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    Use "kick in" em uma frase

    kick in frases de exemplo

    kick in

    1. He was still waiting for the hotel coffee to kick in

    2. Inspector Ditton gives his sidekick instructions and suggests that I might like to take my jacket off – commenting that it is quite warm in here

    3. As the drugs were starting to kick in she relaxed me with a Scientology technique to relax the nerves

    4. At those times when the vision of the fish is restricted, its other senses will kick in

    5. He gave the man a kick in his groin

    6. Well Wetat will feel a dark star going nova out here, and whatever reflexes it has evolved to deal with that should kick in

    7. The doctor hears the shower gurgle and kick in

    8. He thinks about giving the guy a kick in the nuts but decides that it wouldn’t be professional

    9. The police car turned off the main road into the lane leading to the barracks and Andy felt his nerves kick into action again

    10. Ken is caught momentarily off-guard, but years of practice, years of experience, kick in and he moves forward again with languid efficiency

    11. received a sharp kick in the stomach from the boat’s

    12. Then it struck him like a camel’s kick in the head

    13. The car lost control: the automated systems malfunctioned, reserve systems failed to kick in – according to the surviving telemetry box

    14. Another compounding of obsolescence, like a kick in the teeth for those early pioneers, mused Scott

    15. I brought the recticle onto his temple again and sighted in I held my breath and squeezed the trigger the butt gave me a small kick in the shoulder and I watched my bullet strike home

    16. But then the old spirit would kick in and I would place one foot in front of the other and carry on marching down the road not wanting to let my friends down

    17. door, and, after inspecting the hinges for a few moments, launched a heel kick into the maroon

    18. I read recently that he said America was not a great nation until 1965, when Lyndon Johnson"s entitlements began to kick in

    19. I thought oh my poor darling if only I had know I would have sent letters to you full of hope and love but I hadn’t and a tear slipped down my cheek again this was another kick in the balls for yours truly

    20. Finally he gave him a swift kick in the ribs, which had the desired effect

    21. The woman took the full force of his kick in the centre of her chest

    22. shoulder spun me around to receive a heavy kick in the lower

    23. Vernon’s verbal abuse hit as hard as had his earlier kick in

    24. Her training began to kick in

    25. Resting her hand against the large man’s shoulder for balance, she swung back her foot and with her full force delivered a powerful kick into the ‘V’ of her enemy’s widely opened crotch

    26. “It’s better than a kick in the ass

    27. “What other kind of bullet is there?” asked Trent, which was like a kick in the sternum to Sim

    28. She reached for it with a groan, the kick in her kidneys still sending pulses of pain throughout her body

    29. Both she and Nick felt he could do better, but they also felt he would probably “kick in” in earnest after another year of self-discovery

    30. marketing systems are rolling, the referral machine will kick into gear

    31. Larry, my downstairs neighbor, is hopping around on crutches waiting for Medicare to kick in so he can have a hip replacement in June

    32. and Coca-Cola and Philip Morris just suddenly decide that they are very interested in campaign reform and kick in some good old soft

    33. He seems to kick in time with

    34. I stabbed the morphine button and waited for bliss to kick in

    35. would not take a kick in the balls for the release of future deep

    36. “The turds upstairs would only kick in one millions dollars for this experiment

    37. pain as he received a hard kick in the chest

    38. “jump start”, apparently, because while it took another three hours for the drip to kick in it did

    39. The real costs kick in when you purchase a

    40. After a couple of days when the side effects start to kick in he explains what he has done and offers them positions in his organization on good salaries and conditions

    41. My mother was so pleased to hear from me finally that she offered to pay for my fare home regardless of whether the government was going to kick in or not

    42. quit, and maybe gave himself the kick in the hind end he needed to really go for it

    43. • You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you

    44. the desired response he sought, his temper would kick in and then

    45. Needs a kick in the cods!”

    46. You right yourself, kick in long strokes to power yourself back to fresh air

    47. She felt a kick in her stomach

    48. There had been a six foot wall a few hundred yards back, but I’d vaulted easily over it, the iron tablets I’d taken earlier starting to kick in

    49. Then the iron I had swallowed a few miles back began to kick in and I joyfully liberated the beast within me, and let its rage wrap around my soul and obliterate my anguish, like a dose of morphine that erases pain and leaves you feeling good

    50. How many times would we not have given ourselves a big kick in the backside? That which seems unpopular has become the current jargon! We could have taken the merit for it but we were afraid to talk outside the chorus

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