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    Use "ground beef" em uma frase

    ground beef frases de exemplo

    ground beef

    1. For example, if you buy 5 pounds of ground beef; separate it out into 5

    2. ” Doc put two cans of spaghetti and ground beef into one of the wash basins that he had filled with hot water

    3. Add pizza sauce to ground beef

    4. Cook ground beef and onion in well-seasoned 11 to 12-inch heavy skillet with heat-proof handle

    5. In a skillet, brown the Lean Ground Beef

    6. In no time, it seemed, the cabbage had been cored and tossed into boiling water to blanch, and Betty was put to work dicing and slicing and mixing, turning up her nose at first about sliming around in ground beef, eggs and onion, but soon with no more concern than the guts testers at Halloween

    7. I mentioned in chapter 1 that you can use ground turkey in place of ground beef in the recipe for chili

    8. I added it to a macaroni and ground beef casserole and the addition only improved the flavor

    9. Double fisting on Lamachuns, a poor man’s ground beef pizza which cost nothing and tasted sumblime, we ambled around the square by the hotel and on to Edirne’s most famous landmark, a wrestling ring, the contests held there attracting perverts from all over the Balkans

    10. Attach Instructions: Brown 1 pound ground beef or stew beef in a little olive oil

    11. “Five cases of beer, fourteen bags of chips, three pounds of ground beef, three packs of hot dogs, buns, ribs, corn on the cob, chairs…” On he went, counting off rations that would make standing armies jealous, then he and his friends started the long process of loading their RV with the supplies until the last bag of ice went into the cooler

    12. • You can replace ground beef with ground turkey meat; cut out pork products from your diet and add more seafood to your diet

    13. still imports beef, albeit mostly a lower-value grass-fed product that later gets turned into ground beef

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