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    Use "insecticide" em uma frase

    insecticide frases de exemplo


    1. "You think it's simple to get these things? I can't write prescriptions like an allopath or osteo! Same thing with insecticide

    2. He drank insecticide by accident

    3. ‘No one drinks insecticide by accident! Especially not Murray! I told you something was going to happen

    4. ‘A hell of a mess! Stuff off the shelves, the insecticide open on its side spilling onto the floor, bloody dangerous fumes

    5. Every night on her way back from her bath Meme would find a desperate Fernanda killing butterflies with an insecticide bomb

    6. She put the few articles of clothing that were still usable out into the sun, she drove the cockroaches off with powerful insecticide attacks, she scratched out the veins that the termites had made on doors and windows and asphyxiated the ants in their anthills with quicklime

    7. For good measure she poured some insecticide powder over and around the straw mattress before laying down on her bedroll

    8. More women wielding chainsaws were systematically cutting down dozens of coconut trees to clear deep, wide lanes in the jungle, while other women wearing masks and backpack tanks went around, spraying insecticide all over the place

    9. One group experimented to see if it was medicinal, herbicide, insecticide, or just a dead end

    10. He claimed that the defendant had some sort of insecticide that could destroy the locusts but he did not give it to anyone else or advise the government about it so it could be produced for all the farmers to use

    11. There definitely is a difference in eating insecticide and pesticide free, grass-fed, hormone free meat as opposed to regular meat from cows that are given hormones and antibiotics

    12. Using an organic insecticide will help you eliminate the problem

    13. It infected them: all that insecticide and bright green fertilizer was settling into the grooves of his lungs and his brain

    14. But after the second anisette, the Doctor thought he heard Fermina Daza’s voice at the other end of the patio, and his imagination went after her, followed her through the night that had just descended in the house as she lit the lights in the corridor, fumigated the bedrooms with the insecticide bomb, uncovered the pot of soup on the stove, which she was going to share that night with her father, the two of them alone at the table, she not raising her eyes, not tasting the soup, not breaking the rancorous spell, until he was forced to give in and ask her to forgive his severity that afternoon

    15. She survived the nights because of the river breeze that came in through the open windows, and she frightened off the mosquitoes with a towel because the insecticide bomb was useless when the boat was anchored

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    Sinônimos para "insecticide"

    insect powder insecticide poison aerosol bomb