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    kbit frases de exemplo


    1. Psalms: 15:3: He that backbites not with his tongue or doeth evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against

    2. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them

    3. 3 He who backbites not with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbour, nor takes up a reproach against his neighbour

    4. Psa 15:3 He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour

    5. And their followers are called Sorrow Wickedness Wantonness Anger Falsehood Folly Backbiting Hatred

    6. When his sword, Backbiter, met Thalia's shield, a ball of lightning erupted between them, frying the air with yellow tendrils of power

    7. The blade bent, but it was of unbreakable Akbitanan steel

    8. envy and backbite behind her back

    9. You get a lot of broken relationships in a church, and get conflict and backbiting, and talking, very soon it's an unhealthy atmosphere, and people are not attracted

    10. That is, when those sinners return to their families and friends, they return delighted at backbiting the believers

    11. It’s called protecting your ass by constantly actively backbiting and backstabbing everyone and anyone you can the instant you get a chance to do some harm

    12. Now in business… almost everyone who works at a job, or is higher than the lowest worker: has become adept at backstabbing, backbiting, and all the other ploys that have replaced older forms of racism and hate

    13. You can afford to ignore slander and criticism and backbiting against you, for God’s promise is that He Himself will defend His servants against such attacks

    14. ' At the poor man people only throw a hasty glance; on the rich man they fix their eyes; and if the said rich man was once on a time poor, it is then there is the sneering and the tattle and spite of backbiters; and in the streets here they swarm as thick as bees

    15. "He won't know how to shiver in a week or two," said Hawkbit, with his mouth full

    16. He could see Hawkbit running toward him now chased Hawkbit through the long grass, forgetting the quarrel of the previous and two or three of the others -- Silver, Dandelion and Pipkin

    17. "Wait till we get him up here! Fiver-rah!" "Where's Hawkbit?" said Dandelion suddenly

    18. Although the light was still clear, Hawkbit was not to be seen anywhere on the upland

    19. " As they went over the bank they met Speedwell and Hawkbit returning

    20. The wind and the prospect of action excited him and he spent some time with Dandelion, Hawkbit and Speedwell, pretending to be a cat and encouraging somewhat clouded him, recovered as he watched them tussling over the grass and them to attack him as realistically as they could

    21. It was Hawkbit who found the little yard

    22. with Speedwell here and Hawkbit, can get these two rabbits back to the warren?

    23. He muttered something about Hazel being too embleer clever by half, cuffed Hawkbit off a sow thistle he was nibbling

    24. As soon as he had sent out Speedwell and Hawkbit as sentries, he led Bigwig to one side

    25. The Efrafan does had never seen a river and it would certainly have been beyond Pipkin or Hawkbit to explain to them that they were on a boat

    26. "Here, wait a minute," said Hazel, pushing past Pipkin and Hawkbit as they stamping the place to pieces

    27. When it came to naysayers and backbiters, O’Neil simply invoked what we have labeled O’Neil’s Third Commandment, and that is that “You learn more from your enemies than you do from your friends

    28. And then a find like this 1 This was not a case of some old woman whispering in her ear, 6f tearful lamentations, of scheming and backbiting, there was a letter, an actual piece of writing, that is a positive proof of the treacherous design of his daughter, and of all those who had snatched him from her, and that, therefore, he must be saved even by flight, to her, to Anna Andreyevna, and must be married to her in twenty-four hours, otherwise he would be at once spirited away into a lunatic asylum

    29. He set them at loggerheads at one another, inventing and fostering spiteful backbiting and dissensions among them, and then laughed and rejoiced seeing how they were ready to tear one another to pieces

    30. Then she grew up rickety and anæmic in fear of her crippled drunken father's crutch, in a Bedlam of domestic backbiting, eavesdropping and scolding

    31. Of course backbiting and slander ran their course, as without them the world could not get on, and millions of persons would perish of boredom, like flies

    32. “Be quiet, backbiter!” said Dolgorúkov

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