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    Use "idiotic" em uma frase

    idiotic frases de exemplo


    1. Of all the detrimental, idiotic and ill-conceived advice in the world, and there is much advice in the world that is detrimental, idiotic, and ill-conceived, perhaps the most detrimental, idiotic and ill-conceived advice in the world is to

    2. The phrase, to count your blessings, can therefore quite confidently be confirmed as a useless adage, yet it has somehow managed to survive the test of time, even though the advice in question is most clearly totally detrimental, totally idiotic and totally ill-conceived

    3. It is so detrimental, idiotic and ill-conceived that it is simply baffling to think that it has survived for so long without anybody stepping forth to question it, 'it' being the advice, the advice in this case being the advice to 'count your blessings', a phrase which simply means to check your privilege and look at how lucky you are, even though the advice does nothing to stop your current trouble

    4. my chest, returned to the car with a kind of idiotic smile

    5. I had shocked her, of course, with such an idiotic

    6. idiotic things for the rest of your life

    7. “But…how did it allegedly happen anyway? From this idiotic faux-conflict? Even I’d have pity for the poor fool if he’s laying in some icy Nordic trench somewhere in this hinterland

    8. The Nationalists used the same idiotic circle argument: Yes Mandela, we will release you tomorrow morning but on condition that you agree to the following things, which we know you cannot and will not accept, you being an honourable man

    9. Shooting someone from far away means that you "sniped” him, according the idiotic lawyers who had no idea about what a sniper really is and gained their knowledge from TV, or from movies

    10. Many longhaired liberals became lawyers so that they could astonish everyone by asking senseless and idiotic questions

    11. Some idiotic members of the public did indeed lay such charges against us which we had to defend in court

    12. Now Mr Kruger is late and I do not speak ill of the departed but I wonder, what did he think would the understanding be of those words by the young constables trying their best to contain the situation he and his mates in parliament created with their idiotic laws? Did they also decide to that killing black activists leaves them cold?

    13. There was no need for Operation Savannah and it was only done because John Vorster wanted to play with his idiotic détente policy

    14. The more fear is created by the idiotic newspapers the more followers they get which is to your disadvantage

    15. He must think I’m pretty humorous, she thought staring at herself: he’s probably up there right now, laughing at my idiotic letter

    16. “That’s nonsense! Even ministers would find that assumption idiotic! At best! Master Olom would have you scrubbing the horses for a week for even pondering such a connection! I do mean, scrubbing! Flayed brush and murky water for a week! Grooming a horse is no occupation for an aspiring Curator, mind you! And especially the horses’ parts where

    17. His mind raced with the possibility that this man had indeed been mad from the beginning and had somehow made a journey of thousands of miles only to offer himself as sacrifice or something equally idiotic like killing himself because he had sinned

    18. Usually, when people are messing with the brain’s neurotransmitters, they think they are getting these great insights that end up seeming pretty idiotic when they come back to reality

    19. I can’t imagine you making such idiotic tactical choices

    20. Ryota grinned at Yurie, and she gave him the same idiotic stare as Karina had

    21. “That will never happen” he noted how Max looked tired, he was fading, “your fading, does this mean, your unfinished buisness is done, now your idiotic notion of saving Jasmin is shattered?” a leer of his inward crultey spilling out in his voice

    22. “How could she have been so utterly idiotic” Elizabeth mused “wait, scratch that out, we’ve all met her!”

    23. the idiotic boot this Comm Unit was trying to pawn off on her [see below]

    24. pass the BMQ if her feet were so bad because of the idiotic “grossly oversized

    25. But what about ‘bow’ and arrow? This idiotic concept of spelling has been

    26. Even the thought of something so out of character and idiotic made her cringe with embarrassment

    27. I was a whore; a fool for leaving London; a slut for jerking off to please a couple of perverted well-heeled wankers; idiotic to think I could concoct a dance off the top of my head for a group of art cognoscenti; trash for consenting to jerk off for an audience next week

    28. His acceptance that he wasn’t evil for being gay had already transformed him, so there was no point in pandering to idiotic religious brainwashing about nudity

    29. Women then began to imagine they were too good for mere housework, and idiotic males infected with Victorian pseudo medieval crap about the sensitivity, nobility, and mystery of women have allowed them to act like spoiled princesses, demanding their husbands provide more and more luxuries; insisting that a real man would give his wife her every desire

    30. finally when he realized what she meant a smile, that any other time he would consider idiotic, appeared

    31. through the strands of his greasy hair with this idiotic lopsided

    32. Apart from the idiotic driver who thinks he can beep you out of the way” said Penny

    33. War has always been idiotic and that will never change

    34. Granted, Rude does not normally do the absolutely idiotic things normally that Reno typically does when he's angry, but it's still not the safest situation and one I would have preferred to avoid

    35. As for guys they really don�t care about petty things like that, except of course if the stakes are high, then guys start doing some really scary and at times rather idiotic of things

    36. Not only that but he’d had his idiotic mistake pointed to him by someone that he

    37. When they did, it was with big idiotic grins on their faces and smashing hangovers

    38. Damn! I should have stayed in the frontlines, in the Pacific: I’m no good at letting such idiotic bull go by without calling it for what it is

    39. It was almost as if he wasn’t quite sure he was ready to relay this new bit of information to the idiotic pinion sitting in front of him

    40. “That inscription ceremony is idiotic and not appropriate

    41. that idiotic man is not with them that therefore I want him to be the cook

    42. a stupid, idiotic, moronic, (get the point?) 2nd-rate flick, it had a mostly unknown cast headed by Woody Harrelson, who’s mostly known for being able to replicate Larry Flynt, the “Hustler” creep

    43. It was idiotic, but she couldn’t help herself

    44. The last time he’d tried something so idiotic, he was four years old

    45. The pack of them being idiotic about that wretched Job

    46. She had been amazingly idiotic to run out of the room, and surely quite mad to run out of the house

    47. It was senseless, illogical, idiotic, fanciful

    48. The idiotic, apparently merit-obsessed,

    49. He could see a rather idiotic expression on her face

    50. I don't know who first came up with this idiotic idea, but, according to Andy, sea-fishing is so "Alaskan" that I had to give it a try

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    Sinônimos para "idiotic"

    idiotic imbecile imbecilic crackbrained absurd cockeyed derisory laughable ludicrous nonsensical preposterous ridiculous