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    impositions frases de exemplo


    1. {See Memoires concernant les Droits et Impositions en Europe, tome i

    2. In the capitation of the provinces, it is observed by the perfectly well informed author of the Memoirs upon the Impositions in France, the proportion which falls upon the nobility, and upon those whose privileges exempt them from the taille, is the least considerable

    3. We have suffered a long train of abuses again, and in the murder of a peaceful president by those who followed, with horrendous impositions upon the people for their money and their lives, in foreign wars that presented no immediate danger to the security of the Untied States, for the imposition of a financially reprobate government that does not spend within its limits, for the imposition of a private national media that supports this intolerable situation and dumbs down the news, for the elections that bring forth only candidates supported by big money, and for corporate world businesses that act to destroy the health of the land, the rivers, the sea, and the air, and ignore the suffering of the growing numbers of poor people they create thru their greed and neglect

    4. � When we feel seen and treated as an end in ourselves, we no longer feel as vulnerable to the aggressions and impositions of the world and the people within it

    5. Cruncher, "it's you I have got a old grudge again, is it, with your shameful impositions upon tradesmen!

    6. If these impositions are submitted to, I pronounce your liberties gone—irretrievably lost—a blot made in the American political character, never to be obliterated

    7. Is it to be supposed that the people of the United States will agree to this? Are they reduced to that situation, that they will become the vassals of a foreign power—for what? Why, sir, for the prosecution of a trade with that foreign power, who, if her present impositions be submitted to, may cut up our trade in any manner she pleases; for, through our trade, she will raise a revenue to almost an equal amount with the value of your whole produce carried hence

    8. It was impossible that the mercantile or agricultural interests of the United States, which on the question of a right to the direct trade could never be separated, could submit to such impositions

    9. The exclusions, restrictions, impositions, and confiscations, so permanent in the commercial code (and practice) of Napoleon, had inspired our merchants with a due portion of caution, how they ventured their property into the power of a Government actuated by no liberal principle, and bound by no faith

    10. Speaker, that it is in the nature of tyrannical or despotical Governments to take arbitrary strides; yet, sir, I do believe that the impositions and oppressions heaped upon the American Government; the evils under which we at this time labor, are measurably, if not entirely, attributable to the party hostility arrayed against the Administration

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