginations and fears of white racists, white supremacists, and other whites with persecution complexes

    38. But to claim that any of the violence that happened constituted anything close to genocide against whites is false

    39. The slave trade was itself genocide, killing tens of millions

    40. That genocide led to the most successful slave revolt in history

    41. ) The French slave owners' attempt to crush that revolt led to a second genocide, killing 170,000 more Haitians

    42. But to claim this massacre was genocide is false

    43. Left out from the claims of “white genocide” is, first, that it was a revolt against the conquerors, not a race, and second, the fact that it failed utterly

    44. This is one of the least known acts of genocide in American history

    45. In the end, UN war crimes trials only convicted Serbian war criminals for genocide for one massacre, at Srebenica

    46. The debate over genocide has centered over two main questions: Were all civilians targeted or not? Were other sides in the war equally guilty?

    47. Numerous political leaders called the mass killings genocide, including President GW Bush and his Secretary of State Colin Powell on several occasions

    48. Some others declined to call it genocide

    49. Either way, it is definitely atrocities on a massive scale against noncombatants, which is both the UN and the dictionary definition of genocide

    50. The four of them sponsor the charity Not On Our Watch, which funds a spy satellite to monitor for evidence of genocide

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    Sinônimos para "genocide"

    genocide race murder racial extermination death homicide